Chapter 10: The Light of his Darkness

Deep within an uncharted dungeon, the sounds of metal clashing and voices of pained grunts could be heard. As the clashing metal screech echoed throughout the dungeon until a shattering was heard. An armored lizardman with a curved blade had just died to the hands of the Black Swordsman A.K.A. Kirito. Kirito looks back behind him in a worried manner. 

Kirito- Kazzu! Kiyo! Be careful with these guys!

Kiyo- Got it Mister Kirito! 

"No problem, Kirito!"

Me and Kiyo were focused on two other lizardmen. Both of which were very angry over the death of their comrade. They charged at the both of us, swinging their weapons down towards us. Instinctively, I raised my shield up. Upon hearing their weapons clang against my shield, Kiyo slid under me and slashed at the lizardman's legs. When they were knocked down, I readied a "Horizontal" sword skill and slashed both of them with enough force to shatter them with a single swipe. I took a deep breath and relaxed myself. Kiyo ran up to me and Kirito and started to cheer, a small smile appearing on my face. 

It's been almost two years since this game of death began... My father is out there somewhere, watching... I wonder what he is thinking right now.

Kirito- I think that's enough for today, don't you? 

Kiyo- Yea, can we go home Papa?

"Yes Kiyo. Let's get out of here." 

As we sheathed our weapons and started making our way towards the exit of the dungeon, I pulled up my menu and looked on my map. The entire map was scouted out only leaving one thing at the bottom of the maps border: "October 17, 2024. Floor 74: Dungeon." We made our way out and entered a luscious green forest area. I checked my inventory to see how much money I had, slowly lowering my smile after seeing the small amount.

Damn... A complete one eighty compared to when I first showed up. Looks like I'll have to find ingredients at the store and cook. 

A small squeak caught all of our attention. We looked around until Kirito tapped my shoulder and motioned me to follow his vision, which led to me and Kiyo targeting a small creature behind a log: "Ragout Rabbit".

"No way..." 

Kiyo- Are we going to kill the bunny?

Kirito- It's a really rare animal Kiyo. Its ingredients are S-Tier. 

Kiyo- Ok...

Upon seeing her saddened face, I knelt down and held her tight. She reciprocated with a small hug of her own. 

"I promise to make it up to you. I'll make you a feast fit for a queen."

Kiyo's face lit up as she giggled and placed a tiny kiss on my cheek. I smiled back, standing up and reaching for one of the throwing picks attached to my waist. Kirito had the same idea as he grabbed one of his own. I took aim, but not towards the rabbit. I threw the pick, which stuck itself on the tree trunk behind the rabbit, causing the little creature to panic and jump up in the air. Its eyes went wide in fear as Kirito threw his pick, a small squeal escaping the creature's mouth before shattering.

Kiyo- Poor bunny...

Kirito- Delicious meat... Besides... I know a guy we can sell this off to for some mad cash.

"We know the same guy dude. Just say his name..."

Kirito- Shut up...

October 17, 2024

Floor 50: Algade

Agil- No way...! This is an S-Class rare item! Holy crap, this is the first time I've ever seen one. 

Agil held his trembling finger over the supposed rare class item description which read: "Ragout Rabbit Meat". Me and Kirito leaned up on his desk while Kiyo wandered around his shop, intrigued at the poor-quality gear he was selling at expensive prices.

Agil- Hey you two, don't you have all the money that you need? I mean, I'll buy it but wouldn't you two rather have it for dinner? 

Kirito- Well sure but one: I'm not sure if I'll be able to get another one. Two: Kazzu blew most of his money on gear upgrades, so he's a bit broke.

"I would rather be broke than dead." 

Kirito- Amen to that brother.

We both shared a fist bump as I joined Kiyo in her sightseeing. 

Agil- So just keep it.

Kirito- What's the point? Look, to prepare an item like this, you need to have a high enough cooking skill. 

A small sigh escaped Agil, he crossed his arms in a defeated manner.

If only they knew... I can't tell them my secret... not yet at least... 

Agil- Yea, you right. If any of us try, we would just burn it?

Kirito- How's your cooking skill Kazzu? 

"I can prepare some food, but an S-Class item? Not a chance."

Kirito- Damn... 

?- Morning gentlemen and small child.

We all turned our attention towards the front door. Asuna, Ashtry and some other Knights of the Blood Oath male were standing there, the ladies presenting smiles towards us while the guy just gave us a blank stare.

Kirito widen his eyes in realization as he reached for Asuna's hands and clamped onto them. 

Kirito- I found my chef...

"Jesus Kirito no..." 

Ashtry- I could make a comment on how that's sexist but... you really won't find a better cook than Asuna.

Asuna- Um... what chef? 

