Chapter 8: Dark Golden Avenger

A dagger in the back...

A limp body falling...

A shattering sound followed by a metallic clink...

This described how Yolko had died, her body forever gone from the world of Sword Art Online. Kirito and I looked out the window at the spot where she fell, unable to see her no matter how much we wanted to. Our widened eyes immediately shot up as we checked our surroundings to find the suspected killer. It didn't take long for both of us to spot a cloaked hooded figure on one of the nearby rooftops. Once spotted, the hooded figure started to run away.

"There! Kirito let's go!"

Kirito looked back to Kiyo, Ashtry and Asuna, motioning them towards Schmitt who was shaken up after witnessing such a horrid scene.

Kirito- Keep an eye on him you three!

The two of us jumped out the window onto the rooftops below, despite hearing Asuna and Ashtry's attempts to halt us. It wouldn't take us long to catch up to the figure and start trailing the suspect. They reached into their cloak, which was responded by me and Kirito grabbing our weapons. It wasn't until they pulled out a teleport crystal that we realized they were moving to a different floor.

"Damn it! Kirito, they're going to teleport!"

Kirito took action and threw three needles towards his direction. What shocked us both was the needles were blocked by three purple hexagons, the figure not fazed at all.

Kirito- Where the hell do they think they're going?

"I don't know but we have to catch..."

I was interrupted by the town bell ringing; it's echoes surrounding the entire border of the safe zone. As the first chime subsided, the figure was gone without a trace. Me and Kirito slowed down to a halt, finally unable to follow the figure any longer.

Kirito- Shit...


We slowly made our way back to the inn Yolko was staying at. The entire time, both of us were asking ourselves different questions about the same case.

"How much you want to bet Asuna is going to yell at us?"

Kirito- Wouldn't surprise me honestly.

We entered the room and were immediately faced with an angry Asuna with her weapon drawn.

Asuna- You idiots! What's your problem?

"Well, my current problem is that you are yelling at us for no reason. You ever try anger management? Might suit you."

A small snicker left Ashtry as Kiyo ran up and hugged my leg. Asuna glared at us but withdrew her weapon back into its sheath, calming down.

Asuna- So? What happened?

"We lost them. They used a teleport crystal before we could catch up."

Kirito- I don't understand! The system is supposed to protect players inside of the inns. I thought, if anywhere, she would be safe in here. Isn't that how it's supposed to be Kazzu!?

"Yes. No matter what the circumstances, players should always be 100% safe in the inns. They won't even allow players to enter friendly duels in places like this, so her death makes no sense..."

Schmitt- That robe was Griselda's...

All of us turned our attention to the now trembling knight. His eyes were bulging, and his armor rattled with his shakes.

"I beg your pardon?"

Schmitt- That was Griselda's ghost! She's come back to get revenge on us! Think about it, only a ghost can player kill someone inside a safe zone.

"Not possible, the only ghosts in this game are enemies not players."

Besides, the only item that can revive a dead player is more than likely long gone by now.

Kirito- Agreed. That wasn't a ghost. Someone is using the system to kill. That's the only way these murders could've happened in a safe zone! I'm sure of it.

I thought about that statement. It was possible that my father could've altered the system to allow safe zone murders but then that would make him more of a coward for making the game more unfair than it already was. It is also possible that the killer could be finding tiny flaws in the programing to be able to pull this off, but I made sure that everything was intact before the server launch. It doesn't make sense.

Ashtry- Why don't we take a break? Let's take some time to process and figure out what's going on.

Kiyo- Good idea Miss Ashtry. Besides, I'm hungry.

We all agreed to head to the small park in town. The night sky reflecting in the fountain nearby, the streetlamps giving us a nice field of view. We all took a seat on some nearby benches.

Asuna- I'm not sure what to think. Was that black robed figure Griselda's ghost? After seeing two people die mysteriously, I'm starting to think it's possible.

Ashtry- Did you not hear a word of what Kazzu said? There's no way that Griselda turned into a ghost. Once a player dies, that's it.

Asuna- And when did you start believing in Kazzu?

Ashtry- Since the fact that he is one of the strongest players in the game and is also the co-creator? Just a guess.

Asuna- Alright I get it.

Kirito- Yea, that definitely wasn't a ghost. I'd bet my life on it.

