December 22, 2024
Hollow Area: Administrative Area
Philia- Now that we beat the boss in this area, are we going to investigate that gated bridge?
"What do you think the answer to that is? Of course we are going to investigate! What kind of gamer would I be if I didn't explore every nook and cranny?"
Philia- Alright, alright! Sheesh, it was just a question. No need to get all defensive.
I chuckled at her comment as we geared up. I pulled the necklace out of my pocket and saw the glowing stone inside.
"If I am correct, as soon as we open the gate, this stone should lose its glow. This must be how we explore the different areas of the Hollow Area."
Philia- So go to a new area, kick the boss's ass and then move onto the next one?
"Pretty much yea."
Philia- Then what the hell are we doing standing here!? Let's go!
She seemed more excited about this than when we first met. She must be getting used to trusting me.
We both accessed the admin terminal and teleported to the area closest to the bridge.
December 22, 2024
Hollow Area: Bridge to Bastia Gate
Approaching the gate, the necklace started to glow brighter. I held it tight in my hand and raised it up to the gate. A flash of light hit the gate and it vanished, the light from the necklace dying out.
"Knew it. The seal is broken."
Philia- New monsters, dungeons and treasure lie ahead of us... it's pretty exciting right!?
"Obviously! I'm always excited for a new adventure. Plus, we could find a clue as to how to restore your status or any trace of a karma restoration quest."
Philia- You are still hooked on that? You know it probably doesn't exist right?
"Maybe... but if there is a chance to get your cursor back to green and bring you back to Aincrad, I'm willing to take it."
Philia had a small blush crawl on her face as she rolled her eyes. She shoved me forward with a giggle.
Philia- Come on you dork, let's go explore this new area.
December 22, 2024
Hollow Area: Bastia Gate Floating Ruins Square
We arrived in an area with nothing but floating platforms and landscapes, black and blue ruined structures surrounding those landscapes and leading up to a spiraling tree looking tower.
Philia- Whoa... that's a really tall tower... the top reaches all the way to the sky.
"Wonder what the point of the tower is. The boss lair maybe? It looks like it's going to be tough just climbing the thing."
Philia lightly smacked my arm and pointed to the end of a bridge leading to the spiraling tower.
Philia- That cross shaped object is interesting too. I smell treasure.
"Well with a name like "Floating Ruins", there is bound to be treasure on one of these landmarks. Let's check out the end of that bridge and see what's up."
As we wandered over to the bridge, we heard and felt rumbling beneath our feet. Jumping out of the way, a few giant monster ants burrowed from the ground and saw us as their next snack. Raising my shield, I rushed forward and blocked the ant's giant pincers as it was trying to bite into Philia. Philia leapt over my head and sliced into the back of the ant while using a sword skill on the ant following behind her. I bashed the ant attacking me back into the one fighting Philia and lunged forward with a sword skill, cutting them both down and shattering them.
"Well, that wasn't bad."
Philia- After beating the boss in the last area, these lesser monsters haven't really been a challenge. I've even managed to level up since the last you've been here.
"Well, that will help us with any future bosses... speaking of."
Walking up to the cross shaped gate, I noticed that it was the same design as the gate leading to this area. Philia caught that detail as well.
Philia- Is this the gate to the next area?
"Not likely. If anything, it might be where we need to go to trigger an event to lead us there. Look at the writing. "Those who have not received the blessing of the Dragon King must depart from this place." The Dragon King must be the boss for this area."
Philia- It could be an item or something.
Before I could respond, a roar that shook the very ground beneath our feet echoed throughout the sky and ruins. Looking up, we noticed a black dragon with bright blue eyes hovering over the tower.
Philia- A dragon!?
"Hell yes! Please tell me we get to fight that!?"
Philia- Why would you want to-!
She was interrupted as the dragon let out another roar and flew to the top of the tower, it's roar fading to nothingness.
Philia- Why did it go up there? Does it have a nest or something?
"I have no idea, but if there is a nest up there... I want to grab one of the eggs for a friend of mine."
Philia- You're crazy...
