The mist wrapped the forest like a shroud, and the silence was charged with tension. Ren's clone watched his opponent—an agile, lethal silhouette, the mask hiding his identity.
Could it be Zabuza?
The thought hammered in his head as his muscles tensed, ready for a fight. Well, the only way to find out is by taking off that damned mask.
The masked man moved without a sound; his figure disappeared into the haze in the blink of an eye. Ren leapt back, on guard, when a sudden blow aimed at his side.
He blocked with the kunai, metal screeching through the air as it pushed him back a few meters. Too much power. Too much precision.
If that were Zabuza… how did he get so strong in such a short time?
The man's movements were deadly and precise, not like those of a student, but of an experienced assassin.
Someone must have helped him…
Ren had no time to waste. Being a clone, his chakra was limited. He had to act cunningly.
Without hesitation, he threw three Explosive Tags in different directions, precisely calculating the points of impact.
The explosions tore through the mist, forcing the masked man to pull back.
He used the moment to jump backward, creating distance between the enemy and his companions. He couldn't win, but he could at least give them a chance.
Ren's Side
The wind carried the sound of the battle.
Ren moved cautiously among the branches, his breathing controlled. By now, the chakra of the nearby people was clear to him, and when he located the scene, he stopped to observe.
Shin Kaguya was fighting Misaki.
He didn't intervene immediately. He preferred to listen.
Shin was visibly exhausted, short of breath, but despite his fatigue he continued to fight with pride. Misaki, on the other hand, moved with precision, her attacks calculated and devoid of hesitation.
The clang of weapons ceased.
Misaki stared at him, her body relaxed, a faint smile on her lips. "You're so stubborn, Shin."
Shin clenched his fists. "I don't need subterfuges to win. I fight with honor."
Misaki crossed her arms, shaking her head. "Such an outdated concept. This exam is a slaughter. I gave you a chance. We could have ended it quickly, without wasting energy."
Shin spat on the ground. "I won't stoop to cowardly tricks."
Misaki's smile faltered. Then she lunged.
A swift and precise strike.
Shin tried to dodge, but his movement was slower than usual. Misaki hit him with an open palm, sending him staggering back.
Ren watched.
Every piece of the puzzle was falling into place.
It's not just Zabuza… Misaki is involved in all this, too?
Maybe she wasn't alone. Maybe someone was guiding her.
That would explain how Zabuza managed to defeat students a year older.
Ren made his decision.
He stepped in.
Misaki turned sharply, surprised to see Ren emerging from the vegetation.
Shin glared at him in frustration. "Don't interfere, Ren. She insulted my honor."
Ren looked at him for a moment. Shin was exhausted, his chakra on the verge of running out. Misaki, on the other hand, was still at the peak of her strength.
She crossed her arms, observing him with an amused expression. "Interesting. You're more perceptive than I thought."
Ren didn't reply immediately, his gaze piercing.
"Misaki… what are you doing?"
She tensed. For an instant, she seemed hesitant. Then she recovered, her smile returning with a hint of coldness. "I'm winning."
"That's not the point," Ren retorted.
"Are you one of those who clings to useless illusions?" she scoffed. "I advance, Mizutani. The weak stay behind."
Ren clenched his fists. "That's not what you used to say at the Academy."
Misaki gritted her teeth.
Then, the chakra around her changed.
Shallow wounds on her body began to glow an intense red. The blood oozing out crystallized in the air, fragmenting into dozens of sharp shards.
"Blood Release: Crimson Shards!"
The shards exploded in every direction.
Ren reacted instantly.
"Water Release: Aqua Wall!"
A wall of water rose, deflecting the lethal fragments.
Then he dashed.
A split second later, he was in front of Misaki, grabbing her wrists before she could launch another attack.
Their eyes met.
"You're not like this," Ren said softly.
Misaki was breathing heavily, her gaze oscillating between anger and uncertainty. "You don't understand."
"Then explain it to me."
She lowered her gaze for a moment.
Then she bit her lip.
"I can't."
Ren tightened his grip on her wrists. "Then tell me who convinced you to do this."
Misaki looked him in the eye. For a moment, she seemed on the verge of breaking down.
Then… the change.
A bitter smile creased her lips.