"Then you'll be happy to know that you live another day."

Kirito- Besides, why would a ghost need a teleport crystal?

"Teleport crystal... huh..."

Asuna- What is it?

Ashtry- Figure something out?

"No... it's nothing."

Ashtry gave me a look of disbelief. I shook it off as nothing as my thoughts kept building in my head. Asuna then opened her inventory and pulled out a wrapped item, presenting it to Kirito.

Kirito- Oh, is that for me?

Asuna- Well what do you think I'm doing with it? Showing it off? Are you going to take it or what?

Kirito- Oh ok, thanks.

He grabbed her item and unwrapped its contents, revealing a nicely prepared sandwich.

Asuna- You better eat it fast before it disappears. Its durability is almost down to zero.

"What? None for me and my kid?"

Asuna- I only had enough for me and Kirito. Sorry...

Ashtry- Don't worry, I gathered some stuff in town and made food for us. Here, one for you and Kiyo.

Kiyo- Food!

She handed me and Kiyo a similarly wrapped item. When we unwrapped it, we saw the same sandwich only with more ingredients added onto it. Kiyo wasted no time digging in.

Kiyo- Thank you Miss Ashtry!

Ashtry- You're welcome sweetie.

I looked at the differences between my sandwich and Kirito's. Ashtry noticed this and lightly poked my side.

Ashtry- Hey, I didn't poison it you know.

"Yea, I know it's just... bulkier than how Asuna made it. You used more ingredients, meaning your cooking skill is lower than Asuna's. Am I correct?"

Ashtry- That would be correct. It's not really a skill I've invested in, but I try my best with what I can get. What's even funnier is that when I first started hanging out with Asuna, she stated she didn't come into this world just to eat good food.

Kirito- That's exactly what she said to me!

Asuna- Shut up! Both of you!

That earned a laugh from her peers. Deciding not to waste another moment, I took a bite right out of the middle of the sandwich. My tastebuds instantly cheered for joy at the smallest touch of the sandwich's contents. It was warm but not soggy, crunchy but not stale, and a little bit of a spicy kick to it.

"Holy hell this is delicious."

Ashtry- Why thank you.

Her smile sent shivers down my spine, butterflies in my stomach and a warm rush to my cheeks. I shifted my head so she wouldn't notice and continued to eat.

Kirito- So where did you two find the time to pick this skill up?

Asuna- I had a feeling we wouldn't have time for lunch today, so this morning I packed one.

Kirito- I've got to admit, for one of the seconds in command to the Knights of the Blood Oath, you rock. If you're looking for a second career, you'd make a killing selling these.

His nervous chuckles were answered with her foot stomping the ground. His startled reaction caused him to drop his sandwich. Luckily for him, I caught it for him.

Kiyo- Oh papa... your sandwich...

Looking down, I saw my own meal sprawled out on the ground for a second before it shattered. Kirito grabbed his and looked at me apologetically.

Kirito- Sorry about that. You can have mine if you want.

"No... it's ok... I wasn't really hungry anyway..."

I was really hungry but the sandwich shattering on the ground gave me an idea for this case.

We didn't see anything. We just thought we did.

"Kirito, Asuna. I think I may have figured out this whole thing."

Ashtry- Well don't keep us in suspense. Lay it out master sleuth.

"Yolko and Caynz didn't die. They're alive."

Asuna- They're alive!?

Ashtry- That's what he just said Asuna.

"Inside safe zones, a player's HP doesn't deplete on its own, but the durability of an object does. Just like the sandwiches."

Asuna- What?

Ashtry- That makes sense.

"That day, the spear was sticking out of Caynz's armor. It wasn't draining his HP though, only the durability of his armor."

Asuna- But then, his body didn't shatter it was...

"Yep, just his armor nothing else. And at the precise moment that his armor durability expired, Caynz's used a teleport crystal to teleport out of his armor. It looks a lot like what happens when a player dies inside the game, only he didn't die."

Asuna- But then, what about Yolko?

"The knife was rigged to her back the whole time. She had it all planned out."

Asuna- But we would've seen it.

"Only if she turned around. Remember, she never turned her back to us even once. She kept an eye on her equipment's durability while she was talking. When it got down to zero, all she had to do was act like she was hit by a dagger thrown from outside the window."