"Possibly... now... where do we go from here...?"
December 22, 2024
Hollow Area: Bastia Gate Restricted Training Gallery
Philia- Kazzu... we've been looking around for nearly two and a half hours already. Can't we just head back to the Administration Area and think of a plan?
"I'm sorry that I've kept you here with me for this long Philia, but I want to at least scout out the map data so we won't get lost on any future expeditions. I promise once I have this area logged, we can head back."
Philia- Ok... I guess one more hour won't kill me...
"Thank you Philia. Now let's..."
I stopped dead in my tracks and grabbed Philia to hide behind a bush. She looked at me confused.
Philia- What's going on?
I motioned her to be quiet as I pointed ahead. She looked over the bush to see one of the players in the hooded cloaks. Her eyes went widened as her voiced lowered to a hushed whisper.
Philia- It's them again... the people we saw doing that player kill.
What are they doing here? We only got here a few hours ago.
The hooded figure looked around for a bit before pulling out a crystal and teleporting away. Once he was gone, me and Philia rose from the bushes and clenched our weapons tighter.
Philia- Where do you think they were going?
Activating my search skill, I looked around the area and noticed where the figure teleported to. There was another figure waiting for him. I pointed over to them both and rushed away without a word. Philia followed my lead and stopped as we both hid behind a cliff incline. We both activated our listening skill and eavesdropped on the conversation.
Hooded Figure 1- There. That's all dealt with, Boss.
Hooded Figure 2- You sure took your time... did you run into any trouble?
My eyes widened at the sound of the second figure.
That voice... I've heard it before...
Hooded Figure 1- Well... the target was a bit tougher than expected.
Hooded Figure 2- What a pathetic excuse!
"That voice... it... can't be..."
Hooded Figure 2- I don't want to see you messing around again!
That's him... no doubt about it...
Philia- Who?
"He's the leader of the red murder guild: Laughing Coffin."
PoH- Right. Now for our next target...
He never finished his sentence as he went silent. I lowered my head quickly and laid flat on my back, ready to draw my weapon in case it was needed.
Shit! Did we get spotted!?
Hooded Figure 1- What's up, Boss?
PoH- Nothing. Let's take this somewhere else. I don't feel comfortable here. No idea who's going to wander in...
Damn it! He knows!
Hooded Figure 1- Yes, Boss!
The sounds of fading footsteps filled my ears as I wanted to make sure they were gone before getting out of cover. My heartbeat rang throughout my chest, my hands shook slightly, and a bead of sweat dripped down my forehead.
Philia- They've gone... Kazzu, do you know those guys?
"All too well I'm afraid."
Philia- You look terrified...
"The things they have done is enough to make anyone terrified of seeing them... but... I'm terrified for another reason..."
Philia- What do you mean?
"Laughing Coffin used to be the biggest and most evil guild in all of Aincrad. They've done countless player kills..."
Philia's eye went wide as she shot straight up from the ground.
Philia- What!?
"No one knows how many players they have killed. They killed directly, indirectly, and the worst part about it is that they actually enjoy it."
Philia- And now they're here?
"Somehow, someway, yes. I thought we wiped them out a while ago... guess I was wrong."
Philia- Wiped them out?
"A while ago, a group of top-level players, myself included, decided to band together and attack Laughing Coffin directly. The battle was ferocious. Both sides took casualties... some of those casualties I caused."
Philia- Kazzu...
"In the end, however, Laughing Coffin was destroyed. Or so I thought until just now. I guess the remnants of the guild are now holed up in the Hollow Area. This has just made this place much more dangerous."
Philia- Yea...
"I'm sorry but I can't allow this Philia. I just can't tolerate them and the way they enjoy killing players while all of us are fighting tooth and nail to make sure we escape Aincrad alive. Not just the players on the front lines, but the productive players down on the lower floors as well. Everyone is dreaming of the day that they can return to the real world. So, for them to take those lives, just because it's fun... I won't allow it."
Philia- Kazzu...
"Sorry... I didn't mean to go on a rant."
