Chapter 4

IV. Where Is Everyone?

. . . . .

I slowly fluttered my eyes open as I woke up with a groan escaping my lips. 'How long has it been. . .' I sat up and moved to sit on the edge of my bed. It was already dark outside when I glanced at my window.

Looking at the wall clock placed high on top of my bedside table, blinking in utter confusion. 'It's already 9:36 PM and no one woke me up?' I stared at it for a good minute, confused. I then decided to reach for my phone just in case the clock lost its battery, or someone purposely fumbled with it. Having the guts to mess with me. 'Must've been Lorenzo.' I shrugged at the idea. Only him would pull such pranks on me.

I turned my phone on and saw that it is in fact 9:37 PM already and that, no one actually woke me up. They usually would if I slept in for far too long. 'Dinner time has already passed as well.' Not one of the servants knocked on my door to invite me to eat with my family.

One thing came to my mind, making me shake in place. 'D-did something happen to them?' I paled and shuddered at the thought.


A Dimitri visited.

'I was too complacent and failed to be on-guard.' I cursed myself.

What if during my slumber that man slaughtered them all?!

'Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.' I stood up and reached for a shawl that will at least cover me from the chilly night.

I also rummaged through the cabinet for a pistol and a dagger. Hiding it underneath my skirt. Making sure it was not too hard for me to reach just in case I need to get my hands dirty.

See a suspicious individual? Shoot them. My mind is in panic mode. 'This shit is either fight or flight now.'

I hurried out of the room, glancing left and right to ensure the coast was clear. I found myself on the third floor of the manor, a place known to be deserted except for myself. Given its vastness, it was the ideal location for me to take up residence and rest. I'll be able to evade prying eyes in this setup given how I must remain hidden.

I made my way towards the stairs. the lights are turned off now as I looked down from where I'm at. I made sure that I made less noise as much as possible. In case someone notices me.

'Be stealthy.' I reminded myself. 'I have to check on my father and then my younger brother. If I'm lucky then, the butler.'

However, before I could even descend the flight of stairs, I caught sight of someone's silhouette, approaching slowly in a rhythmic pattern. "A patroller? On the second floor?" I muttered silently to myself. I moved to hide behind the pillars of the stairs and observed. 'Who even wears sunglasses at night?' I narrowed my eyes.

The man wearing a black suit turned its back to where he came from and retreated. I stayed still in my place for 5 minutes. 'A pattern. The patroller kept going back and forth.' I took note. 'Seems like a guard. However, they don't seem they belong to our family.'

I considered the possibility that they might belong to Dakari Dimitri. Hence, I turned and went back to my room. Who knows how many they are and I'm all alone on top of that.

I'm not crazy enough to go launch an attack on them. However, one question came to mind.

He's here?

'If he was then—. . .' I trailed off from my train of thoughts. Contemplating. '. . . —Then the servants are unable to discreetly approach me. They're unable to go up here per instructions of father. Is that it?' That's the only plausible possibility I came up with.

However, what's his reason for staying here? He was just visiting, wasn't he?

What changed?

"This is stressing me out. . ." I breathe out. Making up my mind to sneak my way in father's bedroom for answers.

His room was situated on the second floor, which was heavily patrolled by Dakari Dimitri's guards. To reach it undetected, my only option would be to leap from my balcony and aim for the terrace of the master bedroom.

'I never once met a Dimitri in my life, but this specific Dimitri is already making me hate him.' I bitterly thought.

I opened the door to my bedroom and closed it immediately once I got in.

Glancing down at my attire, I realized I hadn't changed yet. With a sigh of self-reproach, I headed to my wardrobe and slipped into something more comfortable, specifically my mid-thigh, white lace nightgown. I shed my shoes, opting to move barefoot. After all, no shoes meant less noise. My goal was the master bedroom, and I hope to avoid being caught by the patrolling guards.

'Who knows what they'll do.' I thought as I strapped a dagger on my right thigh.

I strode towards my balcony, ready to leap onto the second-floor terrace. The master bedroom is merely three terraces away. My plan is simple. Jump across each one and knock on my father's door.

Simple plan, isn't it?

I halted. 'But. . . Where's Dakari even staying?' I thought, if I want to go unnoticed, I must avoid the room where he stays. 'If only he just went home back to where he belongs. Ugh! I won't be stressing this too much.' After all that inner turmoil, I let out a long breath.


Perched on the edge of the marble railings, I braced myself to leap.

And so I leapt.

As I descended, the wind lashed through my long, dark hair. Approaching my target, my left hand clutched the railing I had aimed for, barely securing my grip. A slight grunt escaped my lips from the impact, and the metal emitted a sharp, resonant clang as I collided and held fast.

Clang clang.

