Liam, a college student from a conservative background, reconnects with his childhood best friend, Llyad. While their friendship appears simple on the surface, Liam struggles to keep a painful secret hidden. Years of repression and societal expectations have taught him to bury his feelings, yet being near Llyad again stirs up a love he’s tried hard to deny. Every shared moment brings Liam closer to the life he wants but believes he can never have.
Caught between his heart and his fear of rejection, Liam faces misunderstandings, loneliness, and the weight of unspoken expectations. He tries to be the friend Llyad needs, hiding the depth of his love and the truth of his identity, knowing the risk it would bring if he dared to be open. Yet, as he wrestles with unrequited love and hidden pain, Liam must decide whether to continue sacrificing his happiness or to find acceptance in his own truth, even if it means letting go.
This is a story about the quiet struggles of self-discovery, the weight of societal norms, and the courage to face one’s own heart, no matter the cost.