Philia- No! It's just... you're so honest and straightforward. I guess I'm not used to it. Thank you for sharing that with me.
I smile as I look down and clench my fist.
"Now... I'm only saying this because you are stuck down here until we can get you out of here. I think you are tough enough to take them on face-to-face, one-on-one... but if they ambushed you, ganged up on you or struck you from behind, they'd do any horrible thing you can imagine. If you see any of them, do not engage. If they decide to engage you, run away and contact me. I'll be there to assist you in a heartbeat."
She gave off a small smile and a nod, holding her dagger close.
Philia- Ok...
"Now let's get out of here... if they knew we were listening in, they could try to jump us."
Philia- Right... we don't want to run into them again if we can avoid it.
December 22, 2024
Hollow Area: Administration Area
Not a word was said as we made it back to the Administration Area. Philia rested herself against the Administration Terminal as I walked up to the teleport gate.
"I'm sorry to cut today short but I'm going to head back to Aincrad to report this to my guild. Perhaps now we can have a party of three when we explore since the Hollow Area will allow us to do so. Strength in numbers you know?"
Philia- Yea... Hey Kazzu?
Philia- I'm just going to come out and say it but... I feel kind of lonely every time you leave.
My eyes widened as she said that. I immediately stepped away from the teleport gate and gently grabbed her shoulder.
"Hey... don't you worry your pretty little head. You won't have to wait here long. I'll be back soon ok? Promise."
Philia gave me another smile as she grabbed my hand. Her soft skin held against my own.
Philia- Yea, I know. I'll be waiting for you.
With a smile and a wave, I teleported back to Arc Sophia. Philia's smile fading after I had completely vanished.
Philia- And he's gone...
Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted one of the hooded figures slowly approaching her. She backed away and gripped her dagger tightly.
PoH- It seems you have a pretty good grasp on the situation.
Philia- What situation!? Who are you!?
She pulled her dagger out to defend herself, which only seemed to entertain PoH as he smirked.
PoH- Whoa! Don't wave that thing around like that! You could take my eye out! I mean, look at you... you're so scared your knees are trembling!
Philia- How did you get in here!?
PoH- Does that matter? All sorts of weird and wonderful things can happen in this world.
Philia- Your voice... you're from that guild Kazzu was talking about... Laughing Coffin.
PoH- Oh, you've heard of us! I guess that means we're famous in this world as well!
Philia- Have you come to kill me? I won't make it easy for you, you...
PoH- Whoa, whoa, whoa... calm down girly. I'm not really interested in killing you. That's not why I'm here.
Philia- Then why are you here?
PoH- I don't know why you are so frightened. You are an orange player. You've attacked a green player before right? Just like us.
Philia- So what, my cursors orange. What of it?
PoH- We both have done something terrible, so why can't we both just be friends?
Philia- Nice try.
PoH- Oh but my dear orange player, I know what you did.
Philia- What are you talking about?
PoH- You can't bring yourself to tell him, can you? Can't tell the Dark Prince the truth?
Philia- Dark Prince? You mean Kazzu? If anything happens to him...
PoH- Will you just stop it! I'm not going to do anything to him. At least for now.
Philia continued to stand her ground as PoH chuckled.
PoH- Right, I think we are done here. I feel that we are on the same wavelength. After all, we are both players of questionable choices. I understand you better than that prince who acts like the big hero.
Philia- You're right. We are done here. So get lost.
PoH- Ok, ok, I'm going. But let me tell you one last thing. If you stick with him, he'll send you to the prison or worse, you'll die.
Philia- What the hell is that supposed to mean!?
PoH- Oh dear, she's all frightened again! I'd better get going. See you again soon!
With those words, he left the Administration Area. Philia gave into her emotions and collapsed on her knees, a rush of fear and confusion surrounding her head.
Philia- If I stick with Kazzu... I'll... die...? That Laughing Coffin guy said he could also throw me in jail... but... Kazzu wouldn't do that... he's my friend...
She opened her menu and took a look at her stats, seeing that her cursor was still orange. She held her fist close to her chest as one question dug into the back of her brain.
Philia- Would he?