Chapter 34: Empowered Pina

December 14, 2024

Floor 76: Arc Sophia

After grabbing my gear for the day and checking which skills I wanted to improve upon today, that being my dagger skill, I set out into the town in hopes of finding a few simple questions to get some training on and then move on to harder quests to put my training to the test. As I was about to reach the town's border and explore outside, I was stopped by a familiar voice calling out my name. I turned around and smiled as I saw a blue dragon circle around my head and Silica skid to a halt in front of me.

Silica- Kazzu, I did it!

I raised an eyebrow and looked at the dragon tamer confused, unfamiliar by what she meant.

"Did it? What did you do?"

Silica- I leveled up again!

Silica looked around to make sure no one else was looking. Once she was in the clear, she opened her stats and showed them to me. She wasn't lying. Silica had easily advanced up to the level I was when I fought Kayaba on Floor 75 just by completing a few quests in town. I smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

"You did! Congrats Silica, maybe you should be the one to take down the final boss!"

Silica- Me? Take down the boss? I don't think I could do that unless everyone else was there, but I'm so happy you see how hard I've worked!

"Silica, I've known how hard you work since the day we met. I never doubted you."

Silica- Yea, I know. But it still feels nice to hear you say it...

I looked down at the Dragon Tamer and noticed her confidence leave as she twiddled her thumbs a bit. It didn't take me long to realize what she wanted. I took a deep breath.

"You know, now that you're at this level, the quests in town won't be effective in gaining more experience and earning levels. So... if you aren't busy, would you like to go out in the field and battle some of the monsters with me?"

She looked up at me with shock and awe at my request, instantly being replaced with stars in her eyes.

Silica- Really!?

"Of course. I was heading out there now to see if I'm still skillful with a dagger and who better to join me than you? Besides, even if things get rough, we'll have each other's backs."

Silica's smile grew bigger as she looked at Pina, both of them seemingly nodding at each other before turning back to me.

Silica- Well, when you put it like that, sure!

Pina- Skraw!

"Then there is no time like the present. Let's go you two!"

Silica- Right!

Pina- Skraw!

December 14, 2024

Floor 77: Skyward Caudate

We entered the field of battle as monsters started spawning in multiple different areas around us. They weren't close enough for us to aggravate them, but the sheer number of them made all three of us uncomfortable. I did one last check on my equipment to see if I was prepared for battle while looking down at Silica.

"Things are about to get serious. Are you all set Silica?"

Silica was slightly nervous as she quickly checked her gear, getting flustered and shaking slightly as she equipped her dagger.

Silica- I-I think so. This will be my first time taking on stronger monsters like this.

Pina- Skraw...

"It'll be ok, I promise. Just study how the enemies move and look out for their weak points. If this isn't working for you, just stick close to me and I'll take care of it."

Silica- O-Ok...

"I'll be right here with you, so take a deep breath and let's see what you can do!"

Silica's nervous expression turned serious as Pina floated down next to her and gave the battlefield a determined glare, which she mimicked as she held her dagger tighter.

Silica- Ok! I'll do my best, I promise!

We charged in and started getting targeted by giant hornet like monsters. They quickly flew over to us, their stingers extended and pointed out towards us. Before they could sting us, Pina flew up into the air, I slid on the ground and gave Silica a boost as I tossed her in the air, allowing her to join her feathered friend. They both nosedive towards the hornets, claws and dagger ready to strike, with me taking the heads on approach and bashing them away with my shield. This allowed Silica and Pina to collide with the monsters and start rapidly slashing. Before I could even get my own attack off, three of the hornets shattered as Silica and Pina jumped back, making room for me to attack. I raised my dagger and attacked the remaining hornets by stabbing into their digital bodies and tearing them apart from the inside of their holographic husks. The three of us regrouped as Silica had a wide smile on her face. She started jumping up and down in happiness.

Silica- I did it! I did it!

"You did, but I won't always be around to squeeze them together in a group like that. We should continue to work on your aim to make sure you always hit your target. Did you need a minute before we move onto the next group?"

Silica- Me? Rest? Never! Keep 'em coming!

"Alright, we can save the R and R for later. Getting stronger is important but try not to overwork yourself, ok?"

Silica- Gotcha!

We moved on to another group of hornets. This time, I stood back and observed as Silica battled the monsters mostly on her own. I only assisted if she asked for it or if I saw a hornet try to flank her. She had the same fire in her attacks as she did back on the Hill of Memories, except she looked more determined. Determined to prove something to herself, something to someone. She had more grace on the battlefield and her attacks seemed more refined than when we first met.

You're stronger than you think you are Silica... you just have to be more confident in yourself...

Silica- I've got to win all these battles. I don't want Kazzu to worry about me.

A hornet flew straight in her direction, she focused on it and charged her weapon for a sword skill.

Silica- Ok, here goes! Time to use a skill!

My eyes widened as I noticed her stance. The skill she was wanting to use and the stance she was in didn't match at all.

"Wait! Stop! Your stance is wrong! The skill won't work!"

Silica- What? Eeeeeek!

Silica stumbled and fell as her sword skill failed, giving the hornet a chance to get a critical strike as its stinger was aimed towards her eyes.


I jumped in and blocked the attack with my shield. Little did I know that ten more hornets would start to descend on us like wildfire.

"Shit! They decided now to do an all-out attack!"

Pina- Skraw...

Silica- We're surrounded...

"Silica, grab a teleport crystal and get out of here! Hurry!"

Silica- What!? But if I do that, you'll be alone!

"But you will be safe! Don't worry about me! I can hold them off!"

Silica- Kazzu... Ok. I've got a teleport crystal in this... gah!

A hornet swooped down to attack her, but she ducked out of the way just in time. The problem, however, was now the teleport crystal was on the ground beneath her.