Asuna- Then who was the person in the black robe you two chased?

Ashtry- We can rule out Grimlock because he never showed his face once.

"Caynz on the other hand is a different story. Yolko and Caynz were in on it together. They figured out how to use this method to fake their own deaths. Getting people to believe they were murdered in a safe zone was a calculated twist."

Ashtry- One we fell for hook, line and sinker.

Asuna- Everything they did was to draw out the person responsible for Griselda's murder and expose them. The only way they could do that is by faking their own deaths and creating an illusionary avenger.

Kirito- Schmitt was the person they had picked for it. Probably since the beginning. Hey Asuna, you still have Yolko on your friends list, don't you?

Asuna opened her friend's list and sure enough, Yolko's name was entered, and her location was revealed.

Asuna- She's in a field on Floor 19. It looks like she's on a small hill just outside of town.

Kirito- So that's it then. I guess they can handle it from here. I mean, our job is pretty much done now wouldn't you all agree? We ended up playing right into Yolko's hands. You know what? I don't really mind it. Klein would pull this type of prank back in the guild.

Ashtry- If Klein is pulling pranks that involve thinking someone is dead then you guys seriously need better material for pranks.

Asuna- So a question for Kirito, Kazzu and Kiyo.


Kiyo- Listening.

Kirito- What's up?

Asuna- If you were in that guild and a super rare item like that dropped, what would you three have done?

Kirito- Oh I don't know. My guild kind of steers clear from discussions like that. We usually hold onto items like that until we desperately need it or need funds for better gear.

Kiyo- I wouldn't mind starting a jewelry box. I feel like I would've kept the ring just to keep it for the simple pleasures that most girls have in the real world. What about you Papa?

"Well, I'm not sure. I might have kept the ring in case I needed the boost but the reason why me and Kiyo are solo is so we don't have to deal with discussions like that."

Asuna- Well in our guild, the one who got the kill gets the item. Those are the rules we have to play by.

Ashtry- Though there have been some players in our guild who like to kill steal. Bastards.

"Those players are the worst."

Asuna- You guys know that if a person gets a drop, no one knows unless that player reports it. That way, no one can hoard stuff since we worked out who gets what ahead of time. Also, the rules our guild play by gives the concept of marriage in this world a real meaning.

Ashtry- Oh boy here she goes again.

Asuna- Think about it, if you marry you have to share your item storage. If you're single, you can hide whatever you want but when your married you can't hide it anymore. I think sharing storage with the person you're married to is highly pragmatic. At the same time, I think it's very romantic.

"You need a better understanding of romance Asuna."

Ashtry- And what would the solo player know of romance?

"Better than finding shared storage to be romantic."

Ashtry- Fair enough.

Kiyo- I want to get married...

"Wait until you're older Kiyo."

Kirito- Hey um... So how many times have you and Ashtry been married anyway, Asuna?

"Rest in peace."

Kirito- What do you...?

Both Ashtry and Asuna grabbed a nearby fork and pointed it towards Kirito, who regretted his word choice and started to panic.

Kirito- Wait I didn't mean that! That came out wrong! You were talking about how it was romantic and plastic and...

Kiyo- Miss Asuna is angry!

"Tsundere mode activate."

Ashtry- Brace for impact, idiot.

Asuna- I did not say that you ass! What I said is that it's romantic and pragmatic. For your information the word pragmatic means practical, my god.

Kirito- You think marriage in SAO is practical?

Asuna- Of course! If you're married everything is out in the open, you know? Because of common storage.

My eyes widen at her statement. 

That's it!

"God! How could I have been so stupid? Of course that makes sense!"

Asuna- What?

Kiyo- What is it Papa?

Ashtry- Super sleuth has another solution.

"Ok so say your spouse dies, what would happen to the items? Item storage is shared with a married couple, so when one person dies what would happen to their stuff?"

Asuna- If you're talking about Griselda and Grimlock...

Ashtry- No, he was talking about you and Kirito.

Asuna- S-shut up Ash!

Ashtry- Love you too.

"If one of them died, everything would've gone to the surviving spouse."

Asuna- If everything goes to the spouse, that means the ring in Griselda's storage...

