Chapter 3

III. Watched.

. . . . .

It is 2:00 PM, and I'm in my room, gazing down from a window.

'Dakari Dimitri should be arriving shortly. Whatever his reasons for requesting a meeting with my father, I hope it has nothing to do with me.' With a sigh, I turn away from the window for a brief moment. "They told me to stay put. Wait for him to leave but I can't just stay here." I muttered, complaining to no one but myself. I do understand why they would prefer for me to remain in my room.

My father is a boss of his own, however, our loyalty lies to the Dimitri's. Which meant, the fact that I was not recognized and known by everyone in the organization, will lead to them suspecting my father of betraying them.

The Dimitri's are far more superior than us and we're not even the second strongest after them. There are more factions stronger than us. But, they barely made any appearances, only the Dimitri's are known to be active up until now.

Father had his reasons for hiding my birth, which I actually don't know of. Even if I were to be found out as the eldest daughter of the Viviana's, it doesn't change the fact that the Dimitri's are already suspecting my father before I even arrived here. They won't be sending spies all over the place if they're certain the family is loyal to them.

"It seems like my appearance will become a much bigger problem." I muttered lowly. However, I do not regret coming back here.

I was not by my mother's side when she passed away and I deeply regretted not telling her how much I loved her. My father and my mother both loved me dearly. They protected me and sent me away for my own protection. It was for the best, they said.

Seeing as I am standing here now, safe and in piece, it's best to conclude that they were successful with their plan.

My existence was unknown to all except those who have served the Viviana's for generations, including Franklin Jaruis. Their unwavering loyalty to our family meant Franklin could be trusted as an alibi when the decision was made to conceal my birth.

Should the Dimitris discover this secret, it would mean certain doom for their lineage as well as ours.

However, I will refuse to back down without a fight. If ever it comes down to that.

We all will have a fucking brawl.

My expression darkened as I thought deeply. The possibilities, the consequences for hiding my birth, everything that will be the cause and reason for the Viviana's downfall.

"Fuck." I cursed. My existence is a pain. My parents wanted me to have a normal life, experience everything there is as a normal person.

They endeavored to conceal the truth, yet the foundation of their lie was poorly constructed. It's on the brink of collapse. The deception will be uncovered if someone pieces the puzzle together.

Despite their efforts, the structure will crumble with the slightest touch, as though it were delicate and vulnerable. It was crafted with diligence but remains unmistakably fragile.

That is my case right now. That is the truth behind my existence. 'No secret remains a secret.' They hid me for years, but others are catching on about my existence.

They hid me because they loved me dearly and don't want me to be put in danger.

Now, the existence of my younger brother, Lorenzo, comes into play.

Unlike my own, his birth was widely celebrated. I harbor no jealousy, but I am disturbed by the fact that everyone is now aware that the Viviana's have a direct heir.

They will go for his head.

Both my younger self and I, as I am now, wish to prevent this. I was never naive about the nature of our parents' work. I understood everything from the beginning and was conscious of the dangers that lurk in the world.

But my younger brother, he was the naive one, childish and vulnerable. He was innocence personified, living under the illusion that life is full of colors and rainbows. That was his belief when he was young.

I vividly remember him weeping and reaching out for me as I entered the car to depart for Singapore, accompanied by a few servants who would attend to me for years to come.

A sigh escaped my lips. 'Enough with those silly thoughts.' I scolded myself. No point looking back in the past, I must focus on the present.

No matter how powerful our family may be, we stand no chance against the Dimitri's.

That's an undeniable fact.

According to my beloved mother, our family went into seclusion a year after I was born. They ensured that no word of my birth leaked out and silently eliminated any servants who spread the news.

The Dimitris were not pleased with this news in the past. Suspicions were aroused, and the abrupt seclusion of the Vivianas came under scrutiny. It became a matter of concern because, for some reason, the Dimitris heard about the servants' killings, and those servants who were killed secretly belonged to them.

