104. Reflect


Opening my eyes, I felt my heart hammering inside me as I tried to understand what was happening. Grabbing to my scalp involuntarily, I felt a hand inside my hair, and looking down, I saw that I was flung out of my new bed.

"Hey!" I yelled trying to get myself free, which didn't work, so I at least held on to the wrist of the man who dragged me out of my new room. This way, the weight wasn't fully on my scalp.

"WHAT THE HELL!" I screamed as I saw the legs of the man move to the staircase. I needed to get out of that lying-position, or it would hurt tremendously when we came to the staircase.

"STOP IT, I WALK, I WILL WALK!" The man made no sound, and as I turned my head, I saw the stairs coming closer. 

I tried to pull myself up on the man's wrist, but I couldn't; he walked too fast.

"Jude." I quietly said to hold myself back from yelling his name—my first instinct to do.