I stood in the kitchen, the sink before me, as I was given a very important task. My companion was wherever, trying to get the water running. When he would call, I had to test if water flowed.
We needed water to drink, but in the worst case, we could buy water bottles. What we can't live without, is the toilet, which requires water to run. A nice bath wouldn't be bad either, though I didn't know if we would have all our future baths together.
Would I like to repeat that? I don't know. I liked my companion, and it wasn't my body, so it would be okay. And he had been very composed, besides the 'state' he was in.
"Now!" My prompt came, and I was pulled from my thoughts, doing my part in this water-operation.
Pulling the faucet up, I heard the pipes gargle. Waiting a bit, nothing came out.
"No! But it made strange sounds!" I yelled back.
"Ok, wait a moment!" Following the order, I waited again.