In response, they dispatched spies everywhere, attempting to discover the reason behind the change.

Not until Silvestre had enough and decided to confront Damien Dimitri about it. The head of the Dimitri's and Dakari's father.

Silvestre concocted excuses for the sudden isolation and sent offerings and gifts to affirm the Vivianas' loyalty to the Dimitris. The killings occurred because they were allegedly caught attempting to "poison" his beloved wife.

This was a fabrication, a lie. Yet Damien could not refute it. Fearing Silvestre would sever ties with the Dimitris upon discovering the servants were his, he seemed to dismiss the incident to conceal his own actions.

Father's words were a mixture of the truth and a lie, which was unknown to Damien Dimitri. He only had to make it sound convincing enough for him to believe his bluffs. Fortunately, Damien let the matter slide, resulting in years of harmony between the families. Neither side ventured to revisit the issue again.

Well. . .

'Not until this damned Dakari guy sticked his nose on the matter that is not even worthy of attention.' I rolled my eyes. He was being ridiculous.

We wouldn't dare betray the Dimitri's. Ever.

I watched the Rolls-Royce approach the gates of our manor. "It appears that's him." I murmured to myself, watching intently as it passed through the open gates.

As father's instruction, I must stay out of Dakari's sight. That's why I can only gaze down from here as I also anticipated his arrival.

I still have yet seen the son of the most powerful man in the underworld after all. Now's my chance to catch a glimpse of him.

My room is located at the 3rd floor of the manor. It's easy for me to observe everything from up here. However, as much as it's easy for me, others will be able to see me as well. That's why I can only peek through behind the curtain. Hiding.

Pulling up at the front, there, Dakari got out his car.

My breath hitched, there's one thing for sure. I can't take my eyes off him.

He looks so handsome. He's quite tall, 6'4 perhaps. Sharp features. A muscular build and overall, that aura. Perhaps that's the reason why I find him fascinating. The way he carries himself, exudes power.

He fascinates me.

But something tells me I shouldn't go anywhere near him.

'Divine he may look, he's still a ruthless killer that has the power to exterminate us, Viviana's.' I sighed; I better stop looking his way before I get noticed up here.

He's quite observant after all. Judging how he looks over the windows of the manor looking for something or someone. Maybe.

"Hmm. . ." I hummed. 'He probably senses someone staring at him.' And that someone is me.

If he was truly looking for me, I really should just stay here and sleep. I yawned as I walked towards my comfy bed. Slumping down on it and pulling my pillows in my arms, hugging it tightly.

'Let's just hope the moment I wake up and go out, he's no longer here.'

And I fell into slumber.

. . . . .

'This meeting is nothing but an excuse to interrogate Silvestre Viviana.' I reminded myself.

Here I am, seated in my car, driving towards Viviana Manor. Recent events have unfolded rapidly, and the unexpected appearance of a woman at the manor has alarmed the organization.

Damien Dimitri has commanded that I investigate.

The Vivianas are under suspicion of being double agents, and if this woman holds the key to unveiling their secrets, "Then I must apprehend her," I whispered grimly, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

I took deep breaths, trying to steady my nerves. 'Stay calm,' I reminded myself. An accident is not on my agenda.

"If this unknown woman is indeed present, she could either be Lorenzo's lover or a spy dispatched by the faction aligned with the Vivianas."

Overthinking is not something I was used to, but she had beaten up my men and that alone, poses risk and is suspicious. There are no documents or any reports about a woman with black hair and hazel eyes showing up in that manor. Only now. At a time like this.

Viviana's are a double-edged sword. They can be both an ally and a foe. The accusations of them being a double agent is favored by many. I'm one of them and I have my reasons.

Passing through the streets, I now see the gates of my destination.

As I was nearing the closed gates, I can't help but notice something far away from where I am now. "Was I seeing things?" I mumbled to myself. I swear I saw a silhouette in one of those windows. 'Is my vision failing me now?'