The unidentified male cleared his throat at Kirito, who immediately removed his hands from Asuna and stepped back. I gave the male a glare, motioning him to take it easy. He did not acknowledge it as he focused his attention back to Asuna.

Kirito- Hey, Asuna's here. Seeing you in a dump like this is beyond weird. 

I rubbed my temple, cringing at Kirito's failure to act cool and smooth. Ashtry noticed the same thing as she let out a snicker.

Asuna- Oh save it! I came here to see if you were still alive. You three know it's almost time for the next boss raid. 

Ashtry- Asuna... they are our friends...


Kirito- If you wanted to check if I was alive, you could've just checked the friend's page.

Asuna- Whatever. Now I know you three are alive. Anyway, what are you up to? What's all of this about a chef? 

Kirito- Oh yea, that. I was wondering what your cooking skill level was.

Asuna- Totally maxed it out last week! 

Kirito- What!?

Agil- No way! 

"Impressive. Nice job Asuna."

Kiyo- Master Chef Asuna! 

Ashtry- Once again, I will state that she said, "I didn't come here just to eat good food.". Now here she is making the best meals in Aincrad.

Asuna- It's cool huh? 

Kirito- Well if you're that good, I need a favor.

Kirito opened his inventory and showed Asuna his winnings. Her shocked gasp reached everyone's ears. 

Asuna- No way! You got a Ragout Rabbit!?

Kirito- I'll trade you. All you have to do is cook it up for me and I'll let you have a little bite. 

Ashtry- You better be giving her half of that.

Asuna shot forward and grabbed Kirito by the collar of his coat. She pulled him close to her and made her intentions clear. 

Asuna- Half. Deal?

Kirito- Yea... deal. 

Asuna- Good.

Kirito- Sorry Agil, but you heard the lady, looks like I'm keeping it. 

Agil- Yea but you could at least let me taste it right? I thought we were tight man!

Kirito- I'll write a review on it, but only two pages I promise! 

With that, both Kirito and Asuna left the store. Leaving a defeated Agil and the unknown male behind. The unknown male looked at Ashtry and the door, confused as to where to go. Ashtry sighed and motioned towards the door.

Ashtry- I can handle myself Kuradeel. Go bother them if you're so worried. 

Kuradeel looked at me and Kiyo and gritted his teeth. He responded to Ashtry with a nod and left the store, pursuing Kirito and Asuna.

Ashtry- God... you think that the second in command and the Red Hunter wouldn't need a bodyguard... guess I'm the idiot for thinking that. 

"I was about to say. The hell would you two need him around for? Last I checked, Asuna is one of the fastest rapier users in the game while you make Player Killers piss themselves."

Ashtry- Because he found it improper for members of the guild to go around by themselves. We only have so many members, so Kuradeel was assigned to me and Asuna. Thank God he went after them. 

"I'll say. He looked like a stalker."

Agil- Damn Kazzu, that's cold. Haven't you heard to not judge a book by its cover? 

"Haven't you heard that I really don't care. I have my opinion of him just like he has his opinions on me and Kirito."

Agil- I guess so... 

Ashtry- Well since they were speaking about food, how about we head out to dinner?

Kiyo- Yes please! 

"Well, I would but..."

Ashtry- But...? 

"Well, I've been spending my money on upgrading my gear. Even though Lizbeth doesn't want to accept it, I would feel bad not giving her compensation."

Ashtry- So you're broke? 

"Realistically speaking, yes. I only have money for a few simple things."

Ashtry- Well then how about this: You pay for the ingredients, and I'll make it at my place. I may not be as good as Asuna, but I can still make some pretty good meals. 

Kiyo- Oh that sounds wonderful! Can we do it Papa please?

"If Ashtry is ok with it." 

Ashtry- It would be my pleasure my prince.

"Your prince?" 

Ashtry- I figured that you wouldn't like being called the Dark Prince by your friends so... I decided to just call you my prince...

I gave her a slight grin and leaned in closer. Her face turning redder than a tomato. 

"Oh really? Because it seems to me like you are making a confession."

She became really flustered. She held her hands up and backed away, her whole face flushed with crimson. 

Ashtry- It's not! I just... thought it was a cute nickname is all...

"Relax Ash. I was just joking." 

Ashtry- Jerk...

With that we said our goodbyes to Agil and left the shop. I decided to divert to a new conversation as we wandered the street. 

"So, what's the deal with Kirito and Asuna?"

Ashtry- I don't know, why don't you tell me what the deal is with Kirito. 

"What do you mean?"

Ashtry- I mean is he playing hard to get or is he really that dense? 

"I mean, this is the guy who hangs out with a bunch of nerds and a leader who believes in multiple instances of love at first sight."

