Chapter twelve Would he Walk Again

William was in his room with the doctor.

Anna did not go in with them, she'd wanted to give William his privacy. Her father's doctor had finally arrived.

A trusted servant took him from her estate to William's house close to the Azurethra river.

She walked around the house, taking in everything.

She'd never been in this house before.

It was beautiful and homely, unlike the palace.

She noticed different paintings in each room she opened, and she knew at once they were all William's work. They had these special touch.

She noticed one of the late Queen's in her royal regalia, her honey-colored hair and deep-set green eyes.

She had forgotten how beautiful her hair was, she was very young when she last saw her.. her papa and mama where invited for a personal dinner with the royal family. This was the source of William's hair, and she could see his smile there. Poor thing William didn't take her eyes.

The queen was a beauty and Anna was sure she had turned heads at every ball while she was young.

Staring at this drawing made her think of her own mother.

The little days she spent with her was enough to last her for a lifetime.

She smiled, her thoughts taking her to their piano lessons, the first tune she ever could play with her mother serious green eyes staring lovingly at her.

'Would she have loved William?' She thought suddenly.

Would she have agreed to their earlier union, or would she have been against it like her father was?.

William and her were so alike, Anna realized at that moment.. even if he failed to see it.

They had both lost their mother at a very young age.. maybe that was what attracted them to each other.

Hearing the door opened she rushed out of the room heading towards William room.

She was just in time for the doctor was about leaving.

"You're done doctor?" she asked eagerly.


William streched touching his legs.. if it was really true what this doctor had said he would be the happiest man ever, he wondered if truly he would walk again.

The doctor had brought back memories, memories he had carefully tucked away, memories he was scared of and which still gave him nightmares.

It was disheartening that he still lived that day in his dreams, that fateful day he had lost the use of his legs.

He dreamt about Gandalf throwing him off just where the obstruction was and he always woke up sweating profusely. It was so difficult for him to move on and forget when that particular moment kept occurring in his dreams.

The doctor had asked him how the accident had occurred and had made sure he left nothing unturned.

If he had followed his guts, maybe .. just maybe he would have escaped this accident, but as usual he never followed his hunch.. never listened to that quiet whisper inside his head.

That morning he had woken up with his mother on his mind and then the hectic quarrel he had with his father on the day he died. He had been really disturbed by both.

The royal games were finally coming to an end and as usual as he had done since the day he got Gandalf as a gift from his grandfather; he always participated in the most anticipated race in the royal games.. horse race.

He was leading, giving the other racers great space ahead.

They were almost at the finish line, it was just the last barrier left for them when Gandalf suddenly threw him off, falling directly at the barrier which came down at intervals with it's sharp end, he thought he had lost his legs. Thought he had got caught by the sharp end of it, for he was sure that equipment would pull his legs off with the force it came down with.

He gave up on hope and closed his eyes waiting for the pain. It came down not harming him fortunately, just like luck would have it where his legs were situated they were no blades there. The blunt side touched his legs.

He went unconscious even before it came down, he thought now remembering the event and he had woken up unable to use his legs anymore.

"My girl," her papa doctor said touching her cheek. You were still a little girl when I saw you last.

"At my mama's passing," Anna said smiling.

"Yes my dear, and I must say you've grown to look so much like her.. even more of a beauty than her. I'm sure you've got the whole of Azurethra men on their toes for you."

"Stop the flattering uncle," Anna said laughing. The man had always been a sweet talker. Rumor was that he had something going on with her mother before she met her father and got carried away by love.

Would she ever experience that, would she ever feel what true love really was, she wondered. Have what her mother and father had?

"So how was the checkup, anything we can do. Would William walk again?" Anna asked hurriedly, the only thing on her mind was knowing if William will walk again.

"Don't be so fast young lady," the doctor said smiling, "from my examination, he had no injury in his spinal cord or waist, none in his leg or back also.. I do not find it surprising though that this happened," he continued.

"I've had a case like his and I must say this is psychological. From his story, I think his mind had accepted him losing his legs before he lost consciousness.. fear had triggered his condition," he continued.

The blade did not by any chance touch his legs. He complains of waist pain but that was actually caused by the force he was thrown off the horse. I'll recommend exercise for him, some natural prescription.. his condition is not hopeless, it's more of emotional cause. His healing has to do with his mind, he has to start..."

"But would he walk again," Anna cut him off, that was what she was eager to hear, not the cause neither the treatment. She just wanted to know if William will eventually walk again.