The sound of the gates creaking open snapped me out of my reverie. I drove inside and made my way to the entrance.

I looked back to see if my men are following close behind. They were and they are quite few. I planned it this way, so they won't be skeptical about my visit even though their suspicions are right.

However, I know full well that I shouldn't be too complacent about this.

Unbeknownst to Silvestre, I already installed my men all over his manor, in case the meeting won't end well.

Killing every existence here is not a problem. Afterall, them not knowing that I already have my men surround their place is not a big deal.

What they don't know won't cause any trouble.

As I exited my car, Silvestre himself was there to greet me. "Dakari Dimitri, it's a pleasure to see you. You've matured quite nicely," he remarked, his voice laced with insincere cordiality.

Yes, of course, it is to be expected. To the casual observer, this appears to be mere formalities.


That's the only thing I said, noting how Silvestre only nodded.

I find myself compelled to look upwards; I can sense someone's gaze upon me.

I scan the windows hastily, trying to spot the observer. Frustration sets in with a click of my tongue as I fail once more. 'It can't be Lorenzo. He's standing right behind his father,' I muse. Could it be the woman?

I was jolted back to reality when Silvestre coughed. It certainly captured my attention.

"Well, Mr. Dakari, shall we go inside?"

I only nodded and Silvestre only smiled. Beckoning me to follow him close behind.

I did and so did my men.

"I do hope you'll enjoy your stay here even for a moment."

I remained silent. The elderly gentleman reminded me of Aiden Blanche, my constant companion. He's quite the conversationalist, one who continues his endless chatter as the hours pass by— an incessant chatterbox indeed.

"Could you fill me in on this meeting, Mr. Dakari?" inquired Silvestre.

"No, not yet."

"I see."

I can sense Lorenzo's piercing stare at the back of my head. Annoying brat.

We now stood in front of a large dark door. "I assume this is your office." I said to Silvestre with little to no interest.

"Yes." Silvestre replied and he urged me to go in, "Please, go inside Mr. Dakari."

I signaled for my men to stay outside the door. I carried my own firearm, just in case the situation took a grim turn.

All I have to do is shoot them, kill them all.

Dismissing the thoughts swirling in my head, I entered, with Silvestre trailing behind. His son arrived five minutes later, hands in his pockets and a stern expression on his face, yet it wasn't sufficient to daunt someone like me.

We are now seated on the couch in the center of the room, positioned on opposite sides, facing each other.

Resting my right hand on my thigh and the other on the armrest, I began, "I believe you understand why I requested this meeting, Silvestre."

Silvestre offered a dry smile. It took him a moment to reply, "Forgive me, but I am at a loss, Mr. Dakari."

What an innocent response.

This amuses me. He certainly understands my purpose here. He's aware that I intend to ask about the sightings of a woman in this area.

It became clear when the heir shifted in his seat ever so subtly. Anxious, maybe. Or perhaps he remains a coward, trembling in fear upon confronting the full extent of someone's power. Or I could just be deluded into thinking that.

Regardless, the heir of this family is certainly. . . Pathetic.

"Hmm. . . Is that so?" I pretended to be clueless, my tone was stable and unamused. Indicating that I don't believe a word he said.

"Why don't you enlighten us Mr. Dakari." Lorenzo finally spoke.

'Oh.' Helping his father it seems.

I dryly smiled, "Oh, it's truly a pleasure to have you speak to me, the heir of Viviana's." My tone was undeniably sarcastic. He knows that I intend to ignore his inputs on the matter.

He was not the boss of Viviana; he was merely an heir, and a feeble, pitiable one at that. So pitiable, in fact, that his presence was considered repugnant.

The powerless do not stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the powerful.

Lorenzo clicked his tongue. Suppressing the urge to lash out. "Can you?" Refusing to back down.

He purposely ignored my 'heartfelt' greeting. I finally answered, "I'm here to confirm a rumor." They know why I'm here, therefore, there's no point going around in circles. The more straightforward I am, the more I'll be able to confirm my suspicions.

