Skill Books

They entered, and the lights began to flicker on. The place lit up, the walls made of stone—jagged and uneven—while the ceiling widened above them, giving the illusion of being inside a cage with an endless tunnel stretching beyond. Despite being in a hidden place, the room was cool, and shelves lined with books stood before them.

"I made the lights activate automatically," the elder master said as they walked forward. Soon, they stood before rows of shelves. Different shelves were labeled according to various affinities, and some were divided from others, bearing distinct names.

Lionel walked around, his eyes scanning the shelves, growing wide with curiosity. He stopped at the first shelf, labeled Light Affinity—followed by Fire Affinity. Various skill books were neatly arranged, though dusty, and he glanced at the elder master, curiosity gleaming in his eyes.