Chapter five In the Music Room 2

Anna gently glanced round the room knowing what she was looking for. Just as she was about to leave, her gaze fell on the piano, she smiled as she moved in its direction.

At a very young age her mother had taught her how to play and when she passed away she was given a tutor.

She was scared to touch the keys, she hadn't touched hers since her father's passing.

Anna inhaled shakily, terrified that the keys might bring back memories she was trying so hard to keep hidden in her heart.

She sniffled and closed her eyes, not realising when she started playing his favourite song.

William was already leaving when he heard her playing, he asked his valet to assist him back to the music room.

The door was still wide opened the way he had left it, he had thought Tonia was beautiful, but the sight of his Anna was breathtaking.

Will the woman ever give him her heart, ever let him show her what love is and show her the delights in lovemaking.

'Was she crying? Had he hurt her,' William thought noticing the tears in her eyes.

"Papa I miss you," William heard her say.

She placed her head on the keyboard when she was done still sobbing softly.

He signalled for his valet to wheel him out, they both left quietly as they had come in without her being aware. His valet wasn't suppose to witness that, the weak side of Anna. She was human after all, she felt pain also even if she hid it each passing day with a smile.


The ballroom was filled with women dressed in fine garments, their scents mixed filling the air with a strong fragrance.

Vivianne looked stunning in her burgundy gown and her hair which was done perfectly for the ball.

Richard was at the ball also. He made sure to distance himself away from Vivianne.

There was wine, music, dancing, laughing and it would all be crowned with a game in the gaming room.

Anna walked towards William office, she shared with William as she wasn't given hers. William previous office was taken from him, Vivianne made sure of that.

Anna actually preferred this one, the view was breathtaking. She had been in the royal office as a kid and had played 'you can't find me' with William in there. She had been able to calm herself after the music room incident, she had a job to do there was no room for weaknesses.

She softly opened the door and stepped inside. She almost dropped the items she was holding when she noticed William by the window, staring out of it at nothing in particular. What on earth was he doing in the office when it was already late?

He gave her a quick glance before turning away.

Anna dropped her things and sat down meekly. For the most part of the night she had been trying to convince herself that William anger meant nothing to her but she found out she was so wrong. She couldn't even sleep, she couldn't bear to think that he was mad at her.

"I'm glad you didn't go to the ball," she said trying to start up a conversation.

William stared at her blankly before replying.

For a moment there she thought he was going to give her the cold shoulders.

"Balls are not for people in wheelchair, they're are not for incapacitated prince."

"William," Anna called shutting her mouth thereafter. "Stop hurting yourself with your words," she said out finally.

So they weren't going to talk about that morning incident, William thought. What really was she playing at.

"William, I know I'm not the best but I'll try my best William to get you your throne. I miss my father everyday and wished he was here, he would have handled things better."

"I'm sorry about your father, I know you loved him dearly..."

"You can't even imagine how much I miss him, I see him everyday in my dreams. it's like he's here but he's not"

"I never had the kind of relationship you two had with my dad."

"You weren't hurt when he passed away, it was like you felt relieved," Anna said without thinking.

"Don't say words like that Anna, I never wished his death, even though we never really had a good relationship and you can't actually blame me for that."

"Your father never meant harm William, he loved you dearly and you never gave him joy after your mother passed away, you gave the poor man a hard time."

"Anna, you have no right to lecture me like I'm some kid, you have no right," William said as he wheeled out.

Anna couldn't do any more work when William left, what the hell was wrong with her why had she attacked him like that, why did she keep on hurting him and pushing him away from her.

She stared at the blank shit with the pen in her hand drying off. 'She needed to sleep,' she thought clearing her table and going to her room.

She tossed and tossed on the bed.. she couldn't sleep. William was all she could think about.

She was merely motivated by her own anguish earlier, and she needed to apologise. She got out of bed, put on her slippers, pinned her hair and headed to William's room.

"William," she called knocking softly.

She called severally but got no response, she twisted the knob and the door gave in.

Walking in she saw him covered in bed shaking and at same time sweating.

"William what's wrong with you, she said obviously scared." She had said as long as there was still breath in him she would fight for him.

"I'm fine," William answered shakily.

"Don't be ridiculous," how can you be fine like this, she touched his temples and realized he was having a fever. She went in and got a towel and a bowl filled with cold water.

She helped him out of his shirt and cleaned his body. After some time, the shaking stopped and gradually the sweating reduced.

'He was sleeping soundly now,' Anna thought.

"William I'm sorry for hurting you with my words, you know I don't mean them," the lady said while resting her head on the side of the bed next to William.


William opened his eyes and stretched yawning, as soon as he touched her memories of the previous night immediately returned.

She had seen him in one of his weakest. Since the accident the fever came and went.

But last night was different, it was worst. He couldn't even move, it was as though he was dying.

He touched her hair gently, it had been ages since he did that.

He caressed her cheek tracing his fingers to her lips, just as he had imagined them, soft and generous.

She moaned softly and turned, William took back his hands. She was waking up already.

Anna opened her eyes and smiled at William, "feeling better?" she asked.

Her smile was so sweet, so innocent, for a moment there he forgot about reality. Forgot he was paralyzed.

"I'm fine," he said coldly. "I suppose you have some work to do this morning."

"William I'm sorry.. you know I didn't mean those words I said. It's not in my place to criticize, I'm nobody to you to say those words and I'm really sorry," Anna rushed out.

William just stared at the woman, she had said that she was nobody to him but how wrong she was, he wanted her badly. He had never craved for a woman the way he craved for Anna, what had she done to him?

What spell had she cast on him?

"Anna, yes I never loved him but I never wished him dead, I wasn't even ready for the crown and it's responsibility. I still had dreams I wished to achieve which I knew with the crown and it's responsibilities I was never going to achieve them... and now this, I'm stucked in this bloody wheelchair," he said Glancing down at his legs under the covers.

Anna just stared at his lips as he spoke.. lost in them. She wished he would just let her kiss him.. just a kiss.

"Anna, don't you have things to do", he asked amused at the way she was staring at him.

"Hum.. yeah, yes Anna said hiding her embarrassment," he had caught her staring at him.. she was sure of that.

"I'll leave now, she said walking towards the door.

"Anna," William called.

Anna turned back with her hopes high, evident in those big green eyes she wished he would just give her the kiss she wanted, that was all she needed.

"Thanks for last night," William said smiling. He saw disappointment in her eyes, what had she wanted him to say.

Anna nodded solemnly, opening the door and shutting it gently.

'What a fool she was,' she thought walking quickly to her room.

She undressed immediately she got in.

She was hot, she was.. she couldn't explain how she felt. She filled her tub with warm water and soaked herself inside.

Closing her eyes and caressing her breast she imagined William was there touching her.. she couldn't hide her desires for the man any longer. She couldn't hide that she wanted his lips on her body.. giving and taking, his fingers touching and caressing...


William closed his eyes in his bed waiting for his valet to set his bath and assist him in, his thoughts on Anna.

She was the only woman he never did understand, she always left him yearning, wanting and more confused.