Chapter eleven You'll be Lonely When you're Dead

Anna tossed in her bed continuously, unable to fall asleep because of William. Her conversation with Cecilia left her asking herself if there really would be a happy ending for her.

She thought about what had happened after the doctor's visit... how William had kissed her.

He had told her he cared and she was very sure now if he had asked her to bed him at that very moment she wouldn't have hesitated.

Stupid her.. the man did not love her, did not care.. all he wanted was to get between her legs.

She wasn't even convinced William deserved her, she was sure she could get a good and worthy catch whenever she was ready, after all she did have her own inheritance and her father legacy he had left her.

Anything she was going to do for him now.. was strictly for the job, no feelings attached. She wasn't going to allow herself get hurt anymore.

Anna sighed heavily, how many times had she told herself that and kept on falling for this same man.

She got out of bed, she needed the cool breeze. Picking up a shawl she made her way to the garden.

As if the universe enjoyed playing with her feelings.. in William sat there in his wheel chair staring at the stars.

She was about turning around to leave when he spoke, "you don't have to keep leaving places because of me or keep avoiding me. For once in your life Anna own up to your actions."

The woman frustrated him, no woman had filled his thoughts as she did, everything thing he did she just found a way into his thoughts.

It was this same woman that brought him out in this cool night breeze.

He had tossed and tossed on his bed and this nagging pain on his waist, he just couldn't sleep.

"It's good I met you here, I've fixed an appointment with my father's doctor," Anna said suddenly choosing to ignore his hurtful words.. own up to her actions, what the hell was the man yapping about.

"He'll be seeing you tomorrow morning."

William stared at the woman angrily, was she going to ignore what he had just said. If that was how she wanted it then so be it. It was so stupid that when he eventually loved a woman the woman saw his love for her as an obscene joke.

"Okay," he said wheeling away, Alfred his valet wasn't far-off. He had helped him come out, he had being faithful to him.. a loyal servant.

"We are not having the doctor here. I've told him we'll be using your house close to the Azurethra river," Anna rushed out as William wheeled away.

"Why," William asked stopping on his track.

"I think it's safer if no one knows who is taking over from the royal doctor. Willi.. we do not know our man yet," she said refraining herself from calling his name, "I think this is the best decision and please tell the doctor everything, I've told him what I know. Be open with him do not hide any important information, how the accident occured he would want to know. I don't know what you've got with Tony's daughter but I'll ask you to be careful and.."

"Spare me the details," William said wheeling, Alfred came out helping him.

Anna sat on the chair slowly, gasping for air. She breathed in shakily holding her neck, this was something she did when she was dishevelled.

The man had nerves to tell her those bullshit.. he really had nerves.

She closed her eyes hugging herself, why his words kept on hurting her still baffled her, even when she'd told herself he did not deserve her.


The morning was sombre for Vivianne. She had a heated conversation with Richard before he had left. He was furious about the doctor.

Richard thought he held all the cards but now they were being taken slowly and cunningly from his hand. The doctor was going to be the last option if all plan had failed.

What a useless dollop head Vivianne was, he wasn't going to put her in the picture anymore. He was going to carry out his plans without informing her about anything, only when she was needed and couldn't be removed from his actions that was when he would put her in the picture.

Vivianne left her room deep in thoughts about the heated conversation with Richard, she bumbed into William at the hallway. She felt she was slowly losing him.

She smiled evilly immediately hiding her worries, "if it isn't my favorite cousin. How's the leg doing William, hope it doesn't hurt much."

William hid his emotions, he wasn't going to show her how much her words hurt him.

"The leg's fine Vivianne, I think you have other important things to be worried about rather than my legs.. the takeover what are you doing about it, what's the plan, my lady."

"Oh shut up," Vivianne retorted. "I heard you dropped the royal doctor," she said trying to mock him.

"Isn't he qualified enough, Vivianne continued smirking evilly.

"You're quite wrong my dear queen, he really is qualified, but I do not want him to worry about my worthless legs when the Azurethra queen may require an immediate abortion."

"I see everything Vivianne," William continued smiling. "I know of the men you invite to your chambers," he added still smiling and wheeling away.

Bitterness had made him respond in that manner, 'he couldn't let her have her way all the time,' he said to himself.

The truth was that he hadn't caught any man leaving her chambers neither had he heard such but he knew his cousin, she could never stay without a man.. and it seems his hunch was right.

Vivianne was dumbfounded, she had been discreet in bringing Richard in, and his going out was also discreet. He was the only man she brought in, how did William know about this.. did he have people watching her.

She couldn't tell Richard this, he was mad already. Vivianne was scared that the man would leave her if she kept on bringing problems and no good news.

She thought about the situation, was she really safe.. hope Richard would be able to eradicate William as he had said, now she was on the throne she had no plans of giving it up.

She was in it as much as Richard had been in it.

She smiled satisfied with her plans, she was going to make Richard her king soon, it was obvious that he was in love with her. She breathed in contently, William had hoped to spoil her day but he had made her see things clearer and understand things better, he better enjoy his last days because he would be lonely when he was dead.

The look on Vivianne face startled Anna, she had walked in when William was wheeling out. She had a dishevelled appearance at first, then that smile, and now this expression on her face.

She had been wrong, Vivianne was in this as whosoever it is out there she was working with.

Vivianne wasn't playing games, she was going to stop at nothing to get what she wanted. What was coming next? Anna was anxious to know, to make sure they did not succeed.