Silica- Shoot! I dropped it!


I couldn't find room to help her as a majority of the hornets were trying to break through my defense. Before Silica could try and grab the crystal, Pina quickly landed and swallowed it whole.

Silica- Pina! No! Don't eat that!

Pina refused to listen as a small burp left the dragon's mouth. Pina then floated back up to Silica's shoulder.

Silica- Um... Kazzu... I'm not sure how to tell you this, but Pina might have swallowed the teleport crystal...

"Wait, what!? Pina ate that thing!? How!? Of all the fucking... damn it..."

A hornet flew behind me and started to head in for Silica.

"Silica, watch out! A monster's heading for you!"

Silica- Eeeeek!

Before the monster could reach her, Pina flew up in front of Silica and faced down the monster.

Silica- Pina, what are you doing? Don't risk your life defending me again!


Pina- Skraaaaaaaaaw!

Our worries were replaced by curiosity as Pina's body started to glow a bright blue hue.

"What the...? What's going on?"

The monster charged in to attack Pina until it was blocked by a magical bright blue shield that appeared in front of Pina. Not only did it stop the monsters attack, but it put the hornet in a daze.

"It looks like Pina somehow blocked the enemies strike! Now's our chance to whittle them down! Attack it Silica!"

Silica- Got it!

Silica easily took care of the dazed hornet and focused her attention on drawing some of the other hornets next to her. She flanked the attacking hornets and started slashing at them. As the hornets tried to attack her, Pina kept flying in front of Silica to block their attacks, giving her the advantage needed to shatter them all. After being gifted a little breathing room, I pushed my shield against the remaining hornets and pushed them back, dropping my dagger and shield and retrieving my gauntlets. The fight was over as I unleashed a flurry of blows on the remaining hornets, defeating them and ending the fight. Me and Silica both looked at each other, took a deep breath and chuckled.

"That... was... a close call... are you two ok?"

Silica- Yea... I'm ok... just... that was scary...

"You're telling me..."

We both ended up collapsing to the ground, sitting on the grass and taking a breather.

Silica- That attack sure took us both by surprise huh...?

"You can say that again... I should've been more attentive to it... I'm sorry."

Silica- It wasn't your fault. I got in over my head in thinking I could perform a sword skill in a different fashion...

"I was rather curious about that... why did you have that stance? It looked like you were going to do a rapier skill, not a dagger one."

Silica looked down, embarrassed. She twiddled her thumbs a bit more as she let out a sigh.

Silica- I was trying to expand my movement style by copying Asuna and Ashtry's fighting style...

"Why were you copying their fighting style?"

Silica- I figured... if I was going to fight alongside you... I would use the same fighting style as two of the strongest women in the game... they're practically unbeatable and I... just wanted to be like them...

Recognition... that's what she's after...

"Silica... you don't need to copy their fighting style to prove how strong you are... before you botched that sword skill, you were handling those monsters by yourself. I barely needed to step in..."

Silica- You are just saying that...

"No, I'm not. I mean it. For your first time out on the battlefield since being on the lower floors, you handled yourself perfectly. A little more time and practice and I'd reckon you could handle the dangers of a floor by yourself. Especially with Pina tagging along..."

Silica went red as she looked at me with a tearful smile. She wiped away her tears and giggled to herself.

Silica- Thank you Kazzu...

"Anytime... now... speaking of Pina..."

Me and Silica looked over at Pina, who just floated in the air and gave us a happy smile.

Pina- Skraw!

Silica- Are you ok, Pina? You're not hurt, are you?

Pina flew up to Silica and landed on her shoulder, nuzzling her cheek, indicating that the feather dragon had no present injuries.

Silica- You came to my rescue once again... I'm a pretty high maintenance owner, aren't I?

"My curiosity is towards Pina's newfound powers. I knew that dragon familiars had unique skills, but they only possessed one at a time. Pina here can now, as given to events not a few seconds ago, heal you if when your health is in the yellow and shield you from enemy attacks."

Silica- Is that a bad thing?

"Not at all. It just confuses me as to why Pina has more than one power..."

Silica- Could it be because of the glitch in the system? The Hollow Area maybe...?

"Both are good assumptions, but it could be that along with the fact that she swallowed a teleport crystal whole. Regardless, we should use this advantage as best we can. But today, I think we should head back into town. I've raised my dagger skill by a small amount, and you've built up plenty of experience."

Silica- Ok...

As we started walking back to the town on this floor, Triberia, I gave Pina another look. She noticed and flew onto the top of my head.

Your favorite resting place huh?

I reached my hand up to her head and gave it a few gentle scratches with my index finger. The blue dragon cooed and purred, almost falling asleep on top of my head.

I wonder if Pina is really alright. Gathering more knowledge on her new powers could help me determine if they can learn more. Regardless, she should rest. Silica too.

"Silica, when we get back to Arc Sophia, I want you and Pina to take the rest of the day off."

Silica- Oh? Did we do something wrong?

Pina- Skraw?

"Not at all, I just want you two to get some rest. You both worked hard today taking down those monsters, so you deserve the rest of the day to yourselves."

Silica- Oh... Ok... thanks for worrying about us Kazzu...

Silica gave off a small smile as she walked over to me, picked Pina up from my head and held them close to her chest.

Silica- You'll... invite us into your party sometime soon, right?

"If I think of something, I'll shoot you a message."

Silica- Thank you, Kazzu...

Silica gave me a small hug, which I reciprocated, and went on her way. I waved them both goodbye before placing my hand under my chin, lost in thought.

Newfound dragon powers... interesting thing to delete from the game Kayaba... if we develop Pina's powers further, beating my father will be slightly easier... I for one can't wait to see where this discovery leads...