Operation: Eelinum
Episode 1 – Operation: Eelinum
On a planet.
Where technologies and civilization are quite ahead from our world.
"The area, everything in 150 len* radius is veiled with mysterious shadow. The people who made it out before the communications had been cut off claim that the shadow is not natural."
A man speaks with serious tone and attitude.
In a small room there are brave gentlemen and ladies, 8 in total, having a confidential meeting.
One of them is in a very formal-looking attire unlike the others which seems to be in military uniforms.
The man in a formal attire is standing before a screen. The rest are on their chairs, watching the screen solemnly.
As the man explaining details, the screen behind him is showing an aerial photography.
The image represents a large city and a black sphere on a corner.
He presses a device resembles a remote, and the screen zooms into the black sphere.
Some soldiers already pinch their eye brows.
The black sphere is not the darkness spawned by the planet facing away from the light source.
It cannot be.
Absolutely cannot be.
Because what they see on the screen right now is in daylight.
After a brief and careful observation, the soldiers could tell that the sphere's horizon is crawling out. Slowly.
"What's that?! A smoke?" A female soldier speaks as her eyes are squinted.
"No." The man in front the screen says with a serious face before pressing the button again.
"Hou Look at this! Haha! I can't even see my hand. It's really weird."
The screen now shows a middle-aged man. He stretches his arm into the slowly expanding black gas.
He tries to wave, to swipe, and to fan as if playing with water.
Every time his hand moves pass the black thing, it could not be seen as if it got eaten and deleted just like a cropped image.
"This is a footage from a civilian nearby the phenomenon area. He and some claimed that the black gas you sir are witnessing, is not a smoke, a fog, or any kind of gas."
The man adjusts his glasses before pressing the remote once again.
"Wo! I didn't feel anything touching my face…. I'm not sure if it's even an air…."
The footage on the screen changes.
This time it was recorded from a phone. The soldiers assume the recorder was a teenager boy.
He walked pass the black smoke and the next thing they see is all black.
"Look! Do you see anything? ….. So dark…. I can't see a thing ... Is anyone here..."
"Sh*t! Shit! … Shit!"
The recorder turns his phone's flashlight on then sweeps around.
The footage is somewhat gloom despite the phone's good quality.
All of sudden, the teen boy stops his hand abruptly and shines the phone on a direction.
His hand, his mouth, and even his body freezes as if being cursed.
Not even 10 seconds has passed, the boy curses in shaky voice.
All the soldiers shift their attitudes.
"Ha….Ha…Ha..haha….. Don't…. Don't go inside!"
In the next second, the boy quickly turns around and quickly runs until they all see the light again.
After distancing himself from the fog, he stops running and tries to get some air….
He glances back and forth to the fog in panic many times.
He warns with trembling voice.
And the video ends.
"It's like…."
Another female soldier speaks up before pausing reluctantly.
"It's like the black mass is the darkness."
Before she could continue the man in formal clothes speaks with sharp sight and a serious tone.
"Nonsense! The first one was good but the last one, a kid can tell it's troll!"
Another soldier speaks aggressively.
"That's why…the higher ups sent me here, in front of you, in this room, right now."
The formal clothes man with glasses speaks solemnly once again before he continues.
"They want a team, a special one, to find the origin of the phenomenon of the black fog and to rescue the people inside as much as possible."
"This operation is named, Operation 'Eelinum'*"
Len = Kilometer
Eelinum = Illuminate