Ashtry- Sounds like a fun crowd. 

"They actually are. Despite having no luck with women, they have fun and work well together."

Ashtry let out a little chuckle as we approached a food market. Taking a look at the stalls and checking my funds, I had a mental idea of what I should grab. 

"Watch Kiyo for a moment while I grab the ingredients?"

Ashtry- Consider it done. 

I gave her a nod and walked into the market. Ashtry took Kiyo to a nearby bench and sat down with her.

Ashtry- So... Kiyo... 

Kiyo- Yes Miss Ashtry?

Ashtry- Feel free to say no but... could you tell me anything about Kazzu? You've known him longer and I wanted to get to know him through someone else. 

Kiyo- Oh... well... Papa says not to tell anyone about ourselves because people could use that against us.

Ashtry- Sweetie, it's only me and you talking. You trust me, don't you? 

Kiyo- Of course Miss Ashtry but... I don't want to get in trouble.

Ashtry- If Kazzu wants to get mad at you revealing information, I'll take the blame for it ok? 

Kiyo- Well... ok... what would you like to know?

Ashtry- Well, since the first floor and that little run in with Titan's Hand, there must have been adventures that you and Kazzu went on. Could you tell me some of them? 

Kiyo- Well there was that one time when we first met where we went on a fetch quest to get free ice cream. The cave that we went to was so pretty that Papa wanted to build a small retreat home there.

Ashtry- Aw, that sounds awesome. I wonder if he'll take me to see it. 

Kiyo- There is also the time that we helped a girl named Silica revive her pet dragon while also dealing with Titan's Hand.

Ashtry- I was there for Titan's Hand, but I didn't know that you guys were reviving a dragon! Was it cute!? 

Kiyo- Super cute! It flew up and laid down on Papa's head. It was so adorable!

Ashtry- I wish I could've seen that. 

Kiyo- Oh and there was the time where me and papa were actually in a... Actually... Never mind...

Kiyo lowered her head in sadness. Ashtry reached over and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, comforting the girl. 

Ashtry- Are you ok? What's wrong?

Kiyo- Nothing it's just... one of our adventures ended on a really bad note... 

Ashtry- It's ok if you don't want to tell me.

Kiyo- It's not that I don't want to tell you Miss Ashtry. I just believe that Papa can tell that story in a way for you to understand... 

Ashtry slowly pulled the child into a hug, which Kiyo mimicked with her own. Her small sniffles escaping her lips as tears started to fall. Ashtry wiped them away with her thumb and gave Kiyo a bop on her nose, earning a small giggle. I returned shortly after with bags of food.

"Alright, I think this should be enough. Now where are we going?" 

Ashtry- Me and Asuna have separate homes on Floor 61. That's where we'll go.

"No problem. Let's..." 

I spotted Kuradeel out of the corner of my eye. He had an upset face which turned into hope as he spotted Ashtry. He approached us and stepped in-between us, blocking my eye contact with her.


Kuradeel- Thank goodness I found you Lady Ashtry. You must assist me. The second in command has just left with a very shady character.

Ashtry- Does this "shady character" wear all black and has a one-handed sword with no shield? 

Kuradeel- The very same!

Ashtry- Then I'm not worried about it. She's in good hands. 

Kuradeel- But Lady Ashtry...

Ashtry- Look Kuradeel, if she's doing something with Kirito that's their business. If she had told you to go home, then you better listen to her. I was actually in the middle of having some free time with my two friends here. 

Kuradeel looked down and saw the short child that was my daughter, hiding behind Ashtry's leg. Turning around, he looked me in the eyes and instantly grabbed the hilt of his sword. I didn't respond as I wasn't afraid of him.

Kuradeel- The Dark Prince! Step away from Lady Ashtry at once! 

"Are you for real?"

Ashtry- Kuradeel that is enough! Stand down! 

Ashtry walked in front of me with Kiyo in tow. She glared at the knight with a burning stare, telling him all she needed to say to him in silence. Kuradeel hesitated for a second but stood his ground.

Kuradeel- I'm afraid I can't do that Lady Ashtry. This boy is the son of Kayaba Akihiko, which means that he is also the enemy. 

Ashtry- Is that what you believe? Because if that's the case, how come he isn't slaughtering everyone in town? How come he helps us during boss raids? How come he takes the time to help those in need of his assistance instead of leaving them to die?

Kuradeel- Because he's trying to lower our guard! He wants us to believe he's good so that he could stab us in the back later. 

Ashtry- You are so far from the truth. I may not have been with him for long, but in the amount of time that I have spent with him I know that he's a good person. Comparing him to his father is judgmental.

