Chapter 32: Double Date Drama

December 12, 2024

Floor 76: Arc Sophia


Ashtry- Kazzu, hurry up or we'll be late!

"Relax my princess, the date is taking place in this very shop. We'll be fine."

Ashtry and I were dressing up a little fancy for a bit of a celebration. As a reward for clearing Floor 77, Asuna and Kirito booked Agil's shop for the four of us to enjoy a double date together. Thinking it was a great idea, we jumped for the opportunity, leaving only a few concerns.

"Are you sure Kiyo will be ok with Klein? He can barely deal with a woman, so I'm scared how he handles babysitting."

Ashtry- Yes Kazzu, Kiyo will be fine. You might not know it, but Klein is really good with kids just like you. The only difference is that he is more carefree and playful. Yui and Kiyo will both be in good hands.

"Did you learn this information on a date with him?"

Ashtry- I did actually. Surprisingly, he was very polite and gentleman like when we went out.

"I'm glad you had a great time."

Ashtry- Well, you're still my number one guy.

She giggled as she walked over and kissed me on the cheek, a small blush appearing on my face.

"Well... you're my number one gal as well..."

I walked over and kissed her on the lips, earning another giggle from her as she leaned into it, deepening the kiss. Our moment was cut short as a knock on my door separated us.

Kirito- Hey, you two lovebirds ready?

"Almost buddy, we'll meet you down there!"

The fleeting sounds of footsteps confirmed they would do as I asked. I chuckled and placed my foot into one more formal shoe and then gave myself a look. I was wearing a black button up with a red vest on top. Black dress pants complimented the colors as I whistled to myself.

"Hey lady killer..."

Ashtry- Are you really talking to yourself?

"Just making myself feel good about my outfit."

Ashtry- And what about me? Wanna give me your opinion?

I turned my attention to Ashtry and immediately felt a stream of blood leave my nose. She was wearing a stunning purple dress with her hair curled and black high heels. The heels made her an inch taller than me, and the dress showed off a little bit of her body.

"Absolutely stunning..."

Ashtry's face turned beet red as she looked down at the ground, embarrassed at my compliment. She looked back up at me with a big smile on her face.

Ashtry- I love you Kazuhito...

"I love you too Ashtry..."

We kiss once again, pulling back after a few seconds and rubbing our noses together.

Ashtry- Shall we go meet the other lovely couple?

"We shall."

I offer my arm to her. As she took it, we walked out of the room and proceeded down the stairs. We soon joined up with Kirito and Asuna, sitting across from them at the table prepared for us by Agil. On the table was a full course meal, different from the usual meals he serves to customers.

Asuna- Wow, this is pretty authentic home-cooking. This looks delicious!

"Then why are we just staring at it! Let's eat!"

Kirito- What is this dish here?

Ashtry- That would be the "Pasta in a Creamy Mushroom Sauce".

"That sounds good as hell actually. I'm taking some!"

I grabbed a nearby bowl and filled it up with the pasta. As I do, the other started grabbing a variety of different foods on the table and surrounded themself with food. As we begin to eat, the girls looked at each other with devious smirks as they lifted forks up to me and Kirito's faces. We gave them both confused.

Kirito- Yes?

"Can we help you?"

Asuna- Open wide...

Ashtry- And say 'ah" you two.

"Are you two serious right now?"

Ashtry- Very, now do it.

I look over at Kirito and shrug as I open my mouth for Ashtry to feed me. Kirito does the same as Asuna places her fork in Kirito's mouth, Ashtry doing the same for me. All four of us had blushing, smiling faces as we kept enjoying our small celebratory date. Outside of the shop, peering through the window, Silica puffed up her cheeks and looked at the scene.

Silica- Those four seem so close to each other. I mean, maybe I'm stating the obvious, but still.

Lisbeth crosses her arms while looming in as well.

Lisbeth- Hmph. They're really rubbing everyone's nose in it, aren't they?

Sinon looks inside for a moment and raises an eyebrow.

Sinon- Yea, it's sort of painful to watch. I feel like I need a shower or something.

Leafa looks in and lets out a sigh.

Leafa- Are those four always like that?

Lisbeth- Well, now that you mention it, I guess they are.

Leafa- They look like they're really into each other.

Silica- Well Asuna and Kirito are married. Kazzu and Ashtry however just share an inventory through an item.

Lisbeth- Which so happens to be a ring. Not a difference in status there.

Leafa- Wait, married!?

Silica- I remember when I first heard. I was so utterly shocked...

Leafa- Married...

Lisbeth- What? You shocked as well, Leafa?

Leafa- Well, n-no... but yes? I'm not sure about Kazzu's situation but my brother... I mean, K-Kirito is free to marry whoever he wants in the game. It's got nothing to do with me.

Lisbeth- I don't know... you seem to be a little worked up...

Suddenly, a chuckle appeared behind them. Startled by the sudden noise, the girls turned around to see Argo holding a few bottles in hand and her face a little flushed.

Argo- Yep, those four are madly in love with each other! One hundred percentage! That... *hic* and the fact that they both had kids practically makes them a full-fledged family.

Leafa- Kirito has kids now!? What!? Does that make me an aunt now!?

Silica- It's quite a surprise, isn't it? I mean it makes sense for Kazzu and Kirito to have Asuna and Ashtry. Both pairs around the same level, working together to beat the game...

