Chapter 188 Desperate Machine

"You have to work hard, little Tai, only then will there be food to eat," his mother often admonished.

In Wang Tai's memory, she never had a moment to herself. She cleaned for the wealthy, polishing their floors spotless, wiping their windows crystal clear, and washing their clothes until they were squeaky clean. Everyone liked her a lot.

After his father died in the mines, his mother worked even harder.

Then one day, as she was scrubbing the floor, she suddenly collapsed and was unable to straighten her back again; she could only lay in bed.

The doctor said she had suffered nerve paralysis due to overwork, with severe damage throughout her body that was beyond recovery.

From that day on, his mother began a lengthy period of rest.

Wang Tai worked in the mines. In Steel Refining City, as long as one was willing to exert strength, a miner could always earn enough for a meal.