Kuradeel- I'm sorry Lady Ashtry but I can't let you go home with the enemy. I insist that you stand by my side and take him down. 

Ashtry- I will never raise a blade to him or Kiyo. I would rather die than do such a thing. Plus, as much as I hate to admit it, I know that he could beat me easily. Not only is he stronger than Kirito and Asuna by three levels but he is one level stronger than me and thirteen levels stronger than you.

Kuradeel- Are you implying that I'm inferior to this piece of garbage? 

Ashtry- I'm stating the facts. He is stronger than the both of us and yet he is not using that strength to take us down. I am willing to trust my life with him, even if the world is against me.

My eyes went wide at that statement. She was willing to face the entire world of Aincrad for me. 

But why? What does she gain from sticking with me?

Kuradeel- Please Lady Ashtry, you shouldn't go with him. In the end the only one he'll care about is himself. Not even his own daughter will matter to him. 

"You want to say that again asshole!?"

I reached for my blade, but Ashtry reached her hand out to me, motioning me to stop and calm down. I nodded and stepped back, letting her handle the situation. 

Kuradeel- You can't expect anything good to come from scum like him.

Kiyo- Stop saying mean things about my Papa you bully! 

"Kiyo, it's ok. Let Ashtry handle it."

Kiyo puffed her cheeks and stayed quiet as Ashtry took a step towards Kuradeel, her eyes shifting from a light sage green color to an ice-cold blue. Kuradeel stepped back in shock. 

Ashtry- Listen here, as one of the second in commands and the Red Hunter, I am ordering you to go home. Do you understand me?

Kuradeel hesitated for a second, looking back at me and Kiyo. There was something in his eyes that I couldn't make out as he shifted his gaze back to Ashtry in a rush. He removed his hand from his blade and gave Ashtry a bow. 

Kuradeel- Understood Lady Ashtry. Please forgive me.

He took his leave and left us alone. Afterwards, Ashtry grabbed my hand and started leading me to the teleport gate, Kiyo holding my hand. 

Ashtry- I'm so sorry about that.

"It wasn't your fault... I'm not worried about it." 

October 17, 2024

Floor 61: Selmburg

We appeared in town as the sun was setting. The weird thing was that there wasn't a soul in sight. Most likely due to people wanting to get some sleep, but it was still unsettling. 

Kiyo- Whoa... Papa the sunset is so pretty...

"It sure is huh? Reminds me of the trees we used to sleep in on the lower floors." 

Ashtry- You guys sleep in trees?

Kiyo- Not only trees. We sometimes find alleyways and rooftops. 

Ashtry- Why don't you just buy a place to live?

"Because I didn't want people who want me dead to find out where me and Kiyo live and also, I now have no money to buy a place." 

Ashtry- Well who's the one who decided to blow it all on gear reinforcements?

"The smart player, that's who." 

Ashtry- Did you at least make Kiyo's gear stronger too?

"You think I wouldn't give my daughter the same amount of protection as I would myself? Of course I upgraded her gear." 

Kiyo- I even helped gather the materials for it.

"Anyway, I understand that Kuradeel is your bodyguard but... is he always that extreme? I mean I've seen people who want my head on a platter, but none have made a dramatic scene like that." 

Ashtry- He's just very overprotective. The guild requires all higher ups have an escort, but I find it to be very stupid. I personally think that lower players in the guild need the escorts more than us. They would need the protection more than we do.

"It just seems to me like your boss is terrible at making decisions." 

Ashtry- He is a brilliant strategist... when it comes to battles...

That earned a chuckle from me, which earned me a smile from Ashtry. 

Ashtry- We are almost there.

A few more minutes later and we had reached Ashtry's home. She unlocked the door and let us inside. 

Kiyo- Whoa...

Inside the building was a dining room leading into a kitchen area on the left, a living room area to the right leading to a master bedroom with a on suite bathroom. The decorations surrounding the house consisted of plants hanging from the corners of the walls and drawings that looked like real-world locations. I looked at one that looked like a sunset in Tokyo and was amazed at the detail. Each building had a glimmer hat reflected the suns gaze, the shade giving the painting a more realistic feel to it. 

"These pictures are amazing. Where did you find a painter who could make stuff like this?"

Ashtry- I didn't. I made those myself. 

Kiyo- Seriously!? Your drawings are so amazing!

"No kidding... Looking at this one makes me feel like I'm at home." 

Ashtry- Well, despite the fact that the house itself costed four million Col with furniture, I had a little money left over, so I decided to buy some artist supplies. One thing led to another, and I started making these drawings.

"Damn, they must pay you a lot in your guild." 

Ashtry- It's more loot gained from higher level enemies. Anyway, make yourselves comfortable you two. I'll take the ingredients and see what I can make.