"Rumor?" Silvestre asked, his attention is focused on me.

He doesn't seem surprised. 'Just as I expected. He knows the gist of it.' I internally smirked. "Yes, rumor." I confirmed.

Lorenzo glared in my direction, "To think that you would come all the way here just because of a rumor is very out-of-character of you, Mr. Dakari." His tone sound so mocking.

I smirked, if this is how he wants to play, okay. "It is, isn't it, Lorenzo?" I returned the glare back.

Lorenzo flinched.

'What an annoying brat.' I rolled my eyes.

As if sensing the tension, Silvestre interrupted us. "Ehemm. Well, let's hear this rumor, shall we?" He eyed his son in a not-so-discreet way.

Lorenzo could only offer a meek nod in response to his father. It was indeed commendable how obedient he was.

I trailed off, "A woman. . ."

"Woman? Pardon?" Silvestre sound so confused.

"There are reports concerning the appearance of a woman around here." I looked at them intently. Now, it's my turn to hear them out. "Care to explain?"

Silvestre appears to be calm, while Lorenzo was visibly fidgeting in his sit. 'Hmm. . .'

"You mean to say there are reports stating, there's a new face around here and it was a woman?" He asked for confirmation.

I nodded.

Silence dawned the room for minutes, Silvestre seemed to be thinking hard while his pathetic son remained silent and meek.

"Ah, it must be our new servant, Charlotte," Silvestre declared with a tone of ease and certainty. "It's understandable that you have questions about our new servant. We've recently hired her," he said, smiling amicably as he spoke.

I was silent.

Analyzing the father and son intently, looking at their expressions if there's any hint of lies coming from his mouth. However, Silvestre sounds genuine as he spoke about this new servant of his.

Lorenzo only kept nodding at his father's rumblings. Supporting his statements.

Massaging my temples, I listened as Silvestre went on with his taletelling. 'Damn it. There's no way I can confront them about this new 'servant' who beat up one of my men. She managed to inflict serious damage to his lungs. That's not something a mere servant could do.'

My facial expression must've darkened given how Lorenzo spoke in a mocking manner once again. "Oh, Mr. Dakari, what got you so gloomy?" Lorenzo pointed out. Satisfaction was visible on his face as he asked.

'Damned brat.'

I gritted my teeth and clenched my right hand. Which, I had let go of eventually, appearing to be calm before them.

"Nothing." I replied.

Now that I think about it, I need evidence, I need to see this servant. Does she fit the description? I intend to find out.

I sighed, "However, do me a favor and call this new maid of yours. Getting to know one of our vessels is a good start after all." I finished.

New servants are meant to be introduced in the soon-to-be social gatherings to be acknowledge by the organization. Those who are not able to appear and confirm their identification as a servant of a certain house is punishable via death.

Servants are protected under the laws of the government, in which, is not really effective given our state in this world.

We do things that is not allowed. Things that is morally bad and just cruel altogether.

Servants that are not registered under a family's list are mistaken or considered to be spies and will be killed with no objection from any member of the organization.

Therefore, let's see this woman they speak of.

They were silent and I'm getting impatient about all of this. If they have nothing to hide, they will call for her. Even if not, I'll kill them all for making me wait.

Waiting is not my best attribute after all, and my patience is waning the longer they remain silent with no signs of moving.

This is all getting on my nerves, but I must remain calm.


Stay calm.

Give them time.

I reminded myself. "Well?" I muttered darkly. Tapping my fingers on top of the arm rest, implying that I am waiting, and I am getting impatient waiting.

"Of course, Mr. Dakari." Silvestre finally replied after further consideration. Finally. He then looked over to his son. "Lorenzo, call for Franklin and order him to bring Charlotte in my office."

Lorenzo nodded, stood up and got out. Leaving both me and Silvestre all alone staring at his retreating back.