I clicked my tongue in irritation. 'Damn it. I should have chosen a closer spot. I miscalculated!' I silently berated myself, cursing internally as my left hand clung to the railing. I extended my right hand to grasp the railing for additional support. Gradually, I hauled myself up, summoning considerable strength to do so.

That night, when I dropped from the third floor, there was no pain because it was a fall I needed to take. Unlike now, where I had to jump and latch onto something.

I took note that I should go back to training my body. 'I'm becoming weaker.'

I disregarded the wrinkles in my clothes, anticipating this outcome. Given the silk material, it's unlikely anyone will observe the creases.

I stretched my body since it aches so much. 'I shouldn't have done that so suddenly without stretching.' I feel like an idiot but there's no time for sulking or whine about how pained I am. I need answers from my father for my questions. He better give me a appropriate response.

I eyed the distance from this terrace and to the other. 'That seems. . . Okay? It doesn't seem like I'll have to do that much work just to get there.'

I bent each of my fingers and they made a popping sound. There. Pleasing to my ears.

I readied myself and leaped, immediately hiding when I noticed someone in a room. Then, I prepared to leap again. I repeated this process until I reached the master bedroom terrace.

I exhaled. Not realizing I've been holding my breath the entire time I leaped. 'That wasn't fun at all.' I knocked on the door.

Wiping my sweat from my forehead as I waited. I tried peeking through the glass door but to no avail, the room was dark, and my eyesight fails me every time.

'There's no one in here.' I concluded. 'It's night, father is not here. Where could he be?' I gritted my teeth.

Overthinking is now back on a roll, taking over my restless mind. 'Did something really happen?' My eyes darkened. I need to check my brother. I need to see him, if not, 'I'm going to massacre the Dimitri's.' The idea did not sit right in my mind, but I convinced myself that I will only do so if I see my family hurt or worse, dead.

An eye for an eye. They say.

My focus shifted when I caught sight of the butler, Franklin, at a distance, accompanied by a familiar figure. They were smiling, seemingly engrossed in a pleasant conversation.

Franklin followed behind my father as they made their way back to the main building. "Oh!" I exhaled in relief. "Thank God they're safe." I rested against the wall, leaning against it as I pondered, "Did they visit the annex? They are returning from that direction."

Compelled without hesitation, I dashed to the terrace's edge and leapt from the second floor to the ground below. The landing was gentle, cushioned by the grass and soil, causing little impact.

The state of my night dress, now soiled and unsightly, was of no concern to me. My relief that they were unharmed and my theories unfounded overshadowed any worry about my appearance. I sprinted towards them, disregarding the mud caking my feet, it's quite uncomfortable.

Mixed emotions surged within me. Part of me felt relieved, yet another part sought answers from my father.

Few meters away, It seems like they noticed me. They stopped on their tracks and can only stare at me in surprise.

"Father!" I called out quite loudly.

They were still staring agape at my approaching figure.


Now standing before them, huffing as I catch my breath, I said, "Father, let's have a talk."

"Talk? I told you not to leave your room," he reprimanded me, his brows furrowed in displeasure. "And why are you in such a state? You're covered in dirt." His tone, once angry, now carried a note of concern. He glanced back at Franklin, who bowed in silent acknowledgment. "Franklin, fetch her slippers and another dress for her to change into, bring necessary necessities for her as well."

"Right away, master." Franklin responded, then turned to me, bowing his head respectfully before departing.

I watched Franklin leave.

"Do it discreetly, Franklin." my father called out in a raised voice to the family butler's retreating figure.

I knew the reason for the secrecy. It was because the accursed eldest Dimitri son was here, disturbing the tranquility of our manor.


I turned my attention back to my father. A mixture of worry and fury was visible in his expression.

"Nobody saw you on your way here, right?" My father asked then added, "You shouldn't have gone out."

I replied stubbornly, "You promised I could leave once Dakari Dimitri was gone. What happened, Father? Why are there suspicious men prowling around as if they own the place? Why is he still here? Why did you allow it?"

My father sighed, closing his eyes as he massaged his temples. "He wouldn't leave. Declining his request to stay the night would have raised his suspicions even further."

That only fueled my anger. I know father isn't naive. "He's already suspicious of you! To hell with looking suspicious. You won't convince them when they're already out for your blood!" I retorted sharply. My frustration was overwhelming. From the moment I awoke, I was consumed with concern for their safety, bracing for the worst, and the sight of those men only heightened my anxiety.

"Lucrezia, do not speak to me in that manner." He cautioned with a dark tone. I closed my mouth and glared at him, not caring anymore if it will only add to his frustrations. He needs to understand my part that I'm worried for them just as much as they worry for me. "You must understand that we need to show him that we are not traitors."

