44. Saved (Jude's POV)

The moment Lesly's searched my pocket, I knew what her worries were. Amidst the man continuingly babbling about his daughter, whose eyes stripped me naked, I understood that Lesly seemed to feel the danger I, and the ones who were surrounding me, were in.

"My daughter had always been brilliant..."

That was indeed the case, my senses had dulled away after my act of violence; the crazy euphoria had dissipated only a few hours later. I really wanted to hear it again—the screams, the beating of my own heart that told me I was alive, and the cries that spiraled into chaos. I was hungry for it.

Furthermore, I had crossed the threshold of the cage, plastered with fantasies of burning down what was in my way, now having witnessed not only what the flames were able to devour, but also how it was to stand on the other side with the lighter in my hand.

"So many boys made their advances, but she never took interest in them...."