"You're right, Ren."
Slowly, her body relaxed.
"Maybe I've made a mistake in everything."
Ren loosened his hold slightly.
That was his mistake.
With lightning-fast movement, Misaki dropped low and pressed on a pressure point in Ren's arm, breaking free of his grip.
She slid backward, her chakra already prepared for one last move.
Ren narrowed his eyes.
"If I were you, I'd worry more about your friends."
Before he could react, a smoke bomb went off between them.
Ren jumped forward, trying to grab her, but visibility was compromised. When the smoke cleared, Misaki was gone.
The only sound left was the beating of his own heart.
Ren stood still for a moment, breathing controlled as the bomb's smoke dispersed into the air. Misaki's words still echoed in his head.
She tricked me.
He gritted his teeth, his gaze cold.
We're in Kirigakure. I have to keep that in mind. I can't let myself be easily fooled. She made her choice.
He closed his eyes for an instant, channeling his frustration into clarity. By now, it was clear: Misaki was involved, and if she was, then other students must be as well.
The students I met earlier… the masked man who attacked Kurara…
A flash of awareness crossed his mind.
He spun around to Shin. "Can you walk?"
Shin, despite his wounds, nodded determinedly. "I'm fine."
Ren wasted no more time. "We have to go."
They set off quickly toward the cave where the clone had left Kurara.
Their footsteps on the wet grass were the only sounds breaking the silence of the forest. As they ran, Shin spoke in a firm voice, tinged with a hint of repressed anger.
"Misaki wants to get ahead of everyone. Her plan is to eliminate any ninja she considers weak. She believes only those who truly deserve it should move on."
Ren listened, analyzing every word.
"She thinks she's superior," Shin continued, eyes fixed straight ahead. "Like she can decide who deserves to live and who doesn't."
Ren reflected, then spoke. "I met another member of your clan."
Shin slowed for a moment, surprised. "Another Kaguya? Strange… my clan has always avoided getting mixed up with Kirigakure. I'm an exception—the clan leader wanted to mend relations with the village… but lately I've heard hatred is reemerging."
Ren stayed silent for a few seconds. His mind moved fast, fitting the pieces of a puzzle that was finally starting to take shape.
It's all connected…
Kirigakure, the Kaguya Clan, the growing tension between clans…
It reminds me exactly of what happened to the Uchiha Clan.
Internal tension, fear, suspicion fueled by a puppeteer in the shadows.
Likely Obito is stirring hatred among the clans… but why not just control Yagura directly?
They kept running, the forest flashing by them like a silent shadow. Ren couldn't ignore the possibility that something bigger was happening.
Then another realization hit him.
Probably because he can't. At least not now.
If Obito could have controlled Yagura, he would already have done so. But the Fourth Mizukage wasn't an easy target.
Yagura is highly skilled in Genjutsu. A direct approach would alert him immediately, not to mention the entire village.
His train of thought was abruptly interrupted when they reached the cave.
They stopped at once.
Ren felt his breathing slow.
The barrier had dissipated.
And Kurara…
Was gone.
[Thanks everyone specially Jayroy_63 ,Sami_Alfoheday, BagusPardana, thefarmerboy007_7, Darkosiris_Lopez, Alexx_Sejas, Werty_9247, RyuB201, shadowborn, Yasmin_Silva_3876, RyuB201, DaoistVVm1Vi, DaoistDW5XU4, Acnol,DaoistSEsItM,bndr, RyuB201, VanHellsing6969, Daoist710883, WertyTribola,GuyWithSomeInteres, LevinCloth, Daoist0thxiB, bndr, AKIB19,LevinCloth, DaoistAZmi17,Alexx_Sejas, Morgoph, Strandarn, Gothrog, Nonymous_H, Ikaro_Rodrigues, Radical_Hamburger1, Misteriboi, AKIB19, Syndulyr, Abdul_Salam_FASAMI,julii_garcia, averious, Storm2010,NathanBESH, Daoist9Sa84q, Gothrog, shadowborn, DarkGambit, Miguel_024 and Meltis_Pach!
Sorry if i forgot someone ^.^
Sincerely Thanks and remember about the Power Stones, these are the motivation for my work :) ]