Kiyo- Yes ma'am! 

I gave her a nod as she disappeared into the kitchen. I opened my inventory and froze as my finger lingered on my equipment. I haven't removed my equipment or my weapons for any circumstances unless it was to wash up. I never willingly left myself unprotected. I looked at Kiyo who was already down to her normal clothes, kicking her feet on one of the couches.

What's the deal Kazzu? Just relax... nothing bad is going to happen... 

I took a deep breath and unequipped my gear, leaving me in my standard clothes. My breath shook a little as I sat down next to Kiyo, wrapping an arm around her.

Kiyo- Four million Col... that's a lot of money Papa... 

"It sure is. I think Ashtry is a bank robber."

A small giggle left my daughter. She playfully punched my stomach and laid down on my lap. I took this opportunity and stroked her hair, causing her to slowly close her eyes. 

Kiyo- Papa... can I ask you something?

"Anything little cub." 

Kiyo- I was wondering... if you ever wanted to find me a mama...?

That question would've shocked most, but with me I understood. For two years since I adopted Kiyo, it's only been me and Kiyo. There was never a mother figure in her life. The reality made me sad. There should be a mother in Kiyo's life but... ever since the Moonlit Black Cats... I steered away from close attachments. 

"I... I don't know what to say little cub... It's not that I don't want to give you a mother figure but... I just haven't found the right person... I'm sorry..."

Kiyo- It's ok Papa... I understand... I'm not mad I just wondered if I'll ever have a whole family... However, I am happy for the family I have. 

She sat up and gave me a small kiss on the cheek, smiling at me. I gave her a smile back and kissed her on the forehead.

Ashtry- I see you two have made yourselves comfortable. 

I turned my head around and blushed at the sight before me. Ashtry was in a completely different outfit with her hair in a high ponytail. She was wearing a white t-shirt with a black zipped up hoodie, the top left side branded with a sword resting on a simple heart outline, along with light denim capris with the bottom rolled up and flat purple shoes. In short, she was the most beautiful person I had ever laid eyes on. I quickly averted my gaze as she motioned us towards the kitchen.

Ashtry- Since you picked out the ingredients, I'll leave it up to you on what we eat. It might not be S-Class royalty food, but I promise to make it as delicious as possible. 

"Well... if I were to take a shot at it, I would make curry with these ingredients. Think you can pull it off?"

Ashtry- Three bowls of random ingredient curry coming right up! 

Me and Kiyo sat and watched as Ashtry went to work. Her movements in the kitchen as smooth as her skill in battle. Each ingredient added to the mix felt like explosions of anticipated flavors, ready to jump into our mouths. It drove me and Kiyo to the point of practically drooling over food that wasn't even prepared yet. Ashtry giggled at our famished looks and continued prepping the food. While Kiyo continued to gaze at the food, my gaze turned to Ashtry herself. I had always seen the sassy, battle ready Assault Team member but now... I see a normal girl. Her personality shining with her choice of clothes and her change in posture. This was the real Ashtry... and yet...

Ashtry- Kazzu? You doing ok? Food's almost ready. 

"Oh uh... yea... sorry, I zoned out for a second."

Kiyo- Got your head in the clouds Papa? 


Ashtry raised her eyebrow at me but shrugged it off as the food was finally finished and presented to us in two separate bowls. Ashtry held her hands together in a pleading motion as we both took a spoonful of her curry and placed it in our mouths. Instantly, our tastebuds cried out in joy as a mixture of flavors hit our tongues. 

Kiyo- This is awesome!

"It's very good Ash. You combined the ingredients in such a unique way that I'm experiencing different flavors at once." 

Ashtry- Yes! I was worried you two wouldn't like it. I'm so glad you do!

She fixed herself a bowl and joined us. A while after the meal, we started to clean up while Kiyo went to the restroom. Ashtry nudged me, grabbing my attention. 

Ashtry- Can I ask you something?

"Sure, what's up?" 

Ashtry- Do you think that we can clear the game? Or a better question would be: Do you still want to clear the game?

"Of course I want to clear the game. I think we can do it. Why ask?" 

Ashtry- Well... It's just... I walk around different floors sometimes to clear my head after a mission. Each time I see the residents of each town; I see that they act like this world is their life now. It's like they don't want to leave.

"I know what you mean. People have adapted to this world's way of living. In a weird ironic way, me and my father accomplished what we set out to do." 

Ashtry- And that was?

"To give people a chance to escape reality and live in a new world. A second chance if you will. People in this game act differently than what they do in the real world, thus giving them a new life." 

Ashtry- I guess that makes sense... I'm totally different in the real world. I'm not as badass and I'm extremely nerdy.

