Chapter 12: A Bloody Knight's Coffin

October 19, 2024

Floor 50: Algade

Agil- A blue demon that defeated a big squad of army guys and a fifty-hit combo from a dual wielder who took the boss out with the help of The Dark Prince. I can't believe what a big deal they are making out of this thing.

"As it should. The skill can only be taken by one player and now Kirito is in possession of it."

Kirito- Yea it blew up right in my face. A buttload of swordsmen and info brokers showed up at my place this morning.

"Was Argo one of them?"

Kirito- I didn't see her, why?

"I told her about the skill as soon after the boss. We caught up over lunch and I gave her information on that skill."

Kirito- Why give her the information? Weren't you the one who told me to keep it secret?

"I told you to keep it secret until you one hundred percent needed to use it. You decided that the boss was the moment to let that skill fly. Not my fault you now reap the reward of popularity."

Kirito- Well now I need a new pad because they know where I live.

Two sets of footsteps entered in on our right. Kiyo was holding a small crate of materials while Liz followed behind her holding a crate of weapons. She gave the Black Swordsman a smug grin.

Lisbeth- Well it's kind of you and Kazzu's fault that people are bothering you Kirito. You decided to use a super-secret skill while Kazzu told me to keep it secret.

Suddenly, Asuna and Ashtry barged in with a loss of breath. I stood up quickly and stabilized Ashtry who almost collapsed to the floor.

"Ash? You ok?"

Asuna- What are we going to do? We have a serious problem!

Ashtry- Don't worry about it Asuna... We can handle it...

"What is going on?"

Ashtry- Heathcliff... he wants to meet us...

Everyone's eyes went wide as I turned back to Kirito and Kiyo. Kirito stood up and walked away with Asuna, ready to face whatever was coming. Kiyo walked over to Ashtry and hugged her leg.

"I'll catch up with you four in a second. I have to talk to Liz about something."

Ashtry hesitated before nodding her head and leaving with Kiyo. Agil, taking the hint, went into the other room to give me and Liz some privacy.

"They only know about his right?"

Lisbeth- I haven't told anyone about your skill Kazzu. Your secret is still safe with me.

"Good... if there is one thing my father is unaware of... it is that skill."

Lisbeth- Is it really that strong?

"Every weapon is strong in their own way. This skill is just... something I believe can beat my father."

Lisbeth- So when do you plan on using it?

"Whenever I stand in front of this games final boss. When I stand against my father."

October 19, 2024

Floor 55: Grandzam

Inside of a well-built castle, surrounded by flags of red with a sword facing downward, we stood before the council of the Knights of the Blood Oath. Sitting in the center of the table was the Knights of the Blood Oath's commander: Heathcliff. His robes were a blood red, his eyes a piercing grey color.

Heathcliff- Aside from boss fights, I don't think we've actually met Kirito and Kazzu.

"Well, there was the conference on Floor 67. I noticed you and Kirito talking a little bit there."

Heathcliff- Yes, that was a difficult battle, wasn't it? We almost lost a few players there too. We may be the top guild, but we barely get by with the number of troops we have. Now here you and Kirito are trying to poach our two best players. I don't know what to say.

Kirito- If they are that important, maybe you should do a better job at picking her bodyguard.

"A creepy, low-level stalker is not going to keep them safe. Especially when they can both protect themselves."

Heathcliff- You have my sincerest apologies for any trouble you two have had with Kuradeel, but you two must simply understand that we cannot let our seconds in command leave the guild just like that.

"Then what do you propose?"

Heathcliff- If you two want her, I want Kirito to use his dual blades to take them from us. If he is able to beat me in combat, you both will be free to take both Asuna and Ashtry. On the other hand, if Kirito loses then he, along with Kazzu and his daughter Kiyo, will join the Knights of the Blood Oath.

Ashtry- What!?

Asuna- They would join us...?

Kiyo- Papa...?

I looked over at Kirito. His face said it all. He was going to accept the challenge anyway.

Kirito- Yea, ok. If you want to settle this with swords that's fine by me. We'll have ourselves a duel then.

Heathcliff- Then we shall meet tomorrow in the arena on Floor 75. May the best swordsman win.

With that, Heathcliff and his council stood from their seats and walked away. I took a glance over at Heathcliff which was followed by a nasty glare back. I shook it off as nothing as I started to head back towards the door.

Ashtry- Kazzu... wait...