"Is sitting in Grimlock's storage, not the killers. It's been there this whole time."

Asuna- It was never stolen in the first place.

"No... it was... Who's to say that Grimlock wanted the ring despite agreeing to sell it? It sounds awful, but Grimlock might have killed her or at the very least had her killed."

Asuna- No way...

Kiyo- That's awful...

Ashtry- So what do we do?

"I have a plan, but none of you will like it. Kirito and Asuna will find Yolko, Caynz and Schmitt while bringing Grimlock in to talk with them while Ashtry, Kiyo and I will investigate and see if it was Grimlock who killed her or instructed a red player to do it."

Asuna- Me and Kirito can get our job done, but how will you find out the truth?

"A certain rat might be able to help me."

After leaving the park to launch our operation, I sent a message to my "Rat" to have them meet me in ten minutes. Me, Ashtry and Kiyo waited in a nearby alley for the "Rat" to arrive.

Ashtry- So run me and Kiyo through your thought process. What information are you going to ask about?

"As your time as the Red Hunter, is there a guild that is explicitly for killing players? Even a small gathering of player ready to murder?"

Ashtry- Only one comes to mind, but they are a very recent guild.

"They are?"

Ashtry- They call themselves "Laughing Coffin". In the small amount of time since they've shown up, they've been known for their brutal tactics and countless victims. They formed the guild to be the Anti-Knights of the Blood Oath.

"How so?"

Ashtry- Remember our encounter with Rosalia? I mentioned that I was taking her to a special prison called "The Iron Prison". Laughing Coffin's big plan is to break those prisoners out and cause mass chaos across Aincrad.

Kiyo- That sound's scary... I don't want Meanie Rosalia to be free again.

Ashtry- None of us do Kiyo. So, if a contracted killer is behind this, Laughing Coffin would be our best bet.

?- So, you three are going after the killer guild huh?

The three of us turned around to see Argo, smile on her face, leaning against the wall. Kiyo ran and gave her a hug while I gave her a smile back.

"Thanks for coming to see us. I'll make sure it's worth your time."

Argo- I know you will. Any information on Laughing Coffin is very expensive on account that it could cost me my life. You owe me big time, all of you.

"Alright, can we get this over with?"

Argo- Fine. What do you want to know?

Ashtry- Laughing Coffin's whereabouts at this moment. Do you know where they are heading? Any plans for the day?

Argo- Well they did mention something about two players just standing in a field on Floor 19. They said they were going to take advantage of their frozen states and clearing the board of any witnesses.

"That's where Asuna said Yolko and Caynz were!"

Ashtry- Do you know how many Argo?

Argo- Three. Just a small party, but against casual green players, they're a threat.

Ashtry- I'll inform Asuna and Kirito. We need to get there quickly!

"Thank you, Argo. How much do I owe you?"

Argo gave me a small smile and playfully punched my arm.

Argo- I'll put it on your tab. Just go save some more lives for me ok Kaz?

I looked at the "Rat" shocked but mirrored her smile into my own. I gave her a nod and bent down towards Kiyo.

"Remember what I said about red players little cub?"

Kiyo- Do not attack them unless they attack me and only defend myself. Don't seek an open fight with them.

"Good girl. Now let's go!"

April 12, 2024

Floor 19: Cross Hill

The clear and star filled night was shrouded by grey clouds and heavy fog. In the center of the field stood one man, looking at a dead tree.

Schmitt- Griselda... The only way I can be saved now is if you forgive me...

Schmitt knelt down in front of the tree, next to a gravestone that was covered in moss and decaying with age.

Schmitt- I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me Griselda! I swear, I never thought this was going to happen! You have to believe me!

Silence filled the air for only a second, replaced by and eerie echoing female voice.

Echo- Oh really?

Schmitt shot up, sweat beading down his head in fear. The echo continued to surround the field saying the same phrase.

Echo- Oh really?

Schmitt turned his head back fast, feeling something approach him, only to be met with a small brown rabbit. Its beady eyes looked back into his before hopping away in a different direction. As Schmitt let out a sigh of relief, he turned back to the grave only to be met by a hooded figure towering over him. Schmitt pulled back and held both of his hands to his mouth, preventing him from screaming. The figure spoke down to him.