"What's so bad about that? Did you forget that I'm just as nerdy as you?" 

Ashtry- No I haven't forgotten. I'm just saying, I think a lot of people would like me better in this world than in the real one.

I took a moment to process her words. It's true that I knew little to nothing about Ashtry in the real world. But something inside me wanted to know. I wanted to see her. 

"Then let's meet up."

Ashtry- What? 

"In the real world. When we clear the game, I want to meet up with you. I want to get to know who the real Ashtry is and be friends with you all over again."

Kiyo- Me too Miss Ashtry! 

A huge blush appeared on her face as she brushed her hair behind her ear. I responded with a small blush of my own as she smiled and looked me in the eyes.

Ashtry- Well then... I guess it's a date. I'm excited to see you in the real world Kazzu... 

"I am too Ashtry."

Kiyo let out a small yawn. I looked down at her to see her eyes were fighting to keep themselves open. I chuckled a little before standing up and lifting her into my arms. She held onto me as her eyes drifted closed. 

"I think that's our cue to get going."

Ashtry- Well it was nice to have you both join me for dinner. Perhaps we could do it again sometime? 

"That would be lovely Ash."

Ash helped me out the door and we said our goodbyes. I took a few steps away from her home and stood still, looking back at her only once and giving her a smile. 

October 18, 2024

Floor 74: Calmdet

Me, Kiyo and Kirito stood in front of the teleport gate in town, Kirito looking both tired and unamused. I nudged his side and gave him a smug grin. 

"What's wrong Kirito? You and Asuna have a little "fun" last night?"

Kirito- No! Nothing happened! She just made me a stew out of the rabbit I caught. 

"Relax, I was just messing with you. I hope that rabbit was worth it. Next time we find one, I'm taking the reward."

Kirito- Deal. So... did anything happen with you and Ashtry? 

A small blush appeared on my face as I turned my head away from the Black Swordsman. It was his turn to nudge and smile at me. I decided that telling him the truth wouldn't hurt.

"We had dinner at her place as well. She made us the closest thing to curry that she could, and it was amazing... and..." 

Kiyo- Papa promised to find Miss Ashtry in the real world and be her friend all over again!"


Kiyo- What!? It's true!

Kirito was having the time of his life, laughing at Kiyo's sudden outburst and my flustered reaction. I stayed quiet and puffed my cheeks out a little. It was true that I wanted to find her in real life. I wanted to find all of those that I have met in this game but with Ashtry... I wanted... more? At least I think I want more. 

Kirito- Alright, alright. Where are those two?

Right on cue, two females fell right on top of us. One of them landed on Kirito with her chest burying his face while the other landed in a position where she was straddling me. I looked over to Kirito to see that Asuna had landed on him. Which only meant... 

Ashtry- Um... I...

I looked up and saw Ashtry, her arms wrapped around my shoulders, straddling me with a concerned expression on her face. Simultaneously, we both started blushing hard and quickly distanced ourselves away from each other. 

Ashtry- Sorry, sorry, sorry!

"No, it's ok! I should've moved out of the way!" 

We were both interrupted when Kirito was sent flying across the ground, slamming into the teleport monument. We both turned to Asuna to see that she was holding her chest in defense and had a very similar blush to ours. I groaned in humiliation while Ashtry just chuckled.

Ashtry- Letting the boy cop a feel, Asuna? 

Asuna- No! He just started... you know...

"Kirito... the first thought you had when someone lands on top of you is to feel them up?" 

Kirito- Last I checked... Ashtry was straddling you.

Both me and Ashtry shut up immediately and looked away from each other. Kiyo started laughing at the very awkward situation in front of her. 

Kiyo- You all look like giant humanoid tomatoes! Your faces are so red!

Before we could say anything, another person started to teleport in. Asuna ran behind Kirito while Ashtry stood her ground, her face shifting to give off a deadpan glare. Me and Kirito looked at each other confused until Kuradeel stepped out of the teleport monument. He looked around for a second until he spotted the five of us, giving Ashtry and Asuna a serious glare. 

Kuradeel- Why are you two behaving like this? I am only following orders.

Ashtry- If my memory is correct, I ordered you to go home. 

Asuna- Same here!

Kuradeel- Please you two, let's go back to headquarters. 

Asuna- We won't! Especially not with you! And why were you lurking around my house in the morning huh!?

"Wait what?" 

Kiyo- Creepy...

Ashtry- You better have a good explanation. 

Kuradeel- You two have a bad habit of leaving without any warnings. So, for the past month, part of my mission has been to keep an eye on you both in Selmburg.

Asuna- What!? Who ordered this? It sure wasn't the commander! 

Ashtry- Cut the shit Kuradeel. I know you're lying.

