
"WHAT HAPPENED HERE?!" The angry shout of Night made Shine jump.

Oh no she's in this cave! She must've seen Rav!

Then Shine relaxed. But Rav isn't in a critical condition, and he seems fine but not fine..

Back then, Shine was immensely overwhelmed, but now, since it only seemed that Rav somehow made his wings disappear, and Cloud, who's older than herself, and sleeping.

It was very confusing indeed, but Shine later found out that Cloud was actually not sleeping, but was doing something. It all seemed strange to her, she wasn't taught this.

As they came back-- actually, no time for long stories.

Shine jumped up and raced to the entrance of the Medicine Cove, where Rav was kept so he would still feel refreshed.

They usually had the beds farther in, when it was cold out, and closer upward to the ceiling when it was hot and people needed breeze. Yea, basically they had everything planned out.

The skylight was a tight crack in the roof though, so it was better to place Rav somewhere cold air was blasting in someone's face. Just a mindset.

"Shine!" her sister's voice halted her physically.



"Oh, don't worry about Rav, he'll wake up soon enough. Even though he didn't wake up yet, it's going to be soon. He's breathing and he's fine, but his wings are gone and his face feathers disappeared. I panicked, then thought that it was hidden since Rac's feathers are transparent, but no! They vanished! I'm not saying this to alarm you, but-"

"Don't advance on me with you rubbing your hands like that," Night scowled as she blocked Shine. "That's creepy."

"My bad," Shine replied and backed off.

"Anyways, please tell me what exactly happened with Rav? Slowly, not that fast talk that doesn't seem to end."


After launching into a story that wasn't made up, and still talking about Rav's symptoms as she examined Feather, Shine finally came to a stop.

Night didn't immediately talk, she must be taking all the information in. When she did though, her voice was solemn.

"Then we have to do something about everyone here, if that's the thing."

"I thought you'll be more caring about Rav?" Shine didn't know what to expect from Night, but that was what she concluded to.

One look of hatred from Night told the whole story.

"It's better to have everyone else heal up since by the look of Rav, he isn't going to wake up for some time. Which is good, of course, you'll keep a eye on him. Though, at the same time, unconscious and might fall into a coma," fluttering her wings, Night repositioned herself as she looked at Shine's handwork of crushing comfrey.

"What's that for?" Night asked, a hint of curiosity in the tone of bland knowledge.

"For wounds and cuts. Even though Cloud is the only one that knows how to speed up the process from completely making the medicine and leaving it to solidify for years to just 1 or 2 days, I'm still going to try!" More determined when she spoke about it, Shine quickly placed the leaves in the tiny glass bottle and shook it up, the transparent object warm from the water.

"Cloud newly planted some goldenrod yesterday, so I don't have access to those things right now."

"Smart.." a compliment from Night! Folding her wings closer to herself, Shine shook the jar harder then got up to place it in the small curved out shelf above her.

Then she froze. Her outstretched arm suddenly went blurry, it felt like she was going blind slowly.

Panic seized her heart as she tried to focus back up, but when she did, a pair of eyes met her.

Clear eyes, a beautiful gray, looked puffed up. The black iris was tinted with tiny bits of white, like eye freckles. Shine stared as slowly, the bland look turned to disdain. Then it averted its eyes to further in the cave, bringing Shine's eyes along.

The clear pool that the Healers use to wash herbs was black. Dark and emitting.

Then the Aster Fate appeared in it. She was surrounded with lush forest, thick undergrown, but something was wrong. White butterflies surrounded her, their wings steadily beat, and when they came into contact with each other, a little clink echoed in her ears. It felt lovely, charming, as if it was gifted to her and her only.

Crystalized wings, reflecting to make beautiful markings on the Aster Fate's face.

Then Shine realized that the Aster Fate was looking directly at her.

Feeling exposed, she tried to speak, but no words came out of her mouth. Though she did hear someone else speak.

"You," it spoke with such authority, even the Aster Fate's eyes widen with fear. "The child is drifting away slowly, and when it does, disaster will strike. The Healer, the Warrior, the Nomi Builder. No Nomi Builder, no survival."

What builder? Moon-Hill? But Moon-Hill isn't injured, and there are lots of others that's is injured!

Then the voice was directed to her. "This Healer has a great destiny, you must keep them safe until the 'new prophecy' begins. No, the first part of the prophecy already began."

Then with that, it disappeared.

No, she faded away.

"Time to go-." Shine halted in a mid-cheerful tone. What happened? What was that?

She was now standing, but her mind was racing with thoughts.

What did that mean? The "new prophecy?" And it already began? Flexing her hands to pull herself back to the world, Shine starets to walk stiffly to the beds of the injured.

"What? Why didn't you finish your sentence?" Night was here?! Nervously smiling Shine addressed Night in a mannerly tone, "nothing, I just remembered I forgot to.. to check up on Depressed."

Depressed wasn't injured or anything, but he was being overly dramatic about how Night left him there in the tree.

There has barely been any development in the forest before the Warriors became slower and more lazy than ever, the Hunters weren't the same but at the same time, they were.

She heard stories from Vex-Ice about how there used to be bears, elks, and dangerous birds that sometimes appeared for no reason whatsoever.

That's how a child named Bloom got killed when his mother let him wander in the forest for too long.

"He got spooked by the bird then a bear killed him," Vex-Ice would say, his voice rasping over killed. Sage-Onyx, who's older than Vex-Ice, said that he was probably there. At that time, she herself was becoming a apprentice, and her name was probably Sage.

But they didn't remember barely anything about the Aster Fate at that time, even though she, the current Aster Fate, was the Aster Fate back then too.

Glow-Tunnel was crazy about how she almost got killed by a bear herself. Then they started to mass hunt the bears, lur the elks from the dense forest, and made sure to follow those birds with no names home.

It turned into a challenge, like a field day, and everyone was hyped for it.

Gosh, now she launched into a whole backstory! It was when she was smaller than this anyways.

But can't she get information from someone at Night's side? There might be clues about what had just happened.. the vision and all.

Now she truly has a reason to go to Depressed, so let's go!