Ashtry- Are you ok with this? Joining a guild? I thought you and Kiyo were solo players.

"We are but his terms were very clear. If we win, you two are free to go. If we lose, we join. It's not a big deal."

Ashtry- Yes but...

"Ash... it'll be ok... I promise."

Her eyes said it all. They trusted my judgement, they trusted my actions, they trusted me. She slowly nodded her head and proceeded to leave with Asuna in tow. Kirito walked up behind me and slapped my back.

Kirito- Well then, looks like I have to get a few practice swings in before my duel tomorrow. Mind helping me out?

"Kirito... do you trust in me...?"

Kirito- What?

"Do you trust me? Trust my judgement?"

Kirito- Of course I do. What brought this on?

"Then I need you to trust me when I explain this to you. I need you to..."

October 20, 2024

Floor 75: Collinia

The seats were packed, the echoes of cheers heard outside of the city walls. Banners posted all over the arena announcing: "Living Legend Heathcliff vs. Dual Wielding Demon Kirito". People were piling in to see the epic matchup while me and Kirito were being chewed out by Asuna backstage.

Asuna- You idiots! How could you agree to this? How could Kirito accept a duel from Heathcliff?

Ashtry- Simple Asuna, he just said yes to the duel.

Asuna- Shut up!

Kirito- Look I'm sorry, ok? It's not like he gave me any other choice.

"He kind of did Kirito. You just wanted to be around Asuna longer."

Kirito- If it were just you and Ashtry, you would've done the same thing I did.

"Of course I would. I'm not denying that."

Little did I know that Ashtry was blushing behind me when I said that. Asuna groaned and rubbed her temple.

Asuna- Listen you two, when Kirito used his dual wielding skill, I have never seen anything like that. However, the commander has his own unique skill as well.

Kirito- We know.

"We've seen it a couple of times: "The Divine Blade". It maximizes his offensive and defensive moves. His attack is strong, but his defense is impenetrable."

Asuna- No one has ever seen his HP bar go down into the yellow before. His invincibility goes beyond the normal game balance.

My eyes widened a bit at that statement. It was pretty odd to have someone never go down to the yellow when fighting monsters, let alone a boss. Yet, Asuna was right. His health had always been in the green. It was like he was, as Asuna described, invincible.

Asuna- But if you lose, I don't care about our freedom to join you two. I worry about both of you joining the Knights of the Blood Oath.

"Don't worry about it. Kirito doesn't plan on losing easily, right?"

Kirito- Hell no.

Kirito waved us goodbye as he made his way to the center of the arena. Kiyo started tugging on my arm.

Kiyo- Come on Papa! Let's go find some good seats!

I chuckled as she dragged me away, Asuna and Ashtry following close behind. Once we found a good spot to spectate, we waited for the fight to begin.

"You think Kirito could snag a cut of the tickets? I'm a little low on funds."

Ashtry- I don't think the commander will be that nice to him today.

Asuna- Besides you should be more worried about Kirito losing.

"I'm not worried at all. Win or lose, it'll be a good match."

Ashtry- We don't want you three signing up for a guild that you want no involvement in. I mean, Kirito is already in that guild with Klein.

"Kirito will explain the situation to him. He'll understand."

Ashtry- And you two? You two are solo players for a reason, right?

I lowered my head, being met with Kiyo holding my arm tightly. I patted her head and gave Ashtry a fake smile.

"It's nothing Ash... don't worry about it."

Ashtry sighed as she turned towards the arena. The battle was about to start. The timer made itself known to the crowd. One minute and counting down. Both players drawing their weapons and preparing for battle. I narrowed my eyes at Heathcliff, hoping to find some sort of flaw that Kirito could use to his advantage. As the clock hit zero, Kiyo's voice could be heard across the arena.

Kiyo- Go get him Mister Kirito!

Kirito lunged into action, swiping each blade as fast as he could only to be met with Heathcliff's shield. Asuna wasn't kidding about his defense. As Kirito was about to swing again, he was counter by Heathcliff's own sword swipe. The force of which knocked him backwards. Heathcliff went on the offensive and charged at the Black Swordsman. As he and Kirito were about to cross blades again, his shield instantly raised up and collided with Kirito's gut.

Wait a minute... what the hell was that?

As Kirito recovered, Heathcliff once again charged him. Their swords clashing against each other as Kirito used a sword skill to try to pierce through Heathcliff. The attempt failed as Heathcliff easily blocked his attack.

