Ren wandered through the foggy streets of Kirigakure, immersed in his thoughts. Weeks had passed since he last saw Utakata. It wasn't unusual for the boy to disappear for a few days, but this time felt different: Utakata had warned him beforehand. We won't see each other for a while, he had said after their last training session, without adding further details.
At first, Ren hadn't thought much of it. Utakata had always been reserved and rarely talked about his life outside their weekly training sessions. But now, as days turned into weeks, Ren began to wonder if there was more to this sudden pause.
Come to think of it, Ren thought, despite training together for months, I never even asked where he lives. Never even thought about it.
The realization left him uneasy. How could he search for someone when he didn't even know where to start? After a few minutes of reflection, a possibility crossed his mind: Harusame. If he found Utakata's master, he might uncover something.
But how to find him? he wondered.
Ren stopped, his gaze lost in the fog blanketing the streets. Searching for Harusame wouldn't be easy. He was a respected but private jonin, and his presence wasn't particularly visible in the village. Then, an idea struck him: Ganryu. His former training master might know something. He was well-connected among the village's ninja and knew many jonin.
Tomorrow, during sparring, I'll ask him, Ren decided, mentally outlining his next step.
As he returned home, a familiar aroma of spiced broth led him to a ramen stall. There, he spotted Aoi and Jun'ko seated at a table, devouring two steaming bowls.
"Ren!" Jun'ko exclaimed, her mouth full, waving a chopstick to catch his attention. "Come join us! Aoi's trying to convince me that ramen is the key to universal happiness."
"It's not universal happiness," Aoi retorted seriously, adjusting his glasses, "but an optimal nutritional balance that encourages serotonin release in the brain."
Jun'ko sighed dramatically. "Please, Ren, save me. He's started with his theories again."
Ren sat beside them, hiding a smile. Their conversation continued in its usual light-hearted tone, but Aoi soon changed the subject. Putting down his chopsticks, he fixed Ren with a serious look.
"Ren, what do you think about the village lately? Have you noticed anything unusual?"
Jun'ko groaned, resting her head on the table. "Here we go again. He's becoming obsessed with this story."
But Ren didn't dismiss the question so easily. He reflected for a moment before responding. "Yes," he said slowly. "It feels like the air is getting tenser."
Aoi nodded, as if needing that confirmation. "I've had the same impression. It's as if the village is... on the brink of something. Rumors are spreading, and I've noticed the jonin seem more alert than usual."
Jun'ko tried to lighten the mood, shooting Aoi a pointed look. "Or maybe it's you reading too many reports! Seriously, Aoi, relax. Isn't this just the usual village drama?"
However, Ren couldn't ignore the unease growing inside him. I might've agreed with Jun'ko if I didn't know the times we're living in, but now I have the means to act, Ren thought.
"Anyway," Jun'ko concluded with a smile, attempting to break the atmosphere, "we should enjoy the ramen. I don't want your grim talk ruining my lunch."
Ren managed a faint smile. Your carefree nature is contagious, Jun'ko, he mused.
After saying goodbye to Aoi and Jun'ko, Ren returned home. Entering his laboratory, he found his clone still immersed in fuinjutsu work. Scrolls covered the long table, intricate symbols and notes scattered across every surface.
Without disturbing the clone, Ren approached the bench where he had set up the mouse, the small subject for testing the Glycina Nebula. The mouse moved normally in its cage, displaying the same exploratory and lively behavior as always. Ren watched intently, searching for subtle signs of any effect from the solution. But there was nothing. No visible changes, no evident improvement. Even its energy levels and behavior remained unchanged.
Ren crossed his arms, contemplating the situation.
Perhaps the solution dissolved before fully entering the organism's system.
It was a plausible thought. He had administered the Glycina Nebula orally, and the mouse's digestive system might have neutralized or degraded the compound before it had the chance to be absorbed.
Reflecting further, he began forming a scientific explanation:
The chemical structure of the solution might be unstable in the stomach's acidic environment. Digestive enzymes could've broken the molecular bonds before the compound reached the bloodstream. Additionally, the active ingredient might require controlled release or a different administration method to bypass these barriers.
He jotted down a few quick notes in his notebook:
Hypothesis: Oral administration is ineffective for the Glycina Nebula vehicle. Possible enzymatic degradation or gastric neutralization.
Next Steps:
Test with gastro-resistant capsules to protect the compound during stomach transit.
Intramuscular administration to bypass the digestive tract.
Intravenous administration to test the direct and rapid effect on the bloodstream.
