Episode 2 – Enter


"See, I told you. There's nothing. That kid is just hungry for the spotlight."

The arrogant male soldier said as everyone slowly advanced, scanning their surroundings.

It had been more than ten minutes in our world's time system that they had passed through the black fog and entered into this soundless and lightless world.

"Yeah. Nothing. That's why it's very strange..."

A short male soldier said as he looked around seriously and meticulously.

"Isli reporting. We've been here for more than ten minutes, but we haven't seen any civilians or other life forms. Over."

Eelinum team leader raised his hand before pressing the button on his helmet and reporting in an emotionless tone.

"Arpog acknowledged. Continue searching for any survivors. They may have gathered in a shelter somewhere. Over."

The voice that replied was the voice of the man who had given them the mission.

"Isli acknowledged. Out."

The team leader lowered his hand and went back to using the flashlight to search for more information in the darkness.

"That's right. They must have taken refuge in a shopping mall or a church somewhere."

"By the way, aren't you guys curious? Over a million civilians, but only 7 people came to help?"

"And they even put cameras on our chests…"

The arrogant male soldier said with an expression of obvious annoyance and displeasure.

"Sergeant Dren. If you have something on your mind, just spill it out."

The team leader said with a serious tone and frowned slightly as he pointed the flashlight at the arrogant officer, Dren.

"Alright! I'm thinking that they formed this damn team to send us to our deaths in the first place!"

"Just think about it! This phenomenon has been happening for a while, but no one has sent any army to deal with it until it has spread this wide!"

"And as it is this wide, and they still sent only 7 people. Fucking ridic-"

As Dren spoke with a blunt and angry tone, he noticed his team leader slowly raising his gun and aiming, causing him to pause and his eyes slowly widen in surprise.

The other teammates who initially did not pay much attention to Dren's words, but when he started to yell louder, everyone gave him a glance from time to time.

Aside from the team leader who was pointing his flashlight and gun at Dren, all the other soldiers had expressions that were no different from their team leader.


"Enemy contacted! Everyone, watch out!"

When his team leader's gun stopped moving, Dren found that the direction of the gun was not pointed at his face, but beside his ear.

The moment he turned to his left to see what his team leader was aiming at, he saw a haze of black smoke that looked like a human's hand quickly drew back behind him so fast that he almost didn't catch it.

He cursed in shock and turned around to look for the owner of the hand, but there was nothing but darkness and the image of a building reflected by the flashlight.

The team leader who saw this also shouted for everyone to be prepared.

The seven soldiers swept their flashlights around to search for the enemy for several minutes.

Amidst the quiet tension, no one dared to move from where they were standing.

Everyone was breathing heavily, their eyes almost never stopped moving around as they had to be on alert for the danger that they couldn't seen just a moment ago.


About 5 minutes had passed in terms of Earth's time. All the members were sweating profusely on their foreheads even though the air inside was quite cold.

Dren turned to his leader with the flashlight in his hand. His leader turned to him because he noticed the light shining towards him on the ground.

Dren held the flashlight and gun in one hand while raising his other index finger to point at his mouth as he looked at his leader.

His leader frowned slightly and shook his head slowly.

"Guys! It seems that our voice didn't attract the enemy!"

"However, we should not be in the open like this. Let's go to that building!"

The team leader said with some confidence before pointing at a building near the short soldier.

Right now, they were all in an open area. On a street surrounded by many tall and low buildings.

There was a small building near the short soldier. The reason the leader chose this building was because one of its doors was open and it was the closest building.

Everyone looked at the building for a moment before slowly walking towards it while being careful of their surroundings.

The short soldier who was closest to the building, took only four steps and found himself at the door that was opening.

The small building seemed to be a shop. There were two doors, but one was wide open.

The door was not yanked or damaged in any way.

It was open as if someone had left the shop and left it wide like that.

Next to the double doors was a small glass window.

When he saw his short teammate enter the shop, Dren who was closest to him slowly walked in while shining his flashlight to look behind him from time to time.


"Hey, Kurg. Is everything clear inside?"

When Dren finally able to pressed his back against the wall of the shop, he felt a little relieved. He raised his flashlight and shined it through the small window and asked his teammate softly.


"... Kurg-"


The moment Dren turned his head and looked pass the glass, he was shocked and his eyes widened again.


Dren shouted at the top of his lungs before rushing into the shop to save his teammate.


[Sergeant Kurg Livoyn died after entering the mysterious dark phenomenon for 37 yohm.]

[Cause of death: Chest stabbed by a mysterious sharp object from behind in a single blow.]



37 yohm = 13 mins in Earth's time