Chapter ten Oil and Water

It was a beautiful day for Anna, her cousin was coming to Azurethra.

'Would she call them cousin,' she laughed soaking herself in her bath. Cecilia was the daughter of her mother's best friend Raine.

They had grown together and they were more like sisters now just like Raine and her mama acted like sisters before her mother died.

Raine had always been there for her and when her husband had decided to move to whisperwood to claim his estate, Raine offered for her to go with them, but her papa had firmly refused.

His daughter was his all now, and he wanted nothing less than to see her grow and become a woman her mama always wanted.

She brushed her hair and placed the pins in their rightful positions. Today was a special day so she applied those things women put on their lips to make them shiny and attractive. She picked her best out of all her dreary gowns, someone seeing the joy and effort she took to dress up that morning would conclude it was her lover that was visiting.

Cecilia hated more than anything to see her looking dull as she herself was so beautiful herself.Anna had been kind of jealous while growing up but this did not change how she felt about her, Cecilia had been one of the best persons in her life.

A servant knocked on her door suddenly, she gave herself one final look in the mirror before going to the door.

A visitor my lady, the servant said bowing. She thanked him rushing out to see her Cecilia.

"Cecilia.. Anna," both screamed jumping into each other's arms. "Oh it's just so refreshing to see you, Anna said finally parting from their hugs and touching her cheeks."

"So good to see you also," Cecilia replied laughing, "so this is your enchanted castle, she continued."

"Do not be silly Cecilia, this place is far from being enchanted.. come on walk with me in the garden," Anna said.

"How's the love of our life," Anna asked smiling. Cecilia had been smitten by one of their childhood playmate, who was now a earl after his father's death.

"He proposed Anna, he asked me to marry him," Cecilia said in a whisper showing Anna her fingers.

"Oh my gosh," Anna screamed loudly hugging Cecilia, "I'm so happy for you Ceci. This is wonderful news."

William heard her voice before he saw her, the window in the music room was facing the garden. He wanted to be alone that morning and had dismissed Tonia.

He felt he was taking their relationship too far, she had expressed what she felt for him but he couldn't even fathom yet what it is he felt for her or if he even felt anything for her.

Hearing her voice with that faint happiness he had never heard in them, told him the truth about his feelings forTonia.

Tonia could never replace the spot a special woman had in his life.. Anna. She was looking different this morning.. so beautiful.

"When are we having the wedding" Anna asked.

"I don't know, maybe during the Christmas ball, I won't let you miss it for anything, William could at least take care of himself for one or two days." Cecilia said feigning a serious look.

Anna stared at her trying to feign seriousness also, "yes ma'am, she replied smiling, "wouldn't miss it for anything in this world, I couldn't even dare."

Both burst into laughter, she had filled Ceci in a little about William's plight.

"So...," Ceci said.

"So...," Anna replied.

"Don't you dare play dumb with me," Cecilia replied smiling, "you know what I want to hear. Is there any improvement in your relationship with William."

"You know nothing can happen between us Ceci...."

"That was when he was not a cripple," Cecilia rushed out.

"Do not say words like that Cecilia."

"Do not feel pity for him Anna, he bluntly refused to fight for you when his father declared him unsuitable for you, now who is unsuitable. They aren't much call for cripples, even a royal one.."

Anna walked away angrily, how dare she call William a cripple.

"Anna I'm sorry," Cecilia said coming after her, "shouldn't have said it out in that way, please forgive me Anna."

Anna stopped walking, staring at nothing in particular. She breathed in shakily, "he has a new found treasure."

"What!" Cecilia screamed, "you must be kidding, who's the new catch?"

"A pretty woman I must say," Anna said sniffling, "it seems they're both infatuated with each other "

"So you don't believe they're in love?" Cecilia asked obviously surprised by her remark.

"William is not capable of loving anyone but himself Ceci, believe me."

"So you think it'll all go away."

"I don't know Ceci and do not care anymore," Anna said in a whisper.

"Come here my baby," she hugged Anna tightly, "you know, true love is never easy to find and it's even more difficult to hold on to when you finally find it. Do not think it was easy for Charles and I.. you know our story Anna."

"What you have with Charles is different from this, William and I we are like oil and water"

"I'll agree with that," Cecilia said smiling, "don't give up on him Anna, you'll have your happy ending soon."

Anna refrained herself from telling her about the scene she had witnessed.. William and Tonia making out, she would just call him names again.

William had seen Anna face lose colour and then brighten up again. 'What were they discussing so seriously,' he thought.. her father. That was the only subject dear enough to her to make her react as she did.

Anna suddenly looked up towards the castle and saw a figure at a window, 'the music room window,' she thought looking away.

Something drew her to look at that window again, "oh shit she whisper yell."

"What's that," Cecilia said almost looking at the window.

"Do not look that way," she said fiercely, "William's there."

"Oh shit," Cecilia said laughing, "speaking of the devil and he decided to appear. More reason why I believe you two are a perfect match."