My jaw dropped and i stared at him wide eyed.
What the fuck was he doing here?
Don Stephen quickly pulled him inside and shut the door, pulling him by the collar before he pushed him to the wall roughly.
I gasped, wondering what had warranted that. "Don Stephen!" I exclaimed, my tone laced with panic.
He didn't answer me. If anything, his grip around Michael's neck tightened. "Bastard. I said I'd help you but I told you to never come over to the casino, didn't I?!" He barked at Micheal who raised his hands in surrender.
"Wait....I had to" He said. He didn't look like he was trying to struggle, it was almost like he was just there, accepting his fate but a part of me knew that if he wanted to, he could twist out of Don Stephen's grip.
Maybe I could too if I tried hard enough.