Figure- What did you do to me? Tell me Schmitt. Tell me what you did. Tell me now.

The figure pulled their cloak back and held a spear out for display. The spear being the very same Guilty Thorn that had impaled Caynz. Out of fear, Schmitt lowered his head.

Schmitt- Ok, ok! The day we voted to sell the ring; I looked at my belt pouch and there was a crystal and a note with instructions.

Another voice entered the conversation. This voice was deep, resembling a male. Schmitt looked up to see another hooded figure slowly inch their way towards the first.

Schmitt- Grimlock... You're dead too?

Figure #2- Tell me. I want to know who gave you those instructions!

Schmitt- I don't know! I swear I don't know! The note said for me to bind the crystal to Griselda's room at the inn she was staying at so whoever it was could get in. Then I had to put the crystal in the guild shared storage.

Figure #2- Then what?

Schmitt- That's all I did, I swear! I didn't want her to die! I didn't want to be part of that! Please! Believe me!

Silence once again filled the air as both figures said nothing. Schmitt said nothing. The fog started to clear when one of them spoke.

Figure- We recorded everything Schmitt.

Schmitt looked up at the two figures with confusion, only to find his former guild members Yolko and Caynz. Yolko holding a recording crystal in her hand while Caynz looked at Schmitt with disapproval.

Schmitt- You were... recording? So... that's how it is huh? You cared about what happened to Griselda after all.

Caynz- Of course we did. But you didn't betray her because you hated her, did you?

Schmitt- No! I didn't hate her! Honest! I mean, sure, I feel guilty for getting money for my part in it but the rare weapon I bought with it got me into the Holy Dragon Alliance so...

His words were cut off. A small knife was thrown into his shoulder, and he fell to the ground unable to move. Looking at his stats, next to his health bar, there was a small lightning symbol. He was paralyzed.

Schmitt- Paralysis?

Schmitt looked up to see a different cloaked figure bend down and look him in the eye. Their face was covered by a mask so he couldn't make out a face.

Cloaked Figure #1- One down.

Another cloaked figure made their way towards Yolko and Caynz, holding them at sword point while the third member walked out of hiding, a tattoo of an open coffin with a creepy smile emblazed on his hand.

Cloaked Figure #3- That's one hell of a catch! A big shot from the Holy Dragon Alliance.

Schmitt could only grit his teeth as he figured out who his attackers were.

Schmitt- Laughing Coffin. The murder guild.

Cloaked Figure #3- Alright. What game should we play with these three?

Cloaked Figure #1- Oh, I know! I know! Let's play the one where they have to kill each other! Last one standing wins!

Cloaked Figure #3- I know it's your favorite but the last time we did it you killed the winner anyway.

Cloaked Figure #1- Oh, come on! You spoiled it! It's no fun if they know they're going to die!

Cloaked Figure #3- Alright. Let's get this show on the road.

The third member walked over to the paralyzed soldier and pulled out his weapon: a black rectangular shaped blade. Before the red player could connect their weapon with their victim, a shield came flying out of nowhere knocking the weapon back.

Cloaked Figure #3- The hell?

Cloaked Figure #1- Where did that come from!?

"Looks like we made it just in time."

The three cloaked figured looked in my direction to see me and Kirito walking up and guarding Schmitt, Ashtry and Kiyo jumping down from another tree and guarding Yolko and Caynz.

Kirito- So now what losers? I got a guild of six coming this way.

"Plus, thirty members of the Assault Team including The Lightning Flash. Not only that but you are surrounded by The Black Swordsman, The Devil Daughter, The Dark Prince and The Red Hunter."

Ashtry- Any chance you three have in a fight right now are next to none!

Kiyo- Yea you big bullies!

Kirito- You going to stick around to fight them?

The four of us pulled out our weapons and stood our ground against the player killers. The third cloaked figure turned to Ashtry and chuckled.

Cloaked Figure #3- You're really just going to let us go Hunter?

Ashtry- I'm willing to make a parley for these people's lives.

The figure turned to face me; a smirk appeared on his face.

Cloaked Figure #3- And you... You should consider joining our ranks. A guy with like you with your status of fear will take us a long way.

"Never in a million years you cold hearted bastard."

After taking a few seconds more, the third figure snapped his fingers causing the other two to sheath their weapons.