Heathcliff- Your reaction time is most impressive.

Kirito- Yea and your defense is impregnable.

The crowd started to cheer, my daughter among them. I stayed quiet as I observed the battle, still trying to figure out how Kirito could beat Heathcliff. Once again both men charged at each other, sword and shield clashing against one another. The force of their attack was so strong that small gusts of wind started to surround them, sending dust flying back.


Ashtry- It really is...

I felt her hand slowly graze mine, eventually finding itself intertwined with my own. I paid no mind to it as the battle continued. Surprisingly, Kirito was able to get a small slash across Heathcliff's face, a small red digital mark emblazed on his cheek. Kirito then activated another sword skill, the force of which knocked Heathcliff's shield backwards leaving him wide open. The four of us in the crowd saw this and got excited, me and Ashtry hardening our grips on each other's hands.

Kiyo- Now's your chance!

Asuna- Yes Kirito!

Ashtry- Come on! Come on!

"You got this buddy! Finish him off!"

Kirito leapt up in the air and swung his sword down, an inch away from striking Heathcliff in the head. Time slowed down. I looked towards Heathcliff to see his response. My eyes widened as his shield once again instantly positioned itself right where Kirito's sword was going, blocking the attack.

No way...

Heathcliff responded with a swift stab to Kirito's side, lowering his health to yellow and ending the duel. Heathcliff was the winner.

Kiyo- Dang it!

Asuna- He lost...

Ashtry- It sure was close right Kazzu?

I didn't respond as I loosened my grip on Ashtry's hand. I looked at the defeated dual wielder sitting on the ground and clenched my hands in a fist.

"Impossible... he should've... there's no way..."

October 22, 2024

Floor 50: Algade

Two days had passed since Kirito had lost to Heathcliff. We now had to pay the piper as the three of us equipped the Knights of the Blood Oath styled armor which looked the same as Asuna's. I showed my disgust in the outfit.

Kirito- Don't you guys have anything that's less flashy?

"Seriously. Asuna and Ashtry might pull these colors off but it doesn't work with us."

Kiyo- It looks very dumb...

Asuna- Well for your information that is one of our less flashy ones.

"You serious? What is considered flashier than this?"

Ashtry- I've seen it, and you don't want to know

"Message received."

Asuna- Besides you two look great...

I looked as Kirito fell onto a nearby bed. I sat on the edge of it and patted his foot.

"Relax... Klein will understand."

Kirito- You know how dramatic he is. He won't let me live this one down.

Asuna- I guess this whole thing is sort of our faults huh?

Kirito- No, don't worry about it.

"It'll be a good experience I guess..."

Kiyo could see through my lies and hugged me tightly. Ashtry saw this and raised her eyebrow, intrigued.

Ashtry- Kazzu... feel free to say no but... why do you hate the idea of joining a guild...?

Kiyo's eyes widened as she looked up at me, my eyes starting to water and my hands trembling. Everyone else in the room saw this as well, shooting up and trying to comfort me.

Ashtry- I'm sorry! I knew I shouldn't have...

"No... no.... it needs to come out..."

I took a deep breath, making Kiyo release me and looked at my friends. Tears slowly made themselves known as I let it out.

"I was part of a guild once... Kirito knows this... they were called the "Moonlit Black Cats". I found them trying to fight monsters in a boss dungeon a long time ago, Kiyo and I pulling them out of harm's way. They wanted us to join, and we did, even after lying to them about who we were. A few months had passed, and the guild decided to take on a high-level dungeon to earn some money for furniture for a house they were about to buy. We almost made it through the entire dungeon until we found a secret room. That room trapped us as monsters started pouring in..."

Kiyo held my hand tight, as if to say I didn't have to continue. I smiled at her and patted her hand, indicating that I was fine as I continued my story.

"As the monsters started pouring in, members started dying in front of me... Ducker... Tetsuo... Sasamaru... they were all friends in real life... now... they can't even see each other."

Ashtry- Kazzu...

"The only ones who survived was Keita, the leader at the time, and..."

My heart grew heavy at the thought of her name. The name of the first person who loved me despite knowing who I was.

"Sachi... the girl I was talking about when we saved Yolko, Schmitt and Caynz from Laughing Coffin."

Ashtry's eyes went wide as her hand reached out towards my own, stopping short of a few inches.

