105. Dawn of Faith by Eternal Eclipse

I woke up with no idea how long I slept. But I felt well rested, besides my body aching.

In here, it doesn't smell bad. It smelled like earth and dust, but it wasn't as bad as one would think, as a corpse inside would smell. And although my mind couldn't be tricked, with closed eyes it was better than with eyes open. 

"Blind people live like this every day." I whispered to my cat.

"Can you imagine? Isn't it scary? I could live without every one of my senses, but not without my eyes, never." Maybe my imagination was too strong, my paranoia too heavy, but I bet I would constantly imagine creepy things behind me. No, I was already doing that now. But if I were blind, these things weren't just behind me; they were beside me as well, before me, above me, and under me.

"Isn't it scary?" Or was it beautiful? As you could form a new world, just for yourself?