Cloaked Figure #3- Come on...

As they walked by, we kept our weapons trained on them until they were out of sight. Everyone took a breath of relief and put their weapons away.

"You sure you won't get in trouble for that Ashtry?"

Ashtry- Don't worry. I'll more than likely find them again by the end of the week.

"Glad to hear it."

Ashtry- By the way, where's Asuna?

Kirito- On her way. Nice to see you two alive again Yolko.

Yolko- You won't believe me, but once it was over, I was going to tell you and the others the truth. I am sorry we had to trick you to help us out.

Schmitt- Kazzu... Thank you for saving me but... how did you figure it out? How did you know those three would attack us here?

"Do people here just forget that I helped create this game? That's how I was able to find you. As for you being attacked, I just asked a close friend of mine for information about their whereabouts. Nothing too serious."

Kirito- Hey Yolko, Caynz, level with me. You both asked Grimlock to make the spear and the knife, didn't you?

Yolko- We did but he was against our plan in the beginning. All he wanted was to let Griselda rest in peace.

Caynz- He did forge the weapons for us but only after we got down on our knees and begged him.

Kirito- Sorry, but he had a different reason for not liking your plan. Griselda had nothing to do with it.

Yolko- Huh?

Kirito- He was worried that faking player kills in a safe zone was going to draw a lot of attention. He didn't want to take the risk of someone snooping around looking for answers. We figured it out about half an hour ago.

Schmitt- It was Grimlock? So those were his instructions. Then he killed Griselda too.


Ashtry- Wrong again.

Kiyo- Strike two.

Kirito- I doubt he was the one who actually killed her.

"In fact, it was probably a member of Laughing Coffin. My friend gave me info that they were tracking you three so that they can "wipe the board clear of witnesses"."

Yolko- My god... but if he did have her killed, why go through all that trouble just to help us out?

Kirito- You explained your plan to in in detail, didn't you? Your plan was the perfect chance for him to bury the ring incident and any witnesses once and for all. All he would have to do is sit back and wait for you, Schmitt and Caynz to be together. You would be sitting ducks.

Schmitt- That's it. That's why... they knew we would be here because he hired them!

Ashtry- Bingo.

Kiyo- Was his name-o.

"The evidence given from my friend confirms that. It would've been carried out too if we hadn't shown up."

Kirito- My guess is it was the same bunch he had hired to kill Griselda.

Asuna- Hey! I found him!

We all looked in Asuna's direction to see a tall lanky man wearing a hat and glasses: Grimlock.

Kirito- If you want to know more, ask the man yourself.

Ashtry- It's not like he can go anywhere. We would catch him before he could make a step in the other direction.

Grimlock- Hello. Long time no see comrades.

Yolko- I can't believe it... Did you... did you really plan all of this? How could you Grimlock!? Answer me! Why did you kill Griselda!? Was it the money!? Was the money so important that you would kill your own wife over it!?

Grimlock- Money? Did you say money?

Ashtry- Yea... like two seconds ago...


Ashtry- Don't shush me.

Grimlock- It wasn't for the money. I just had to. No matter what I had to kill her while we were still in this world. I had to kill her while she was still my wife. And because she was also my wife in the real world.

Yolko, Schmitt and Caynz took a gasp at his revelation. The whole time they only believed they were spouses in Sword Art Online only. That was farther from the truth.

Grimlock- In a way, she was the perfect wife: ideal, so pretty, so submissive. The whole time we were together we never had a single fight. But when we were trapped in here, in this world, she changed. In here, I was the one who was afraid. Terrified of playing this death game. But she looked so much happier here... more alive than she ever did in the real world. There was nothing I could do about it. She changed! The Yuuko I knew was gone! GONE! But then I realized I didn't have to live with the way she was. Murder is a part of this game! If I couldn't have the Yuuko I loved back, I would settle for the memory of her and who could blame...

His voice was stopped by my fist slamming against his face, sending him down into the dirt. I gave him a look of utter disbelief and rage.

"You self-entitled dickhead! What gives you the right to kill Griselda because she changed!? That's the reason you killed her!?

"Grimlock- It's reason enough. Someday you'll understand too. Once you've found love, believe me, you'll do anything to keep it.

