Chapter four In the Music Room 1

The ladies were at last invited to court; due to the late queen's illness and demise, all court proceedings had been put on hold.

A ball would be held to welcome them properly.

The castle was filled once more with beautiful women.

Dukes, Earls, and other male members of parliament left their homes once more, filled with excitement, yearning after the women, even bedding them when mutual understanding was established.

Anna found all these boring, she did not see why the queen needed all these companions and personal assistance.

The women at court had a requirement to meet just like the men, though quite different.

As long as you could dress according to the rules, you would be granted admission.

Ladies usually spent thousand on silks, embroideries, jeweleries and accessories, also wearing a particular outfit too many times was considered disrespectful towards the monarch.

Through court, nobles climbed the social ladder, people got favours from the royal family and most royal males—including the married ones— had a variety of attractive females willing to bed them and become their mistresses, married or not.

The castle would be busy now, games, balls, gambling, drinking, shows and various activities were about to resume.

She had received an invitation personally from the queen to the royal ball to welcome the ladies, why the queen would waste her precious time to write to her still baffled her.

Unknown to her, Vivianne's partner had instructed her to invite Anna for the ball. He was so eager to see the person who was against him, the silly right-hand man. One thing he knew was that he wasn't going to let anything or anyone get in his way.

Anne read it and disposed it, she wasn't interested in anything that had to do with Vivianne. She hoped William wasn't going also, the plotter was just around the corner waiting to strike again.

Missing his legs the first time was a narrow mistake, a mistake that she knew won't repeat itself, the next time the person strikes he was going to make sure that the king did not survive.

She had done her best to avoid William and she noticed he had done the same. He was spending most of his time with Tonia, the daughter of Tony. She was among the ladies granted permission and she seemed to have taken an interest in William.

Anna was jealous. The young lady was stunning; when she smiled, her hazel eyes took on a golden tint, her golden hair gleamed in the sunlight, and then she had cleavages that drew all eyes to them.

Perhaps William was already interested in her. After all, she had rejected him in a bad way, an insulting way.

'It was better this way,' she thought. He should forget about her. She had a job to do, but she could not lie that it was unsettling whenever Tonia smiled at something William said, Anna knew she felt uncomfortable deep within her.

She had to tell him he was not to go to the ball, he wasn't safe to be in a gathering when the culprit was still out there unknown.

She went to the music room where they spent most of their time, his valet usually helped him up and down the stairs.

William was watching Tonia play the violin, she was good, he must say, she was beautiful. He applauded her when she finally finished playing.

"That was marvelous Toni," William said.

"Thank you," Tonia said curtseying smiling widely.

He had called her toni from the moment she told him her name. She loved it, she had always loved him from a very little age. She was surprised when she approached him he received her calmly, smiling at her. The rumour was everywhere now that the king had no interest in any woman anymore.

"I'm working on a new piece," Toni said.

"And I hope I'll be the first to hear it," William said giving her one of his boyish grins.

"Absolutely, she said dropping the violin and walking towards him. "l...I...I enjoy spending my time with you," she stuttered out shyly.

"The feeling is mutual my dear, William said touching her hand. "You don't have to feel awkward saying it out," he added.

Anna walked in at this moment, she looked at their hands before looking At William's face.

Hiding her hurt with a smile she said, "I need to speak with you William."

William looked at her without any feeling. She had rejected him, rejected him in a way no woman had ever done. He wasn't angry at her, but he was mad at himself, mad at himself for saying those words. He knew the sort of woman she was, knew she was different from other ladies and he needed to take things slowly with her. Now he had destroyed any chance with her and he had no one but himself to blame.

"You can say anything you want to say here, Anna."

"It's confidential," Anna replied glancing at Tonia.

"I'll take my leave now," Tonia said smiling sweetly at William. "Tomorrow, same place and same time," she curtsied before leaving, sparing Anna a glance before walking out, she was aware of the story about William and Anna. Though few people knew about it.

Anna did not spare her a glance, she did not want William to know she was jealous of the thing going on between them.

"The ball, I do not want you to attend", she said without wasting time.

"I never planned on going there," William replied wheeling his chair out. His valet was waiting at the door. It hurt him to treat her this way, but she had hurt him first after all.

Gulping, Anna gently gripped her neck. What had she done? In the worst possible way, she had pushed him away. Any opportunity they ever had, she had ruined.

No.. she wouldn't cry, she dropped her hands and smoothen her gown. It was for the best, she needed to focus on the problem at hand, if he still wanted her after that she would be one of the happiest women then, but if it was too late.. she wasn't going to blame anyone, not even herself.