106. Liberating Honesty (Jude's POV)

I couldn't sleep anymore, having enough of dreaming. I was just staring at the ceiling until Saturday arrived. 

I hid myself in my room, not wanting to face Lesly, not wanting to think about her anymore. But it had the opposite effect, my mind constantly switching between the ocean she would let me see, and the dark abyss I would drown myself in.

Constantly dreaming, not remembering the content anymore, I was too groggy to even move, the two days flashing by in a snap.

And when I heard my phone ring on Monday, I had the illusion that these two days hadn't even existed. 'Waking up', I dressed, and I washed up before going down. I felt disappointed by not seeing Lesly, but I told myself that this was precisely what I wanted.

I didn't wait for her, enough cars were here, and a driver soon found, as I was brought to school.

A boring ride, and a boring day that would await me.