Leafa- Well, when you put it like that, I haven't been around for a lot of Sword Art Online. But I was with my brother back in the real world, watching over him in his hospital bed.

Argo- Enlighten me Leafy... *hic* when you would visit Kirito... would you ever... *hic* check in with Kazzu?

Leafa- Well... no... I was unaware that Kazzu was in the game until I met him. Why ask?

Argo- Just wondering...*hic*

Lisbeth- Well, you never know how things are going to turn out, but it doesn't look like anyone's going to be breaking up those happy couples up anytime soon. I guess all we can do is watch them from a distance. Not that they would notice or anything...

Sinon- I'm not sure, but I think you might be right. Plus, I think getting involved would be more trouble than it's worth.

Lisbeth- You don't have any objections, do you Silica?

Silica stayed quiet. Before anyone could ask what was wrong with her, two more figures jumped into the conversation.

Strea- Hi, hi! What's going on here!?

Sachi- You look like you're on a secret mission.

Lisbeth- We... kind of are...

Sinon- We are watching a double date in progress.

Strea- Oh, a date! Who all is there?

Leafa- Kirito, Asuna, Ashtry and Kazzu...

Strea- Kazzu!?

Strea lunged for the window and saw me feeding Ashtry since she had done the same thing for me a minute ago. Strea's smile went wide.

Strea- Aww, they're so cute!

Sachi- I'm happy for them both. They deserve happiness.

Silica- Argo, give me one of those bottles!

Argo- Eh? Why...?

Silica- Just give me one!

Silica snatched a bottle and chugged the entire thing down, completely finishing the bottle in one go. Her face turning flushed afterwards, immediately getting herself drunk.

Silica- I have some... *hic* serious objections!

Leafa- Wh-Where'd this come from!?

Sinon- What's in those bottles Argo?

Argo- Good stuff mixed with alcohol... *hic* want some?

Sinon- No!

Lisbeth- Where did you even get that!?

Argo- A secret never reveals their magician... *hic*

Silica- Never mind the drink! Just tell me what... *hic*... you think we are all doing up here on the 76th floor!

Lisbeth- Because we're stuck here?

Sinon- Because I fell out of the sky?

Leafa- Because I was teleported here?

Silica- No, that's not it! That's not it at all! You're all naive, you really are!

Lisbeth- Silica... you are out of control...

Silica- You can't just sit back and watch You have to take action! Be more assertive! Life's just too short! I'm going in there!

Lisbeth- Over where!?

Silica- To see Kazzu, of course!

Sachi- Silica, we shouldn't!

Sinon- No thank you...

Leafa- Um, come again?

Argo- Yes girlfriend! Get in there!

Silica- I will!

Strea- Argo, you aren't helping!

Lisbeth- Oh shit, there she goes!

Silica marched over to the entrance of Agil's shop and entered inside. As I was enjoying our food, I noticed Silica out of the corner of my eyes. She looked visibly upset as she marched over to our table. I looked at the girl with a raised eyebrow and a bit of concern as she seemed to be out of it.

"Silica? What are you...?"

Before she could form words into a sentence, her eyes closed slightly as she stumbled and nearly fell. I jumped from my seat and zipped over to her, catching her before she hit the ground. Her daze ceased as I held her in my arms.

"Silica, are you ok?"

Silica- Kazzu...? What... happened...?

"I don't know, you tell me!? You came in here pissed off about something and before you could tell me what was wrong, you fell down."

Silica- I did...? Oh no! I'm sorry Kazzu! I ruined your date!

Ashtry joined me as she rested a hand on her shoulder, smiling down at the poor girl.

Ashtry- You ruined nothing Silica. But I think you should take some food and drink with you. You must be low on energy.

Silica- Are you sure?

Kirito- We have plenty to spare!

Asuna- The pasta is our favorite!

I gave Silica a small smile as I stood up, grabbed one more bowl of food and a small cup of water and handed it off to Silica. She looked up and took the refreshments with a shy expression on her face.

Silica- Thank you all... I'll leave you be...

"Rest up Silica..."

Ashtry- Get better soon!

Silica went back outside with a small smile on her face. Lisbeth rushed up to her and grabbed her shoulders.

Lisbeth- What the hell was that!? What happened!?

Silica- This "Pasta with a Creamy Mushroom Sauce" looks and smells really divine...

Lisbeth- Why the hell are you taking their food!? You know what, forget it. I'm not even going to ask about that. Didn't you go over there to shake things up?

Silica's smile turned into a frown as she focused her gaze down to her feet, twiddling her thumbs nervously.

Silica- The enemy was tough. He countered all of my attacks with his own...

Lisbeth- Well, that's what I figured... Look, it can't be helped. It's not Kazzu's fault that he is the way he is. Anyone would fall for that...

Silica- W-Well, listen... we girls need to stick together. There's not a lot of us left in the world. I-It's...

Strea- What are you talking about? There are precisely 3,904,727,342 women on Earth.

The girls looked at Strea with a raised eyebrow. Strea nervously chuckled as a bead of sweat lowered from her cheek.

Strea- Lucky guess...

Lisbeth- Well, we have nothing to worry about. It's all going to be ok. Besides...

Lisbeth took a moment to look inside the shop again, where me and Ashtry are close together. Holding each other close as we share another kiss. Lisbeth smiled as she held her fist close to her chest.

Lisbeth- I believe he knows how much we all love and appreciate him...