When we're certain he left and closed the door with a loud thud.

The atmosphere shifted.

Which was not that surprising actually. Knowing the head of Viviana's. This cunning man.

Silvestre's gaze was fierce when it landed on me. However, I am not that intimidated by him. "Dakari, what is it that you truly want?" He asked with all seriousness in his tone.

Oh. 'No more mister nice guy it seems.' I smirked internally. "Answers, Silvestre." That is what I want.

Silvestre's eyes narrowed. "I won't be able to give you the answers you seek if you are not able to express it, Dakari."

How funny. "You know well why I'm here." I laughed. "How long do you intend on denying those said accusations about your betrayal to the organization?"

He went silent but his hands were clenching tightly that it almost turned white. "As long as I live. I will deny those claims. As it is not true, even your father knows that fact."

I scoffed, "How bold."

"It is to be expected."

"I agree."

Once again, we both fell into an uncomfortable silence.

"A betrayal and a sudden appearance of a mysterious woman." I hummed. "That woman, a spy perhaps or is she an ally to us? Why don't you tell me, Silvestre." My voice was laced with disdain.

"As I've had told you, Dakari. The woman you seek is a newly hired servant in our manor named Charlotte." His tone indicates that he's displeased about all of these accusations. "It's natural for her to side with us."

Judging by Silvestre's expression, he seems to be annoyed about all of this. How ironic, I feel the exact same way. "I only asked a mere question, Silvestre. What got you in such a nerve-wracking state." I taunted. "I only inquired the appearance of the woman, but you got so defensive every time I bring it up." I'm now looking at him mischievously. "Besides, how are you so sure that this servant will fit the description I was provided with." I can see a vein popping out of Silvestre's forehead. 'Hmm....' He seems pissed for obvious reasons. "What are you going to do when she doesn't fit the description?"

Silvestre sighed heavily and rubbed his temples in attempts to calm himself. He's visibly stressed out. "Nothing. There's only one new face around here. It's up to you to believe us or not, Mr. Dakari."

A firm statement.

Back to the formalities it seems. Oh well, I as well won't be able to do anything about it anyways. If ever the woman presented to me is the wrong one.

"Hmm. . . Very well." Let's give the old man a break. 'He seems on the verge of snapping and he's so red from anger.'

We sat silently for 5 minutes. Silvestre did not dare move from his place. We just waited for the arrival of Lorenzo and that woman.

Awkward. It was awkward but it was better than chatting with someone I won't ever get along with.

My left hand reached for my pocket. I still have my pistol hidden. Fully loaded and will only be used in case of 'emergency'. I tapped on its handle lightly as we waited patiently.

Few more minutes, a knock can be heard echoing all over the room.

Silvestre told them to come in, and not-so far away from me, stood a short woman.

"Mr. Dakari, meet Charlotte Grace. Our new servant." Silvestre introduced the woman and beckoned for her to come closer. In which, she obliged.

"It is my pleasure to meet you Mr. Dimitri." The woman bowed her head before me. Her voice was high pitched and sounds utterly annoying for my ears.

Apart from her slightly greenish eyes, she's blonde and doesn't match the description I was given. She's currently in her maid uniform, topped with a red bow that looks quite ridiculous on her. It just doesn't suit her; it seems completely out of place.

The way she looks at me feels so disgusting. She's eyeing me all over with those filthy eyes of hers.

'It's not her.' I concluded in disdain.

I looked at her in disapproval and turned to look at the grinning head of the Viviana's. "Is she the woman you seek? Mr. Dakari?" Silvestre innocently asked. Unaware of the growing turmoil in my head.

I can feel myself losing my composure and I replied in a low growl, "No." Was going here a waste of time? I feel so annoyed and frustrated right now.

It's not her.

She's not the one I'm looking for.

'Calm. Stay calm.' I repeatedly reminded myself. It's pointless to lose my cool now.