Kuradeel- With all due respect, my mission is to guard the both of you no matter where you are including your own homes. 

Kiyo- Ew... that sounds so wrong!

Asuna- You idiot! 

Ashtry- You're only digging a deeper hole dumbass!

Kuradeel- I wish the both of you would be a bit more understanding about this. 

He walks closer to Asuna and Ashtry and grabs both of them by the wrists, dragging them along while the two women fight back against him.

Kuradeel- Now let's return to headquarters! 

Kuradeel is then stopped by two obstacles: Kirito holding onto his wrist and my blade aimed right at his throat. He looked down at me as I looked at him with a fire in my eyes.

Kirito- Sorry, but me and him are going to be borrowing your seconds in command for the day. You are just going to make do without them. 

"Now I suggest you unhand them both before things escalate further."

Kuradeel gritted his teeth as his grip on both women loosened, both of them getting to a safer distance from the supposed "guardian". 

Kirito- We'll take responsibility for their safety. Don't worry, it's not like we're going on a boss raid. You can go, they'll be fine with us.

"With all due respect, they are safer in our hands than they are in yours." 

Kuradeel- Insolent punks! Do you know who I am!? I am a member of the glorious Knights of the Blood Oath! Low level players like yourselves couldn't protect them!

Ashtry- Oh boy... 

"Like I've stated, they are safer in our hands. I'm pretty sure the child could protect these two better than you..."

Ashtry let out a small snicker as Kiyo gave Kuradeel a cocky grin while twirling her dagger in her hands. Kuradeel looked back at me and clenched his jaw. 

Kuradeel- You've got a big mouth. So, I'm going to give you a chance to prove just how tough you are!

A second later, a pop up appeared in front of me. I lowered my gaze at the menu: "Will you accept dual request? Opponent: Kuradeel. Type: 1 vs. 1.". 

I glanced back as Asuna for her approval. She responded with a small nod.

Kirito- Are you sure? 

Asuna- Don't worry. I'll tell the commander how this happened.

I turned my gaze to Ashtry and Kiyo. Kiyo gave me a thumbs up while Ashtry looked at me with a slightly worried expression. I gave her a smile. 

"I promised that I would meet you in the real world, right? To be your friend? That means I won't let people like him get away with this. Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Her worried expression turned to a slight smile. She nodded towards me and held her hand up to her chest as to tell me to be careful. I turned back to the dual request and accepted it without hesitation. A small timer appeared in the air and started counting down the seconds of one minute. 

Kuradeel- I am going to prove that, without a doubt, I am the only one who can protect the seconds in command!

"Please don't embarrass yourself any further and keep your mouth shut." 

Kuradeel grunted as he got into his battle stance. His weapon a two-handed sword, great for damage but leaves the player open for defense. His stance left most of his body open to any attack. This was going to be child's play. I was going to beat him without even damaging his avatar.

Random Bystander #1- Whoa check it out... 

Random Bystander #2- The Dark Prince is going to duel a guy from the Knights of the Blood Oath...

Random Bystander #3- This is going to be fun to watch... 

As the timer reached zero, both of us activated a sword skill and rushed towards each other. He swung his weapon down at me while I slashed upward. His blade was close to hitting my torso, his face molding into a wicked smile as if he had won the fight. At the last second, I shifted my body away from the blade and swung my own blade to connect with his sword. A cloud of steam filled the air for a second as we both skidded to opposite ends of each other. As the smoke settled, Kuradeel was left with only the hilt of his sword. The blade shortly fell next to him with a clang. It wasn't long until his weapon shattered into digital pieces, leaving me the victor of the duel.

Kiyo- Yay! Papa won! 

Kuradeel- I don't... believe it...

Random Bystander #1- Holy crap, he destroyed his sword! 

Random Bystander #2- How did he do that?

Realizing my victory, I placed my blade back in its sheath and looked towards my foe, who was on his knees with his back towards me. 

"Surely a dedicated knight like yourself has another weapon you can fight with. Or do you just want to admit that you're being an idiot and call it quits?"

Kuradeel looked back at me with determined eyes. Realizing my answer, I quickly changed weapons to a dagger when I noticed him charging back at me with the same weapon type. Before he could even get the chance, he was quickly disarmed by the two women he was supposed to protect. His weapon flying in the air and landing behind him. 

Kuradeel- Asuna... Lady Ashtry...

Ashtry looked towards me and gave me a soft smile. 

Ashtry- You ok?

"You see any damage on me? Yes, I'm fine." 

Kuradeel- I don't know how, but he cheated! You two saw how he destroyed my sword! He must have used some kind of trick! There's no other way that I could've lost to him!

