45. Shutting down (Jude's POV)

The girl beside me talked, and I didn't listen, as I just continued to watch, seeing a blonde woman in gold arrive. Lesly's expression made me curious, and I left the girl standing and walked to the other side of the hall, hiding behind a stone pillar, near enough to watch unhindered.

And I saw Lesly upset, even going as far as speaking to my father with a disgusted look. I couldn't hear what was being said as my hand sneaked into my empty pocket, where there was no lighter I could clutch. My father wouldn't act out in front of so many people, but I was still relieved when I saw no anger on his face; instead, he even left the place. 

Watching the two women being left alone; their body language revealed that they were exchanging jabs, and it was clear that Lesly had won.