Silvestre was still in his place upon hearing my response. "Is that so? Then I'm afraid the one you're looking for is not here." He finally concluded. "Lorenzo, Charlotte, you may leave."

They walked out the room in silence. However, the maid kept turning her back to glance at me from time to time. Fucking disgusting.

I muttered under my breath, "A dark haired woman. . ." A reaction. I need a reaction from him.

Silvestre shifted in his seat and looked over at my direction. "Pardon?"

"A dark-haired woman with hazel eyes," I persisted. "I'm searching for someone matching that description, Silvestre. I'm aware she's here, and you're hiding her." My voice was low and menacing. My temper was slipping beyond my control. "Do not try my patience, bring her to me now."

Silvestre visibly flinched, then let out a heavy sigh. "The only woman in this manor with hazel eyes is my beloved wife, Caterina."

". . ." Well damn.

"I'm not sure where you heard the rumors, but I believe they're just seeing things, Mr. Dakari. There is no woman that has that features here. I'm sorry."

". . ." Damn.

Silvestre's gaze hardened into an icy glare. "Avoid meddling in waters unknown to you, Dakari. Consider this a piece of advice from the elderly."

It was a definitive statement that left me without rebuttal. I could only listen as he spoke. It was understandable how he suddenly grew so defensive. If it was true that his wife is the only one with hazel eyes here, it's clear that he would rather not talk about her and will debunk any accusations of such sightings around here. The dead can no longer exist in the waking world. It's also rather absurd on his part, he, who seeks to spend more time with his wife.

"Is that so?" I muttered.

Silvestre only gave me a curt nod.

However, despite all that. I do not believe him. Something tells me that if I go now, I won't be able to get the answers I'm looking for my question.

I can't go back to the estate yet.

"In that case, I request to stay the night here." I need to witness it myself. I need to verify everything with my own two eyes. Silvestre's color drained from his face. At least, that's how he looked to me. "Would that pose a problem?"

"N-no. Of course not!" He let out an awkward chuckle. "I'll get the guest room ready for you, Mr. Dakari." Rising from his seat, he hurried out of his office.

I remained seated on the couch, taking in the surroundings of the room. The space was generous, furnished just right. Ahead, Silvestre's desk was buried under paperwork. Frames adorned with portraits of Silvestre, Lorenzo, and presumably his wife, Caterina, caught my eye.

Rising from my seat, I wandered around. A closer look confirmed that Caterina was indeed strikingly beautiful. Her wavy brown hair, hazel eyes, and poised stance spoke of her elegance.

She was nearly flawless.

It was clear why Silvestre was so smitten with her, even beyond her passing.

A sudden thought dawned on me, "Hazel eyes. . ." I looked at Caterina's portrait intently. "Black hair. . ." Then my gaze darted to Silvestre's portrait. Recalling the report once again that night. The very same report that made me come all the way here. A woman, dark raven hair and beautiful hazel eyes. 'Could it be?—' They really have a hidden daughter?

I speculated once again, this time, considering the theory to be true. It sounds ridiculous at first and the possibilities were quite low.

"But then again, possibilities are never zero." They must've gone through lengths to hide the birth of their daughter.

Impressive, if it's true.

They managed to fool the Dimitri's, us, their leader. 'It makes me wonder if the old man is aware about this. A truth or a lie, I intend to find out regardless of the outcome.' I noted to myself.  With a newfound determination, I made my way-out Silvestre's office to call for Aiden Blanche. He was unable to accompany me in this visit despite being my right-hand man.

I gave him an order that will keep him very very busy. An investigation about the Viviana's darting way back decades ago and their relationship with the Dimitri's before all the vows of loyalty.

Do they have past connections with any enemy of ours? Any illegal records? Anything that will ruin them.

Contacting him is the best option right now. Just in case, more information was received on their end.

On top of that, my arrival here was rather unpleasant. 'I'm constantly being watched, aren't I?' I can't seem to find whom.

Doesn't matter.