Chapter 30: Stone Cold Killer Treasure

December 10, 2024

Floor 76: Arc Sophia

I woke up slowly, my vision clearing up to see Silica, with her pigtails undone and free, cuddled up next to me. Remembering the events of last night, I smiled and gently stroked Silica's hair. This caused her to snuggle up closer to me, forcing a small chuckle from me. With her eyes still closed and her voice tired and soft, she whispered to me.

Silica- I'm guessing it's time to wake up...

"As much as I would like to keep cuddling, I wanted to go and check up on the Hollow Area today."

Silica- You haven't changed a bit...

"Is that a bad thing?"

She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly, my heartbeat soothing her eardrums. A small sigh came from her as she nuzzled against my chest.

Silica- Are you sure this is ok? I mean... you, Ashtry and Kiyo are so close, and I don't want to do anything to break that up... after admitting my feelings to you... I'm scared that I'll split you apart...

"Truth be told, I think me and Ashtry are ok with loving each other and loving other people. If she were to ask me if she could go on a date with another guy, I wouldn't be bothered since she's allowing me to be expressive with other girls..."

Silica- Has she asked anyone else out?

"No... I feel like the only guy I would be ok with dating her at this time would be Klein. Even though we constantly give him shit, he's a nice guy. He just needs to work on his tact with women."

Silica- Agreed. He could learn a thing or two from you or Kirito.

"Trust me, me and Kirito are just as dense as Klein. We are just more respectable."

Silica- Really? I don't see you being that dense.

"I have my moments."

Silica took a deep breath before opening her eyes slightly.

Silica- It's like I'm dreaming, being this close to you...

"I could pinch you to make sure if you really don't believe it."

Silica- You wouldn't dare!

"Don't tempt me..."

I jokingly started lightly pinching her arms, face and stomach, earning small giggles from the Dragon Tamer until she playfully started to punch my chest.

Silica- Ok! Ok! I surrender!

"I accept your surrender..."

Another giggle escaped her lips as she silently started to gaze deep into my eyes.

Silica- Hey Kazzu?


Silica- You might think I'm weird, but I just can't take my eyes off of you...

"Then don't... I can talk to you while you focus on my eyes you know..."

Silica- I know... I just...


Silica- Bear with me for a moment?

I gave her a nod as she reached her hand up to my cheek and softly stroked it. I closed my eyes for a second and leaned into her hand, smiling at her touch.

Silica- I owe you for so much...

"What do you mean?"

Silica- Do you remember when we first met?

"Of course. A very important memory of mine."

Silica- You saved me in that forest... just like you saved me from those men last night... if you hadn't been there, I don't think I'd be here doing this right now...


Silica- When we revived Pina, it gave me the strength to keep going. Kazzu... you saved me... that's why... to me... you're my knight...

She slowly leaned forward and closed her eyes, I felt myself doing the same thing. Before our lips could touch, a small plop fell on us. We both looked over and saw Pina laying down on the both of us. We shared a laugh as Silica released me and I sat up, moving out of the bed and equipping my gear.

Silica- This was nice, Kazzu... I hope we can...


Silica- Hm?

"My real name... please use my real name..."

A small blush crawled on Silica's face as I gave her permission to use my name. She smiled and continued where she left off.

Silica- Well, Kazuhito... I hope we can do this more often... sorry if that sounded clingy.

"Not at all. Whenever you need someone to talk to or a cuddle buddy, just let me know ok Silica?"

Silica- Ayano...


Silica- Ayano Keiko... my real name...

My eyes widened as she told me her name, only relaxing after a few seconds followed by a smile. I gave her a bow and proceeded to exit her room.

"Until next time, Ayano..."

I left her room and made my way towards the teleport gate, giving a few small nods to the patrons entering Agil's shop and Agil himself.

December 10, 2024

Hollow Area: Administration Area

I spawned into the Administration Area and gave it a quick look around, spotting Philia in front of the console.

"Hey Treasure Hunter, what are you up to?"

Philia jumped a little as she turned around, acknowledging my presence. She let out a calm breath before giving me her full attention.