"After telling Keita the news, he cursed me and Kiyo for destroying the guild and ruining the lives of those lost. He warned me to never show my face around him and Sachi again, less he have me killed. I ruined that guild because I was too afraid of being alone, of Kiyo being alone. I was afraid of... being remembered as a monster."

A hand reached out towards my cheek and slowly turned my head, stopping once I saw Ashtry. Her eyes watering but her look stayed strong. She slowly smiled at me and whispered.

Ashtry- Kirito is not going to die. Asuna is not going to die. Kirito is not going to die. I... am not going to die, ok? I'm not going to die because I have a reason to fight... I have something, or rather somethings, worth fighting for...

She pulled me into a hug which I responded with more tears. Not a single sound left my mouth as the small water droplets hit the ground beneath our feet.

Ashtry- I promise... I'll be with you every step of the way...

Kirito- We all will.

October 23, 2024

Floor 55: Grandzam

"I still find these colors to be very stupid. Why can't we just wear our normal attire?"

Ashtry- Just get through today you big baby. I'll see if Heathcliff will allow you three to wear your regular clothes after your mission.

Kiyo- Thank you Miss Ashtry.

Blood Oath Male- Alright you three. Time for the training exercise.

Kirito- You serious?

Kiyo- I don't want to...

"We have to train?"

Blood Oath Male- Yep. You three, me and one other guy are going to form a party. Then we are going to go and clear the dungeon on this floor.

Asuna- Hold on Godfree! Me and Kirito are already in a party as well as Kazzu, Kiyo and Ashtry!

Ashtry- Shouldn't we go with...

Godfree- I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do about it ladies. Besides, as seconds in command, you both know that we can't ignore the rules. If they are going to be joining us, then it's my job as commander of the front lines to take them out and evaluate their skills.

Ashtry- They have cleared how many boss rooms almost single handedly and yet you still need an evaluation?

Asuna- Yea, all three of them are stronger than you!

Kirito- Asuna relax.

"We can handle a simple dungeon crawl. It should be over in half an hour tops."

Godfree- Speaking of half an hour, I want to see the three of you at the front gate in that amount of time. Hurrah!

With that, the ecstatic knight turned his back and walked out of the room leaving five very confused players.

Asuna- We could've had a chance to be alone...

Ashtry- Asuna! Shush!

Asuna- What!? It's true! You wanted it just as much as I did!

Ashtry- Seriously shut up!

Me and Kirito laughed at the duo of women before us before walking up to them and patting their head, Kirito petting Asuna and me petting Ashtry.

"Like I said, it'll be a cakewalk."

Kiyo- Shouldn't take us long Miss Ashtry.

I knelt down to meet Ashtry's eyes. I smiled up at her and placed her hands in my own.

"Think you can wait for me?"

Ashtry nodded her head and caressed my hands with her thumbs. She pulled my hands up to her lips as she kissed them, blushing as her lips left the roof of my hands.

Ashtry- Be careful ok... both of you...

She then leaned over to Kiyo and kissed her on the forehead, earning a little blush from the energetic daughter.

Kiyo- We will.


As time passed, we made sure our gear was as good as it could get and walked out of the front gate. Godfree had mentioned one other player but when we saw who it was our eyes widened.

Kirito- Oh god...

Kiyo- Ew...

"You've got to be fucking shitting me..."

There, standing next to Godfree, was Kuradeel. His expression looked guilty and remorseful, possibly upset at the fact that he now has to join up with the very players who humiliated him.Joining this guild is only getting worse and worse by the minute...

Kirito- Godfree, are you serious?

Kiyo- Does he have to come along?

Godfree- Yep. Think of it this way, we are all in the same guild so now would be a good time as any for you four to bury the hatchet.

Kuradeel approached me with a sad look on his face.

Kuradeel- About the other day...

He then bowed in respect towards me.

Kuradeel- I deeply apologize for my behavior. I was rude to you three and I promise it won't happen again.

"As much as I appreciate your apology, you don't need to bow to me. Look me in the eyes if you want to speak to me."

Kirito- Kazzu...

"What? I'm just saying I don't like people bowing to me."

Kiyo- What my Papa is trying to say Mister Kuradeel is that he accepts your apology.

Kuradeel- Thank you child.

Kiyo- Kiyo... Kiyo Akihiko...

A small gasp escaped my lips as she said her full name. She used my last name. In an instant, my smile grew wide as I hugged my daughter tightly. Her laughs escaping her lips as I swung her around happily.