"Have you forgotten I helped make this game? There are mechanics that I understand that helped me win. No cheats, just basic knowledge. For example, I upgraded my weapon to deal more damage and last longer. The reason I was able to shatter your weapon like glass was probably due to the fact that your weapons damage and durability are both absolute garbage. I happen to know a smith who could help you enhance your stuff... for a price." 

Ashtry- That's just facts.

Asuna- Enough! Kuradeel, as one of the seconds in command of the Knights of the Blood Oath, I am relieving you of your duties as me and Ashtry's bodyguard. 

Ashtry- I second that. I don't need some creep who can't keep his weapons up to code protecting us. We'd be more vulnerable.

Asuna- You are to return to headquarters and wait for further instruction. 

Kuradeel- You two can't be serious!

His gaze shifted to me as he gritted his teeth some more and glared daggers into my own eyes. 

Kuradeel- Damn you...

"I may not be your commander, but I am the co-creator of this game. If you really want to keep testing my patience, then by all means go ahead and attack me again. However, if you want to listen to the people who know you don't stand a chance and are your commanding officers, turn around and get out of our sight before you humiliate yourself further." 

Looking down at the ground and sighing in defeat, Kuradeel walked over to the teleport monument and left town. As the crowd started to disperse, Asuna and Ashtry turned to face me.

Asuna- I'm so sorry. Forgive me for dragging you and Kiyo into that. 

"Not a problem Asuna. Besides, he had it coming. Will you two be ok? Don't you have to deal with him back at HQ?"

Kirito- If you take a day off to team up with losers like us then who cares? 

Kiyo- I'm not a loser Mister Kirito!

Kiyo playfully kicked him in the shin, which resulted in a laugh from me and the others. 

Asuna- Wow, thank you for your opinion on the subject Kirito. I'll accept your offer and take a day off from the guild. You want to join Ashtry?

Ashtry- Why the hell not? We've made it this far in the game, we deserve a break to hang out with some friends. You three mind being our forwards today? 

Kiyo- Yes ma'am!

"Sounds easy enough..." 

Kirito- Hey! Wait a second! Aren't we supposed to take turns as forwards?

Ashtry- You three can swap around. It's not like it's you and Asuna alone. 

Asuna- Besides, it's our day off remember?

Kirito- Oh come on... 

October 18, 2024

Floor 74: Dungeon

Echoes of metal could be heard inside of the dungeon I had explored the day prior. I figured a team of five could easily clear out the monsters and grind some experience, money and items. The only thing different was instead of fighting lizardmen, the reanimated bones of past warriors were attacking us. Asuna jumped back as one took a swipe at her. In rapid succession, both Asuna and Ashtry started to pierce and stab the skeleton repeatedly. Their blades hitting multiple points of its body. 

Kirito- Wow... having someone along who knows how to fight sure makes things easier...

"You've been in this game for how long and just now realize that!?" 

Ashtry- Newbie...

Kirito- I am not! 

Ashtry- Kazzu, Kiyo, switch!

"Got it!" 

Kiyo- Time for the daddy daughter dance!

I smirked at her remark. Ashtry knocked the monster back, opening its defense for us to attack. With blinding speed, me and Kiyo quickly obliterated the skeleton with multiple stabs, slashes and thrusts all topped off with our combined strength knocking off its head. After beating the creature, we continued forward. 

"I can't believe I missed this narrow space here... I should be more attentive than that."

Ashtry- Maybe it was because you had Kirito along. He could've been affecting your brain cells. 

Kirito- Hey!

Asuna- Relax Kirito, it was just a joke. 

Ashtry- Was it though?

"Regardless I should've been more attentive..." 

Ashtry- Don't beat yourself up over it. It was a rookie mistake.

"I shouldn't make mistakes... Never again..." 

Ashtry looked at me confused while Kiyo held my hand. It wasn't long until we were met with a long isle leading to a giant metal door.

"There it is... the boss room..." 

Kiyo- Should we take a look inside Papa?

Kirito- That doesn't sound very safe. 

"It should be fine. Bosses tend to never leave their designed rooms anyway."

Ashtry- Get a teleport crystal ready just in case. 

Everyone except me reached into their pockets and grabbed a crystal. Kiyo tried to put hers away as to follow my example but stopped her and shook my head, telling her to keep the crystal ready. I reached towards the door and slowly pushed it forward. As we cautiously walked inside, the room was filled with absolute darkness. Not a sound could be heard. Suddenly, blue flame pillars started to ignite, and a giant ram demon stood up at the center of the room. The beast had a monstrous cobra for a tail and a giant machete type weapon. Its name and health appeared before our eyes: "The Gleam Eyes". The boss opened its eyes and glared right into my own. I could only muster up one word as I turned back to my party:
