Chapter eight Love and hurt never goes together

The doctor gave William a terrified look before storming off. Anna felt shivers on her skin. Never had she seen William so enraged.

Anna stared at William walking towards his bed.

"I'm sorry for this William but I had to probe him, the man's lying obviously. We need to get a new doctor. My father's doctor.. I'll write to him."

"I don't need a doctor Anna, you heard what he said.. my legs are useless."

"Don't let what that man said get into your head, Anna said trying to convince him. "All you need is a good doctor, someone that could be trusted. I'm just happy we fished him out quickly before he did any harm," she said touching his arms.

"William," she called softly, hesitating before going on, "I care for you, and I know you know that. You're not just any man to me and I won't let anyone hurt you. We are in this together, I promise not to let you down." She felt he needed to know he wasn't alone in this; he needed to know he had someone he could trust, someone who was always going to be on his side.

They both stared at each other briefly before William raised himself up to reach her face.

"Anna.. you know I care for you also, you know I want you and I feel it in your gaze sometimes that you want me too. Don't fight it, don't hide those feelings. Let me show you what love is, would you let me?" William asked caressing her cheek.

Anna nodded gently lost in those eyes, even if it was just this moment she was going to let him give her what she wanted most, she closed her eyes as he placed his lips on hers.

'They were soft, generous, beautiful,' William thought. With Anna all he wanted to do was give.

She kissed him back placing her hands across his neck. She'd gotten her first kiss finally and from her first love.. the only man she had ever loved and was sure she was ever going to love.

William lifted her and placed her on the bed.

He kissed her eyes, nose, kissed her lips again exploring inside giving, tasting her sweetness.

He wanted so much to feel her.. feel and see all of her but he knew the kind of woman he was dealing with, she was different. He knew that since the first day he saw her in the garden sniffing roses.

He would have to take things slowly with her.. his Anna.

He gently removed the pins out of her hair, allowing it to fall down to her waist.

He took a handful bringing it to his nose, as usual he perceived a faint lavender scent. He could never forget that.

"Angel hair," he said smiling.

Anna smiled resting her head on his shoulders, her hand across him. She closed her eyes feeling contented.

That was how Tony found them when he came in, searching for Anna. He had looked everywhere for her.

He was told by one of the servants; she was seen going into William's room.

"I'm sorry, sire," Tony murmured, seeing William's angry stare at him. He went out silently.

Anna was unaware of this as she was asleep already, she barely slept the previous night with a lot on her mind and her father continually showing up in her dreams it was impossible. In this arms, she felt safe.

It was noon when she woke up, William wasn't there anymore, she got down from the bed searching for him. Seeing he was not in the room she went to his office, she saw him and Tony was there with him. With no idea that Tony had seen them together, she walked in trying to avoid William's stare.

"Hum.. I have something to say."

How had she forgotten to tell him; William.. he was the only one on her mind all morning.

"There's a plot against the monarchy," she said.

"I checked on Augustus as I said I would," she continued facing Tony, " and discovered their plan to overthrown the monarchy. They do not fear Vivianne and they are all set to go on with the plan, how.. I do not know now."

"But that's none of our business," Tony queried.

"You're wrong," William said angrily wheeling out," anything that has to do with Azurethra is my business, king or no king they're my subject and I would not let harm befall them."

Anna glanced at Tony when William had left, "he's right," she said.

"You see it as not our business but without the monarchy there'll be no need for fighting."

"What do you and William have?" Tony asked suddenly.

Anna stared at him shocked.

"I saw you two earlier, you don't have to give me that look. I like you Anna, I really do, you're like a daughter to me and I wouldn't want to see you get hurt. Nothing is possible between you two, you know that clearly," Tony finished walking towards the door.

"Don't let anything affect your job Anna. Love and hurt never goes together, he said while shutting the door.

Anna sat down feeling terribly weak, with tears in her eyes after Tony had left, "dad I miss you," she said out.

She thought for sometime before making up her mind, she was going to stick with her old plan; the crown first and after that if William still wanted her she would be glad, but if he didn't.. she'll have no one to blame.

She wrote to her father's doctor as she had promised. First writing to her estate for a servant to come to the royal castle.

She planned on sending the letter through her own servants, she'd been having a feeling someone here in the castle was snooping into her letters both the ones she sent and the ones she received.

She wrote in the letter for him to send his reply to her estate. The doctor wrote back some days later, saying he was not in Azurethra for now. The letter was brought by one of her most trusted servant and he delivered it directly to her.

The doctor usually went to explore once in a while in the other kingdoms. Most of his prescription were often natural.

He spent most times in whisperwood forest, a kingdom not far from theirs. The Azurethra ocean linked to their spring which was in the heart of the forest.

She had been there before, it was part of her home as her mother grew up there as a girl and had lands there which she inherited from her own mother which were now hers.

The doctor promised to come soon and he asked Anna to write a letter to him describing the patient condition.

All his letters were sent to his estate and in turn sent to him wherever he was by his valet who always knew his whereabouts.

Anna had just finished writing the letter, describing William's condition. She put it inside the envelope and sealed it.

She wondered if there was hope for William, if in the long run he would walk again.

She really hoped for that, his happiness was hers and she knew that was the one thing he wanted right now.. to be able to walk again.

'Did he love Tonia?' She found herself asking no one in particular.

If he did.. she wasn't going to be mad at him, all she wanted was his happiness and if Tonia gave him that then she was going to be glad even if it hurt. Tony was wrong, love and hurt did go together.. with love comes hurt.

She stood up instantly leaving the office, she spent less time there ever since her conversation with Tony. The less he saw of her the better. She wasn't going to start something she couldn't finish and leave William hurt.