Godfree- Alright ladies, it's time to focus. Today, I will be checking out how you react to dangerous situations. So, I'm going to need you to hand over all the crystals in your storage.

"Excuse me?"

Kiyo- No way!

Kirito- Even our teleport crystals?

Godfree- Correct.

"That is going to be a hard pass for me sir. No way in hell."

Godfree- Care to answer me as to why?


Keita- You bastard!

Kiyo- Papa! Tetsuo's in trouble!

End Flashback

"Personal reasons sir..."

Godfree- I'm sorry kid, but it's part of the training exercise.

Kiyo- Papa...

Kirito- Kazzu, remember what Ashtry told you...

I thought back to the words that she had spoken to me the day prior.

Ashtry- Kirito is not going to die. Asuna is not going to die. Kirito is not going to die. I... am not going to die, ok?

I let out a sigh as I pulled all the crystals out of my inventory and placed them in Godfree's hand, same as Kirito, Kiyo and Kuradeel.

Godfree- Awesome! Now let's go clear a dungeon!

Kirito- Yay...

Kuradeel- Yay...

Kiyo- Yay...

"This is going to be a long day..."

October 22, 2024

Floor 55: Dungeon Entrance

After an hour of exploring and clearing out monsters in the dungeon, we found ourselves a clearing inside and decided to stop for a break.

Godfree- It's chow time ladies!

Kiyo- Did Miss Ashtry pack food for us!?

Godfree- No little lady. This comes straight from our commissary.

Kiyo- Aw...

"I'll ask Ashtry to make you a snack when we get back ok?"

Kirito- If anything, you guys should taste Asuna's food. She can make low level ingredients seem heavenly.

"Someone's got a crush."

Kirito- Like you don't have one for Ashtry?

"I do... it's just..."

Kirito- Hm?

Godfree- Heads up!

Godfree tossed us each a small bag. The contents inside were disappointing: One loaf of bread and a drink.

"This sucks..."

Kiyo- Big time...

Kiyo, Kirito and I started to take a swig from our bottles. As we did, I heard Kuradeel chuckle slightly as a yellow lightning bolt icon appeared on my health bar.

Paralysis!? Shit!

Before I collapsed, I threw my bottle aside and moved Kiyo as close to me as possible. Both her and Kirito having the same symbol on their health bars as we all were frozen by the spiked drink.

Godfree- The hell is going on?

Kiyo- Papa...?

"It's ok sweetheart. I've got you..."

Kuradeel stood up from his spot and started laughing like a madman. Godfree attempted to crawl to him but was too weak to do so.

Godfree- You packed the water Kuradeel. What did you do you bastard!?

Kirito- Antidote crystals...


Godfree attempted to reach into his pockets to grab the crystals but was met by Kuradeel's boot kicking the crystal out of his hand just out of his reach.

Kuradeel- Poor, sad old Godfree. I always knew you were a colossal idiot, but this proves that you're even dumber than I thought.

Kuradeel kept a smile on his face as he pulled out his weapon, the same one I shattered in our duel, and started to stab Godfree multiple times. His cursor turning from green to orange.

Kiyo- Mister Godfree!

Godfree- Don't do this Kuradeel!

Kuradeel- Here's my plan: Our party was walking along when we were attack by these criminal players that appeared out of nowhere! Sad little Kiyo was the first to go while Kirito and Godfree fought hard but in the end, Kazzu switched sides and killed them himself!


Kirito- Deceiver!

Kiyo- You big liar!

Kuradeel- It was only me against all of them and I, single handedly and courageously, fought them all off!

With one final plunge of his sword, Kuradeel impaled Godfree in the back and shattered him. Godfree was dead... and there was nothing I could do about it...

No...Kuradeel was now known as a player killer. He then turned his attention towards me, Kiyo and Kirito. Starting off with Kirito, he pulled out two daggers and implanted them both in his hands.

Kuradeel- One for the Black Swordsman...

He turned his attention to Kiyo, with a wicked smirk on his face. Kiyo expressed her fear as she tried to hold me tighter. I growled at the murderer.

"If you lay one finger on her, I swear I'll...!"

I was silenced as he picked me up, pried Kiyo off of me and kicked me back to where Godfree was killed. Without remorse, he pulled out two more daggers and licked his lips as he plunged them both into Kiyo's hands.


Kirito- Kiyo!

Her cries of fear and pain rang throughout the dungeon. Her body unable to respond accordingly as the paralysis was still in effect. Her tears rolling down her face like rivers. This only pissed me off more.