"You're wrong..."

Grimlock- Excuse me?

"I would never go as far as to kill my own wife just for the reason of change."

Grimlock- Then you know nothing of love!

"No... you know nothing about adaptation, about acceptance."

Everyone went silent. They were all eager to see where my statement led. As a sign of weakness, I lowered my guard and spoke what was deep within my heart.

"I did love someone once. She was scared, afraid of what this world had to offer. With all the horrors this game has presented, she wasn't ready to face those fears. At least not alone. It took her time to develop, with my help and her friends, she was able to at the very least stand her ground. I don't know what she was like in the real world, and I never will. My chances with her are gone because I was too afraid to show her the real me."

Kiyo- Papa...

Ashtry- Kazzu...

"Were we still together, I would've loved her no matter what. Even if she was different in the real world, I would've accepted her for who she is. Seeing people in different perspectives and embracing those differences is what helps make a relationship stronger. Learning as much as you can about each other help grow a bond between two people. You abandoned any and all love you had for Griselda when you rejected who she was in this world. You stopped loving her when you became selfish and possessive."

Grimlock's eyes went wide. He collapsed on his knees, realizing the truth to my words. Caynz and Schmitt walked over and picked him up off the ground.

Caynz- Thank you all for your help. We'll get him to a prison and leave the rest up to you.

"You sure?"

Ashtry- After this, you probably won't see him again.

Schmitt- Maybe that's the way it needs to be. Let us say our final goodbyes and he'll be in your hands.

Kirito- Ok.

As Caynz and Schmitt began to leave, Yolko turned to face us, bowing her head. We responded in the same manner. Unbeknownst to me, when I lifted my head back up, she had planted her lips against my cheek. A small blush creeped on my face as everyone started chuckling and giggling at my expression.

Yolko- What you said about relationships was very sweet. I hope you get to meet that special someone and that your past mistakes can soon be healed.

"Thank you Yolko."

She quickly turned around and joined her friends, the sun rising behind the dead tree behind us.

Ashtry- Such a ladies man huh Kazzu?

"Shut up. I wasn't expecting her to do that."

Ashtry- Aw but your little blushing face is so cute!

"Stop it!"

Asuna- Hey Kirito? Say it was you, and you married someone. Later on, you discover a side to her that you never knew about. How would you feel?

Kirito- I guess that I was lucky. Because, I mean, if you marry someone that means you like whatever you know about them already, doesn't it? And if you discover something you didn't know about them before and fell in love with that too then that would be awesome.

Asuna- Right. Good answer. Anyway, I'm hungry after all of this.

Kiyo- Me too! We never really finished dinner.

"Oh yea... that's right..."

Ashtry- It's not your fault. You were busy being a super sleuth.

"Hardy har."

Asuna- We should also get back to work tomorrow. We've been off the front lines for two days.

"The front lines can handle things without us, but I do miss the action."

Kirito- Yea. I was hoping to have this floor clear by the end of this week.

Kiyo- With our powers combined, we could have it done by tomorrow!

Ashtry- I love that enthusiasm Kiyo.

We started making our way out of the field until a hand grabbed mine. I looked over and my eyes went wide.

Ashtry- Kazzu what's the hold...

Everyone turned to face me and gasped in shock. There, standing right in front of me and holding my hand, was Griselda. A player thought to have been dead was now standing in front of me with a smile on her face. I tried to tighten my grip, but it fazed through like air. When she tightened her grip on mine, however, I felt it.


Griselda- Thank you...

Just like that, she vanished in a smokescreen. My hand still extended as if to reach out for her. All that remained was the sun shining down on her grave.

Ashtry- Kazzu...

"I promise to give everyone who died in this game a second chance... I don't know how... But I will..."

A single tear fell down my face and found its way on Griselda's gravestone. A message appeared in front of me: "Ashtry is sending you a friend request. Accept?". I looked at her as she was staring at the tree.

Ashtry- It's only if you want to. We both are in short supply of friends, and I just thought it would be nice since we do see each other a lot on the Assault Team anyway.

The butterflies reappeared in my stomach. Another blush crawled its way to my face and, as I smiled, I grabbed Ashtry's hand, guided it towards the message and pressed "Accept". A blush appeared on her face as well as we smiled at each other.