Letter of Thanks to the Fans

Dear readers,

I don't even know where to start. Maybe with a deep bow, shinobi-style, to thank you for your incredible support. Or perhaps with a simple but heartfelt thank you, though that wouldn't do justice to everything you've done for me and this story.

When I first started writing Naruto: The Mist Within, I had no idea where it would lead me. It was just an idea, a journey I wanted to embark on, a deep dive into the Bloody Mist, a place that deserved to be told with all the intensity and rawness it carries. But if there's one thing I've learned, it's that stories don't exist without those who live them alongside us.

And you, have been the true companions of this journey.

Every comment, every message, every wild theory (some so brilliant I wondered if you had a Dojutsu to see into the future), every discussion about what would happen to Ren, Kurara, and the others… all of it has made this experience something truly incredible.

You've cheered, you've suffered, you've probably screamed (at least, I imagine so) at certain narrative choices, and most of all… you've continued to believe in this story.

I knew the ending of the first volume would hit hard, and believe me, I felt it too while writing it. But great stories live through emotions, and if I made you feel something, even for just a moment, then I've done my job as a writer.

And now? Well… the Mist hasn't revealed all its secrets yet.

So, as we move toward the second volume, I ask just one thing: keep walking this path with me. The road is long, the shadows are deep, and what lies ahead will be even more intense.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart (and from my notebook full of still-secret plot twists).

See you in the next volume!

With gratitude and a kunai always ready,Ito-Kun ^.^


Thanks everyone specially Jayroy_63 ,getepet, Sami_Alfoheday, BagusPardana, thefarmerboy007_7, Daoist9Qy0Nv, Darkosiris_Lopez, Alexx_Sejas, Werty_9247, RyuB201, shadowborn, Yasmin_Silva_3876, RyuB201, DaoistVVm1Vi,Saryman, DaoistDW5XU4, Acnol,DaoistSEsItM,bndr, RyuB201, VanHellsing6969, Daoist710883, WertyTribola,GuyWithSomeInteres, LevinCloth, Daoist0thxiB, bndr, AKIB19,LevinCloth, DaoistAZmi17,Alexx_Sejas, Morgoph, Strandarn, Gothrog, Ikaro_Rodrigues, Radical_Hamburger1, Misteriboi, AKIB19, Syndulyr, Wolfy1212,averious, Storm2010, Henrique_Aaa, SAGAR11, sip_Yo,Natan_Santana_1549, Zayah, Saryman, NathanBESH, Geisterlos, Daoist9Sa84q, Gothrog, Storm2010, joko_clas, shadowborn, KingBelserion, julii_garcia, DarkGambit, Miguel_024, Fn6, Asfort and Meltis_Pach!

Sorry if i forgot someone ^.^

 Sincerely Thanks and remember about the Power Stones, these are the motivation for my work :)