Philia- Kazzu... well, I needed to tell you that I may have found a place that looked like it might be full of treasure.

"Oh, well then what are we doing here? Better yet why tell me? Don't you want to get that treasure yourself?"

Philia- The problem with that is that there's a monster there that's really tough, and there's no way I can manage it myself. So, I was wondering if you wanted to join me?

"Always happy to help."

Philia- Really!? Oh, thank you Kazzu!

"So, where are we going?"

Philia- It's in a dungeon... in the forest area... there's a hidden door there, you see... but when I opened it, I was attacked by this super-tough monster... so, I thought... if you came with me... maybe we could beat that monster...

"You don't need to give me a nervous sales pitch Philia. I already agreed to it. Let's go beat this monster and get some treasure!"

Philia- R-right! Thank you Kazzu! Let's head there immediately!

December 10, 2024

Hollow Area: Church of the Encounter

"Man... I don't know if that counted as hard or just straight annoying."

Philia- Right? It's like the game just said "Let's make it to where players have to fight 20 skeleton knights at one time! Surely, they'll love that!" like what?

"Regardless... is your secret door around here?"

Philia walked forward into a wall and started guiding her hand around its surface. After a few seconds, the sound of a click caused part of the wall to shift and reveal a secret, hidden door.

Philia- Tada!

"Bravo, my dear Philia."

Philia- Thank you my fellow Kazzu. Shall we proceed?

"We shall. Let's see what we are dealing with here."

We gave each other a nod and slowly opened the door. The monster that awaited us was more than just one. There were two grim reaper type enemies and one giant stone golem in the center of the room.

"I see where this would be a problem for you."

Philia- So what do we do?

I started mumbling out loud, formulating a plan to take the monsters down with little to no risk.

Philia- Kazzu?

Golem type enemy, rock material, weak to heavy blows... best weapon of choice... mace... grim reapers have speed advantage... distraction? Maybe... no... but perhaps... possibly...

Philia- Kazzu, are you ok?

"Yes... I have a plan, but you might not like it."

Philia- I'm all ears.

I opened my inventory and switched my sword for a mace. Twirling it around a few times before clanging it against my shield, gaining the attention of all three monsters and encouraging them to attack us. Philia looked at me nervously as both grim reaper monsters flew towards us.

Philia- Kazzu!?

"Get ready to run and draw their attention. I'll handle the golem."

Philia calmed down after knowing the battle plan and prepared herself. As both grim reapers closed the gap and took a swipe at us, Philia ducked under the attack and slid under both monsters while I blocked their attack with my shield, holding them in a power struggle.

"Now Philia!"

She started to run to the ends of the room and throw multiple throwing pins at the grim reapers, turning their gaze towards her as they both started to chase her. This gave me a clear shot for the golem.

"Time to see if I'm strong enough to break a golem's kneecaps!"

I rushed towards the golem with my mace raised high. As its focus was still on me, it slammed its fist down towards the ground, causing a small tremor in the earth. Stumbling only a tiny bit, I kept charging forward until I gave the golem's right knee a wide swing, cracking its stone exterior and forcing it down on one knee.

"Time for a critical strike!"

Philia- Shit!

I quickly looked over and saw Philia struggling to dodge the reapers attacks. Each swipe of theirs only getting closer and closer. I changed direction and sprinted toward my comrade; shield raised up high as I bashed one away from her. As the other reaper was distracted, Philia took her chance and sliced through its companion, shattering it instantly.

Philia- Thank you Kazzu...

"No sweat. Heads up!"

The other reaper was ready to swipe at Philia until I jumped up and kicked it back, finishing it off with a swing down on its head, fracturing the bone and shattering it like glass.

Philia- Show off...

"You're welcome. Now..."

The golem recovered and stood up on its injured leg, limping slightly as it started making its way towards us.

Philia- You thinking what I'm thinking?

"Break the leg, force it to the ground permanently, destroy it easily?"

Philia- Precisely!