"I'll kill you! I'll fucking kill you!"

Kuradeel- You know... I just killed an innocent bystander and injured two very important people because of you Kazzu. How am I going to live with myself?

"The hell are you talking about!?"

Kirito- You looked like you were having a blast from over here. Why would a guy like you join the Knights of the Blood Oath? You would be more at home with the criminal guilds!

"That's because he is part of a criminal guild Kirito... I'm an idiot for not seeing it before..."

Kirito- What?

"Take off your arm guards Kuradeel! Show us your mark!"

Kuradeel- Very observant eyes there Kazzu!

He did as I asked and removed his arm guards, revealing the same tattoo that is given to the murder guild members: Laughing Coffin.

Kuradeel- Laughing Coffin. That's where I got the skills to paralyze bastards like you. But where is my head? I better stop talking or the poison will wear off and I wouldn't want that.

"Too much of a spineless coward to fight any of us head on? I knew you were a bitch the moment I met you!"

Kuradeel- Time to finish you off for good you little shit!

His blade entered my left wrist, the stinging crawling up my spine as my health started to deplete. Next, he pierced through my right leg. Even though I knew I wasn't crippled, the pain sent through my body felt as if my leg was completely gone.

Kuradeel- How does it feel Dark Prince? Come on, I want to know how it feels knowing you are about to die like a dog.

"Rather die a dog than a pussy who uses poisons to beat their opponents."

My health slipped into the yellow. I assessed my options: The poison wasn't wearing off for me, assuming it was the same for the rest of us... this was it. There was nothing we could do. Kuradeel raised his blade and impaled me in the chest. My heart felt like it was about to stop. My health slipped into the red and dropped slowly. Inch by inch it made its way to the zero mark.

This is it... this is where I'm going to die...

My eyes soon closed as I saw my life in Sword Art Online flash before my eyes: adopting Kiyo, joining the Moonlit Black Cats, meeting Silica and Lisbeth and most importantly...


Meeting Ashtry, doing quests and fighting alongside Ashtry...

Falling in love with Ashtry...

My eyes opened wide as some newfound strength came over my body. I slowly grabbed Kuradeel's blade and tried to remove it from my body, with Kuradeel struggling against me.

Kuradeel- Why do you fight back? Is the Dark Prince scared of death after all?

"No... I'm just... not... ready yet..."

Kuradeel- Is that so? Well, that's just the way I like it!

He pushed his blade deeper into my chest, all while I tried my hardest to stop him. My health hitting two hundred...

Kirito- Kazzu!

One hundred...

Kiyo- Papa!


Kuradeel- Die! Die! DIE!!!

Twenty-five. I closed my eyes and waited for my death. One thought in my mind.

Ashtry... I never got the chance to say this... but if by some miracle you can hear me... I love you...

As if my voice was heard, two green explosions knocked Kuradeel away from us. His body slamming against the dungeon walls and his blade sliding on the ground next to him. My eyes weakly opened, and I saw Asuna run over to Kirito. Someone was standing over Kiyo as they knelt down and pulled out a crystal, healing her fully. They walked over to me and repeated the process.

Ashtry- I made it... oh my god I made it...


Ashtry- I almost lost... I can't believe...

Her voice was trembling, on the verge of breaking down in tears.

Ashtry- If Asuna wasn't tracking Kirito's position this whole time, I would've... I...

A single tear fell and landed on my hand. I slowly raised my hand and held it against her cheek.

Ashtry- You really are alive right? This isn't just a dream?

"Not a dream Ash... I'm still here... Kiyo is still here... thanks to you..."

Kuradeel's grunts could be heard as he stood up and held his blade. Both Asuna and Ashtry turned to face him. Ashtry's eyes turning to her ice blue stare.

Asuna- Well Ashtry?

Ashtry- Target: Kuradeel. Status: Player Killer. Solution: Termination!

Asuna- Then, shall we?

Ashtry- Let's...

Both women started to walk over towards Kuradeel, both drawing their rapiers. Kuradeel nervously backed away.

Kuradeel- Asuna? Lady Ashtry? I can explain everything. We were just training when all of a sudden there was this...

He didn't have time to finish as both rapiers cut his cheeks in a single split-second movement. Kuradeel responded by swinging his weapon towards them both. As both women ducked his attack, they started to repeatedly stab and pierce into his body, leaving multiple damage marks and dropping his health very quickly. His screams of fear and pain mimicking those of his victims not a few seconds ago. Before they could finish him off, both women held their blades up to his throat.

