Chapter 142: The Trail of the Flying Star

Zhou Yi had just returned when Qin Xie bombarded him with questions.

"How's that stone statue? Any abnormalities? Or is there some secret unknown to others? Why didn't it escape capture by the Mechanical Knights? And why did it make that gesture at you..."

"I know you're eager, but try not to rush me."

Zhou Yi made a halting gesture.

The other party then contained himself.

Zhou Yi sat down on the sofa, twisted open a bottle of orange juice, took a couple of sweet sips, and then told him, "The Leshan Buddha is fine, it doesn't seem to mind those Mechanical Knights crawling all over it."

"The Leshan Buddha? Is that the name of the stone Alien?"


Zhou Yi counter-questioned, "It's recorded in the Dead Sea Documents, haven't you read them?"