I took the lead as I engaged the golem again, distracting it while Philia got to a good place to flank it. As she unleashed her sword skills and lowered the monster's defense and health, I focused another big attack on its other leg, shattering it and forcing him down yet again.

"Time to bust the legs!"

Philia- I'll get the left; you get the right!"

We both nodded in agreement as we focused all of our attacks on the legs. It didn't take long until both were crumbled to dust, causing the golem to remain grounded. As we were about to land the finishing blow, it let out a deafening roar and summoned five more grim reaper type enemies.

Philia- Shit! We're surrounded!

As we prepared for the ambush attack, we were stunned to see the grim reapers remain still as the golem continued to call out to them. Me and Philia looked at each other confused as we looked back at the golem.

Philia- You think they realize that he's doomed?

"I think that the reapers were the golems servants. Seeing their master down on the ground like this means that they see more strength in us than they do in the golem."

Philia- So they won't attack us if we kill the golem?

"Only one way to find out."

I pointed my mace at the golem. It's cold, lifeless eyes staring up at me as if it was asking to end its life. I complied with its silent request and slammed my mace through its skull. As the golem shattered into digital pieces, the reapers were covered in a blue light as they were teleported out of the small room.

Philia- Where did they...?

"Wherever they ended up, they aren't here so I don't mind. But that fight was a little tricky, especially if that golem was going to keep summoning reapers."

Philia- Forget about that! You were amazing, Kazzu! Fighting monster after monster, even stepping in to save my ass, you really are a first-rate fighter!

"Don't doubt your own strength, Miss Hunter. You were really impressive too. In fact, when we get you out of here, I could see you being a great addition to the Assault Army!

Philia gasped as her cheeks were tinged red. She turned her head, hiding her embarrassment from me.

Philia- S-Stop flattering me... It won't get you anywhere, you know...

"It's not flattery if I'm telling the truth."

Philia- Sorry it's just... It's been a long time since someone's given me a compliment, that's all.

Before we could continue the conversation, a small pop up appeared in front of us. A notification read: "Implementation Complete! Mission: Dead as Stone. Reward Granted: Dual Wield Sword Skill Black Howling Assault".

My eyes would widen as I looked at Philia, smiling at the fact that we had completed a hidden quest.

"Well look at that... looks like we completed one of those implement missions from the admin console."

Philia- Well the reward doesn't really apply to me since I use a dagger. Do you know the Dual Wielding skill?

"Unfortunately not but my best friend does. I'll make sure to tell him and see if we need to come back here so that he can gain the skill. Still, a new sword skill is definitely a very nice reward for killing a few monsters."

Philia- I suppose. I just hope it either hits like a truck or has a high number of hits...

Philia's eyes went wide as she looked over my shoulder, gasped and pointed behind me.

Philia- Hey look! There's a treasure chest over there!

I look over as she runs towards the treasure chest. A sudden flashback of the Moonlit Black Cats popped into my memory. I grabbed Philia's hand quickly before she could reach the chest.

Philia- What's up?

"Sorry it's just... I was reminded of a bad memory and didn't want anything bad to happen to you. Please, be careful."

Philia- Kazzu... I'll be ok... I promise... now, let's open the thing!

There's something... cute... about her.

Philia- Shit... looks like the chest's lid is trapped.

"Is it a Mimic?"

Philia- No, it's a normal treasure chest. I don't think the trap is a big deal either.

"Can you disarm it?"

Philia- Do you really have little faith in my skills?

"No. Like I said, I don't want you to get hurt."

Philia- Well, like I said, I'll be fine. I can work out trap levels and types at a glance. Just leave it to me.

"Alright, boss lady. Go ahead."

I stood back and watched her work. It looked so easy to do yet a doubt it was that simple. For Philia, however, it was as she unlocked the thing in mere seconds.


Philia- I told you... ok, little treasure, come on out...

"Little treasure? Are you serious?"

Philia- What kind of treasure are you, I wonder... a weapon? An accessory, maybe...

"Are you good? You sound crazy."

Philia- There you are!

"So, what is it?"