Kuradeel- I give up! I surrender!

Kuradeel fell onto his hand and knees, begging for mercy.

Kuradeel- Please don't kill me! I'll leave the guild! You'll never see me again I promise! Please!

Asuna- Ashtry?

Ashtry- Termination

Ashtry flipped her blade downward to impale Kuradeel in the back of the head. As she went for the finishing blow, Kuradeel made his final plea.

Kuradeel- I DON'T WANT TO DIE!

Ashtry stopped. Her eyes reverted back to normal giving Kuradeel the opportunity to grab his weapon. Seeing the danger, Asuna tried to block his attack only to have her weapon knocked out of her hand. Kuradeel reeled his weapon back, ready to strike once again.

Kuradeel- The oldest trick in the book and you two fell for it you stupid bitches!

Before he could make a scratch on the two girls, I was there with my shield raised high, my armor back to its original design. He looked at me in shock as he noticed the lightning bolt icon was gone from my health bar. I turned to face Ashtry with a serious glare.


Ashtry- Yea...?


Her eyes went icy blue once more as she leapt over my shield and impaled her rapier through Kuradeel's torso. I followed suit by using my shield to bash her weapon in further, sending a shockwave throughout the dungeon. Kuradeel's health reach zero. He leaned towards the both of us, a weak grin on his face.

Kuradeel- Damn you both... you... murdered... me...

He shattered. His blade fell to the ground and shattered along with him. I immediately fell to my knees and started to tremble.

"What do I do Sachi...? Do I call this a failure for not saving Godfree...? Or do I call this a success because I protected the ones I love...? Do I celebrate Kuradeel's death...? Or do I atone for falling to his level...? The murderer of a murderer is still a murderer right...? What good am I if I'm no better than my enemy...?"

Ashtry- Kazzu stop!

I looked over at Ashtry, who was now on her knees with me. Tears started streaming down her face as she looked down at the ground.

Ashtry- You are nothing like them! You are a hero! A hero who risks his life for others and expects nothing in return! A hero who looks death in the eyes and presses onward with such confidence! A hero who isn't afraid to die for his father's sins just so he is proven innocent. And not only that, but you are more than just a hero... You're my hero...


Ashtry- Ever since we grew closer after the Golden Apple case, I started to see you in a whole new light. You weren't just looking to kill your father just to kill him, you were here to save as many people as you can. You may not think you've done enough but you have done more than enough. Diavel... Keita... Kobatz... even Sachi... you have saved so many lives and made many people happy to know you that I can't see a monster. I could never see a monster."

Kiyo- Miss Ashtry...

Ashtry- I see a man who is willing to do anything to protect the people he loves... and that's why... that's why... that's why I fell in love with you!

My eyes went wide. She had confessed to me. She had admitted the one thing I wanted to hear ever since Sachi's message back on Christmas.

She... loves me...

Ashtry- I love you Kazzu! I really... really do... but... after all that's happened.... all because of me and Asuna... if you don't feel the same... I...

I cut her off as I grabbed her shoulders and moved her closer to me. I held her cheeks in my hand and moved closer until...

Our lips touched.

The kiss wasn't long, but it was impactful. Every single emotion we had built up released as our lips locked against one another. Needing air, we both pulled back and looked at each other with loving eyes.

"I always thought after the first boss that you had joined the masses in hating me for who I was. I was afraid after messaging you during the Titan's Hand case because I thought that you would seek me out personally and end my life. After we resolved the Golden Apple case, I started developing feeling towards you but was too afraid to say anything because of my past mistakes with the Moonlit Black Cats. Now... I know exactly what to say and... I'm not afraid of the consequences behind my statement..."

Ashtry- Please... tell me...

"Ashtry... I love you too..."

She smiled as she kissed me once again, her tears replaced by joy instead of sadness. We were interrupted by Kiyo running up in excitement.

Kiyo- Yay! Papa has a girlfriend! Wait... does that mean I have a mama!?

"Only if she..."

Ashtry- I would love to be your mother little pup.

Kiyo- Yay! I have a family!

She grabbed us both in a hug and we both hugged her back while hugging each other.

Even if I don't make it out... even if I face my end here in Sword Art Online... I can die knowing that somewhere in this world I have a daughter who loves me and now... a person whom I can call my significant other...