Ren paused momentarily, rereading his notes. Intramuscular or intravenous? I'll need to prepare a sterile solution and find a suitable syringe. That'll be the next step.
Another possibility crossed his mind: Perhaps a higher dose is required to achieve a visible effect. But increasing the concentration without preliminary data on the compound's metabolism could be risky.
He took a deep breath, turning toward the clone, which was still focused on tracing seals. "Update your notes with these observations," he said, dropping a copy of his findings onto the workbench. "I'm revising the administration method for the next test."
The clone nodded without looking up from the scroll it was meticulously inscribing. Meanwhile, Ren began preparing the laboratory for the next experiment.
He needed to be meticulous: intramuscular or intravenous administration required sterile conditions to avoid infections or contamination. He gathered the necessary tools, carefully noting each step to ensure a safe and controlled environment.
As he prepared the materials, he couldn't help reflecting on the entire experiment. Science is never a straightforward path, he thought. Every failure is just another step toward the solution. Still, a shadow of doubt crept into his mind: What if the compound doesn't work at all?
The thought irritated him. He had invested too much time and energy into this project to accept failure. But science required patience, and Ren was well aware of that.
- - -
Yagura sat at the center of the hall, the Mizukage of Kirigakure surrounded by an aura of icy calm. The flickering light of lanterns barely illuminated the severe features of his face, casting distorted shadows on the walls. Yagura's eyes were fixed on the map of the village spread out before him, marked with subtle annotations and strategic lines. The silence in the room was palpable, broken only by the faint whistle of mist seeping through the slightly open windows.
One of his advisors approached with measured steps, bowing respectfully. The tension in his posture betrayed the urgency of his words.
"Mizukage-sama," the advisor began, carefully choosing his words, "there are increasing tensions in the village. Rumors are circulating that some of the Kekkei Genkai clans are planning a rebellion."
Yagura did not immediately lift his gaze. His fingers drummed lightly on the edge of the map—a slow but charged rhythm. When he finally raised his eyes, his piercing gaze fell on the advisor, as sharp and cold as a winter's frost.
"Rumors, you say?" he asked, his voice calm but imbued with undeniable authority.
"Yes, Mizukage-sama," the advisor confirmed, lowering his gaze. "It's said that some members of the Yuki and Hōzuki clans are dissatisfied with the current policies. They speak of oppression and favoritism. Other minor clans seem... uncertain about where to align themselves."
Yagura narrowed his eyes, sinking into silent contemplation. Strange. I've sensed no signs of hostility or unrest during the last council meeting. Everything seemed normal. Could someone be deliberately spreading these rumors? Someone seeking to sow discord?
The Mizukage slowly lifted his gaze to the advisor. "Have you verified the origin of these rumors? Are they credible?"
"Not yet, Mizukage-sama. The information comes from multiple sources, but all are anonymous. However, the fact that they're so widespread warrants attention."
Yagura remained silent for a moment, his gaze shifting to the map before him. Every street, every district, every alley was precisely marked.
The Kekkei Genkai clans were integral to the village's strength, but they were also a double-edged sword. If someone was indeed operating in the shadows to push them toward rebellion, it could pose a risk not only to the village but to his authority itself.
"This could be a deliberate move to destabilize Kirigakure," he finally said, his tone more thoughtful.
The Mizukage stood, his presence commanding. "Summon Ao," he ordered firmly. "I want a full report on the situation and the origin of these rumors. If someone is operating in the shadows, I want to know who and why."
The advisor bowed again. "At once, Mizukage-sama." He retreated quickly from the room, leaving Yagura alone with his thoughts.
The Mizukage sat down again, but this time his gaze wasn't on the map. He stared into a distant corner of the room, shrouded in shadow.
The tensions are growing. I must ensure that no one within my ranks is betraying me. Ao will know what to do. But if we discover an external enemy… their existence will be short-lived.
[Thanks everyone specially Jayroy_63 , BagusPardana, Matheus_Santos_9759, Kiran_Kandel_1829, DstarS, akari_000, Acnol, Overlord_Of_KARMA,Victor_Bivol, RyuB201, VanHellsing6969, Daoist710883, Cordell_Clinton, Daoist0thxiB, bndr, AKIB19, silverkage, Calvin_Drew Ian_Clark_6978, DaoistAZmi17, void_space_1915, Kay_smiles101, Strandarn, AKIB19, DarkGambit, and Miguel_024!
Ps: I Saw a lot of comments, i'll answer them ASAP :)
Sincerely Thanks and remember about the Power Stones, these are the motivation for my work :) ]