Chapter nine Betrayal

Anna did her best.. avoiding William all week. She spent most of her time going roundthd castle questioning people. The servants, the guards, everyone she felt was worth questioning.. still everything was pointing back to Augustus, 'could he be the one?' She thought.

She was writing something down in her journal when William came in with Tonia.

She really had done a swell job of avoiding the office so she wouldn't see the pair as the office was their final destination before parting ways. She did most of her work in her room staying away from the office; she did not want to be left alone with William when Tonia wasn't there.

They both came in smiling and laughing at something.

'She should leave now; after all she was done writing,' Anna thought.

"You'll come for the picnic, won't you. I just want you to myself William; here in the castle they're eyes all around; we're never alone," Tonia said touching William's hand.

Something popped into Anna's mind suddenly, what if the king was attacked there, killed.. no she wouldn't let him go. She stood up and walked out without sparing them a glance.

William's thoughts was on the woman. He barely comprehended what Tonia was saying.

"William don't you want to be alone with me, aren't there things you want to tell me.. do to me without watchful eyes," Tonia asked trying to get his attention.

William looked up smiling at her, "why don't you leave now, we'll continue this conversation tomorrow dear. They're lot of things on my mind and I just can't give you the attention you deserve right now," he said caressing her hand.

Unwilling to go she said, "kiss me William.. kiss me," she said again, seeing his hesitation to do it. Sitting on his laps, she put her hands across his neck their temples touching.

There was never a time William had ever refused a woman willingly offering herself to him; he wasn't going to start now he knew that within him. Without a second thought, he gave her a ravenous kiss, not the slow and gentle one he had given his Anna.

With Anna still on his mind he kissed her moving to her neck, biting and leaving hickeys on her skin.

Tonia moaned softly tilting her head backwards allowing him the freedom to do as he pleased.

He brought his hand under her skirts, probing inside her thighs. She moaned out loudly when he fixed his hand inside her with his lips still on hers.

"Do you want me?" he said between kisses.

"Hmmm.." Tonia moaned out, William I need you, I love you," she said shakily filled with pleasure.

Unaware to them, Anna was at the door and she'd witnessed this.

She had come to get her father's journal. What was William playing at, playing with womens' feelings.. playing with her feelings.

She wouldn't cry, she told herself feeling the tears threatening to come out.

She walked away not bothering to go into the room, she did not want to disturb them.

She wouldn't forget this and she wouldn't forgive William for playing with her frail heart, for taking advantage of her innocence.. of her love for him. She was so foolish, why did she let herself fall in love with a man like him.

The days went slowly for her, Tony had put the matter of Augustus for the rest of the advisors, she was now allowed to sit with them and allowed to talk during meetings, after all she had made the discovery.

There could be a spy among the advisors.. those men she had heard, one of them could be among them hearing their every plan and knowing their every move. 'What was she going to do,' Anna thought. She was glad she did not tell them all that transpired, like how she got into the house.

She had gone to the house again, through same window and had listened taking more precaution than she had the last time, she pulled off her shoes before leaving the room she had use to come in and she had heard them talk about a takeover.

The takeover as they called it was going to be carried out during the Christmas ball.

Unknown to them they were waiting and ready for them.

Vivianne stared at Anna furiously while she talked, she was jealous of her. She wasn't as brilliant as Anna was; she looked plain outside but looking deeply at those green alluring eyes there was something appealing there, intriguing if you'd ask her. She didn't seem just plain to her, she could deceive others but she wasn't going to be deceived.

Anna was done avoiding William; why should she be the one to feel bad when she had done nothing wrong.

She packed her paperwork and went to the office.. she looked at her jotting; at her latest investigation on a man named Roland. He was one of the royal advisors and had never been in good terms with William. He wasn't their man either so they were left with Augustus once more.

She didn't know why she had doubts about Augustus being the culprit.

She was still in her thoughts when Tonia and William came in laughing over something.

She spared them no glance, she wasn't going to show William she was hurting anytime she saw them together.

At that moment someone knocked and a servant opened the door and walked in, "someone's here to see you lady Anna," he said while bowing; turning towards William he bowed also before leaving.

She went out seeing one of her servant, she took his hand and told him to walk with her in the garden. Why she had done this she couldn't understand, but deep down she knew she to be more careful as each day passes.. she was having this feeling again like someone was breathing on her, was the culprit in the castle after all?

She took the letter from him, thanking him quietly and asking about how things was going in the castle before parting ways. She went back to William's office.

She broke the seal bringing the letter out.

It was from her papa's doctor, he had written he was coming to Azurethra that week and was hoping she could fix an appointment with William.

She raised her head up glancing towards William and caught him staring at her.

Tonia was speaking but his attention wasn't there with her, he was gazing deeply at Anna.

Anna stood up, walking towards the door. She realised as she opened the door that she had left the letter on the table. .

'The office wasn't safe anymore,' she thought. She had to make sure she left no important document there anymore.

There was easy access in and out by untrusted people.. her mind going to Tonia. 'What if Tonia was working with Vivianne,' with this thought Anna went back to her room packing all her important stuff and walking away.

On getting to her room she dropped her stuffs on a table walking to the window to think, she thought better when the wind was on her face, how she missed her father's estate, This time of the day, there was always a pleasant wind blowing.

No... she wasn't going to fix the appointment here in the castle, William had an house beside the Azurethra river that flowed from the ocean and connected to whisperwood spring.

That was where the doctor would meet them, no one needed to know about this meeting; not even Tony. She was surprised at how her nerves were playing at her, all of a sudden her guts were warning her to trust no one, after all her papa had always told her to trust no one.

'She would write to the doctor now,' she thought finally making up mind of keeping all these just between herself and William only. She went to her table, pulling out a chair and sitting down.

She didn't know the culprit now but he should enjoy the going while it was sweet.. she was coming for him, she would not fail her papa.

She took her pen and began writing the letter.