Chapter 16: An Unusual Routine

A month had passed since the start of the academy, and Ren had established his routine. While waiting to find gravity seals, he had adapted by adding ten kilograms of weights: five distributed on his legs and five on his upper body.

After his usual five-kilometer running and swimming session, he got into position to start his walking on his hands.

'With ten more kilos it is definitely more difficult,' he thought.

His thought was interrupted by a familiar voice: "Look who's here."

Ren kept his balance with difficulty, recognizing the voice of Tsuyoshi Shiokaze, a second-year academy student. He was accompanied by two other students from Class 2-A.

"I heard that the little freshman was training in strange ways, but this..." Tsuyoshi laughed scornfully. "What do you think you are accomplishing by walking on your hands like a clown?"

Ren continued on his way, ignoring them completely.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" Tsuyoshi took a step forward, but froze when a familiar voice intervened.

"Oh, interesting training method." It was Aoi, also headed to the academy. "Technically, walking on the hands strengthens not only the arms but also the core stabilizing muscles. Also..." he adjusted his glasses, going into what Jun'ko called 'encyclopedia mode,' "it improves balance and neuromuscular coordination. It is a very efficient exercise."

"No one asked your opinion, four-eyes," Tsuyoshi huffed, but the moment had passed. He walked away with his friends, not before casting one last contemptuous glance at Ren.

"You shouldn't have intervened," Ren said, returning to a standing position. "But thank you."

Aoi shrugged his shoulders. "I was going to the academy anyway. Besides, it's fascinating from a physiological point of view. How long can you maintain that position?"

"I can walk almost two kilometers now."

Aoi's eyes lit up. "Really? I wonder how that affects the chakra pathway in the upper meridians..."

During the lecture, Fujimoto-sensei explained the basic principles of chakra control. "Chakra control," he began in a firm voice that filled the lecture hall, "is the basis of everything you will do as a ninja. Before you can manipulate elements or create illusions, you must learn to control your inner energy."

He demonstrated by creating a small sphere of water in his hands. "This will be your first real test. Creating and maintaining a water sphere requires constant concentration and precise chakra flow."

'Perfect,' Ren thought. 'This integrates well with my lake practice.'

The students began to practice. Many could barely make the water flicker, while others only created messy splashes.

"Technically," Aoi murmured as he tried to stabilize his wobbly sphere, "the process requires constant chakra modulation to counteract the water's natural surface tension..."

"Less theory, more practice," Jun'ko interrupted him from behind, just as her sphere exploded into a small fountain, dousing everyone around her.

Ren hid a smile as she concentrated on her exercise. Morning practice with the water drop gave him a slight advantage, but maintaining a larger sphere was a completely different challenge.

'I have to find the right balance,' he reflected. 'Not too powerful to reveal my true level, but enough not to arouse suspicion.'

During the lunch break, the trio found themselves in their usual spot in the courtyard. Jun'ko was still soaked from her failed attempts, while Aoi frantically consulted a manual on water manipulation.

"How do you make everything look so easy?" asked Jun'ko to Ren, wringing out her wet hair.

"I practice a lot," he replied simply.

"That must be why I always see you coming so early," Aoi commented, looking up from his book. "Theoretically, the morning practice when the chakra levels are freshest..."

"Oh no, he's off to another class," groaned Jun'ko theatrically. "Someone stop him!"

In the afternoon sparring session, Fujimoto-sensei divided the students into pairs.

"Mizutani," called Fujimoto, "you with Karatachi."

Shinji Karatachi, the coral boy, approached with a friendly smile. "I hope you're tougher than you look," he said, making small coral crystals appear on his knuckles.

'Interesting,' Ren thought, 'using coral to cover knuckles.... I could emulate it with the Earth element and incorporate it into my style.'

'The training with Toshir... my father is paying off. Compared to him, this seems like child's play to me.'

"Interesting," Shinji commented after being thrown to the ground for the third time. "You don't move like a beginner."

"Training," Ren replied simply, helping him up.

'I won't be the one going down this time, though,' Shinji said with a smile, changing his posture and charging Ren with a feint from below.

'Better not give too much away, I'll pretend to get hit this time,' Ren thought, dropping to the ground with a controlled thud, decreeing the end of the sparring.

"This is my clan's secret technique, Mega Karatachi Taijutsu!" exclaimed Shinji triumphantly, but someone noticed Ren's unusual movement.

At the end of the day, the usual trio-Ren, Aoi, and Jun'ko-was joined by Shinji as they returned to their respective homes.

"I heard what happened this morning with Tsuyoshi," said the coral boy. "Don't worry, it's all smoke and mirrors."

"I wasn't worried," Ren replied.

"I like your attitude," laughed Jun'ko. "By the way, has anyone seen Hiroshi today? I wanted to show him a book about jellyfish I found..."

"Don't provoke him yet," groaned Aoi. "I spent half an hour yesterday explaining to him the difference between cnidarians and ctenophores!"

"Anyway, this hand-walking thing -- do you think you could teach me?"

Ren raised an eyebrow, smiling.

'Could this be the beginning of the change? I can imagine Mighty Guy's face if he could see me.'

"What?" she laughed. "If it works for you, why not, and then..." her smile turned mischievous, "imagine Hiroshi's face when he sees me walking using only my hands!"

Ren shook his head, but could not hold back a small smile.