Philia- I'm not telling you; it's my treasure.

"Wait, what!? You ask me to help you with monsters so you can get a treasure and not tell me? How is that fair!?"

Philia- I gave you information about the room in the first place. Plus, you must have gotten some good rewards from the golem and its buddies. And if I'm not mistaken, your best friend is gonna have the benefit of a new sword skill, so I think that makes us even.

"True, but it's still not fair."

Philia- Finding treasure like this is so fun!


Philia turned to me quickly with a small blush.

Philia- W-What did you say?

"I said you're cute. The way you get all giddy about treasure is really adorable."

Philia- I'm cute?

"Do I need to confirm it a third time?"

Philia kept quiet as she walked up to me and placed her hand on my chest, feeling my heartbeat and forming a small smile.

Philia- You're... pretty... cute too...

"Why thank you, Miss Hunter."

Philia- You know what...? Here you go.

She handed me a small golden and snow-white ring. Judging by its size and weight, it should catch a decent price, maybe even more since we found it in the Hollow Area.

"Are you sure? You called dibs on it. Pretty adamantly I might add."

Philia- I know, but if I'm going to be stuck down here, you'll have a better use for it than I will.

"Thank you, Philia... I'll pay you back I promise."

Philia- You better! I don't usually give people presents.

"Well, I'm glad to be an exception. Shall we head back to the Administration Area?"

Philia- We shall.

December 10, 2024

Hollow Area: Serpentis Sea of Trees

"So, there's nothing new aside from that room you discovered?"

Philia- Not yet... there's still a little bit of this area to explore. Once I clear it all out, I'll let you know.

"No rush, just..."

I stopped moving as I looked over to my left, detecting movement due to my searching skill. Philia halted next to me, confused.

Philia- Just...?


Philia- What's wrong Kazzu...?

"Philia, please hush..."

She huffed as she spoke in whispered tones.

Philia- What is it...?

"Over there... look..."

I pointed towards my left. She turned her head over and noticed what I was trying to show her.

Philia- There are lots of players... Kazzu... Are they...?

"It looks like they are fighting, Scratch that, it seems a group is ganging up on one player."

Philia- Oh no...

"Wait here. I'm getting a closer look."

Philia- What!? No! I'm coming with you!

"Alright! Just, please, keep your voice down."

As we got in closer, we both noticed three hooded figures take down the one defending player. I noticed the status ailments on the player. Paralysis and bleeding. My eyes widened as they struck the player down without remorse, killing him instantly. I jumped out of hiding and rushed over to them.

Philia- Kazzu!

"Hey you three! What are you doing!?"

?- Target approaching! Vanish!

The three quickly pulled out teleport crystals and disappeared in an instant. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist.

"Shit... I was too late..."

Philia- It wasn't your fault Kazzu... you wouldn't have made it in time no matter how much you hurried.

"Philia... the player who died... did you see his status?"

Philia- No... it all happened so quickly...

"He had the paralysis and bleeding effect on him at the same time, immobilizing the victim before delivering the final blow... I only know one organization who specialized in this method..."

Philia- And that is?

"Philia, answer me seriously. Why don't you go back to Aincrad for a bit? I know your orange cursor makes you unable to stay in the safe zones, but if you stayed in a village nearby the safe zone, you should be fine."

She hesitated for a moment before giving me a weak smile.

Philia- It's nice that you care about me Kazzu, but if you think about it, if I can't go into the safe zones, there isn't much difference between Aincrad and the Hollow Area in terms of danger. Besides, player kills happen in Aincrad as well, right?

"They used to until a while ago. We eliminated the highest-ranking red guild in an assault raid against them."

Philia- Then I'll be fine here. I mean, I've been here for a long time now. Now tell me who it is that you are worried about.

"The red guild we took care of had many people sent to jail with little casualties. The cloaks they were wearing resembles theirs, the method of killing they used resembles theirs. If those three were a part of the same organization, then we have just run into a lot more problems."

Philia- What are we dealing with here, Kazzu?

"Laughing Coffin... the murder guild..."