I clicked my tongue. As much as I want to just let the Dimitri's think however they want, father was right on the part of trying to prove we are not traitors. Completely contradicting my own beliefs. But what can I say? I still don't know how mafia factions work. However, I do know that war will break out if ever either parties are found out to have betrayed one another. That's how it is. "What has transpired when you met with him, father?" I clenched my hands closed.

"Dakari Dimitri suspects our family. He accused us of being a double agent, serving them as we serve another. He denied our claim when we said you do not exist." He explained and I can only listen in silence, however, rage and fury are already dancing in my head. "Hence, he's here. You shouldn't have gone out, Lucrezia, you should've gone back to sleep."

That made me go speechless. If I had known this would happen, I would've made sure the intruders that broke in were dead. 'All this happened because of those gay looking guys. They're no longer cute.' I rolled my eyes internally. 'I swear if I see them. . .'

I snapped out of my not-so-friendly thoughts when father moved forward. "Put my jacket on," said my father as he removed his jacket and handed it to me. I accepted it and put it on without any complaints. "You're not safe in the main building now, Lucrezia. We'll place you in the annex for the time being. I'll ensure you can rest tonight and that those. . . wounds. . . are attended to." He said, his voice laden with worry.

Yet, I hadn't even noticed the small wounds and gashes on my knuckles and arms, which made me sigh in annoyance. 'I should have been more careful.' I nodded in agreement with my father's suggestion and followed him to the annex.

After all that, it's now 10:00 PM.

An hour ago, upon our arrival at the annex, my father attended to my injuries and then left. Shortly thereafter, Franklin came bearing gifts, a new silk nightdress, a towel, slippers, and essential undergarments. He also carried a small bag filled with snacks and three bottles of water, not forgetting my phone.

After expressing my gratitude, he promptly departed to attend to duties in the main building.

Now, I find myself seated on the living room couch, alone. Having just showered and changed, I've secured my dagger to my left thigh, just in case.

As I nibble on a pretzel, I scroll through my phone, thinking, 'Missing dinner because of him warrants this little indulgence.' I continue to relish my snack in solitude, scrolling through my phone.

. . . . .

Clang clang.

'What was that?' My focus turned to the terrace door upon hearing the noise.

I slid my hand under the pillow, grasping the M1911 pistol.

Time passed, and I lay still. 'Was I mistaken?' It seemed as though someone had landed outside. 'Maybe an assassin?' Resisting the impulse to verify, I remained in place. True, I was trained in combat, but the likelihood of them anticipating my exit to take a shot was high.

I reached for the laptop that was placed on top of the nightstand.

'The Viviana's won't make such an obvious attempt now, would they?' I bitterly thought as my brows furrowed.

With a sense of urgency, I tapped the laptop keyboard furiously. Bypassing the security barriers of Viviana Manors' system, I hacked into the security cameras. There, I witnessed a woman leaping from terrace to terrace.

It took me by surprise.

Yet, what caught my attention the most was her dark hair. 'Where is she going?' I pondered, fixated on the back of her head. It was likely her— the woman I've been searching for.

I squinted at the footage.

Her descent halted at the master bedroom's terrace, concealed by the building's pillars.

'Who designed this camera setup? It's not even positioned correctly for surveillance.' I could only sigh at the foolishness of the placement. Intentional or not, it was nonsensical.

Stupidity is inexcusable, particularly in this field. It seems common sense was absent during the installation of those cameras. Hence, I kept a vigilant watch over the area in case she had already departed.

Shortly thereafter, she leapt from the second floor, landing effortlessly on the ground. I was taken aback and thought, "What the heck?" Indeed, her actions were bold and incredibly rash.

Attempting to switch the camera views to track her direction, I was frustrated to find that the cameras only covered the main building and not the exterior.

How infuriating.

I shut my laptop and returned it to its place. Sometimes, the security system of this house is challenging to penetrate, yet often, I can hack into it with ease.

It was suspicious.

It seems Silvestre was aware that I constantly check, and he chooses to only reveal the positive aspects of his work. He's clearly conscious of our system breaches yet remains passive about it. Silence prevailed, but his intentions were clear— he wanted me to believe they are benevolent and faithful to the Dimitri's. But I'm not deceived. They cannot fool me.

Rising from the edge of my bed, I concealed my pistol within easy reach for later use.

Leaving the guest room where I had been resting, I proceeded along the corridors. My patrolling men merely nodded upon catching a glimpse of me, resuming their patrol immediately afterward.

Then it dawned on me.

The woman likely concluded that sneaking to the master bedroom via the terraces was preferable than to encounter my men. 'A wise choice,' I thought. Yet, she was apprehended regardless.

I will have her.

I will catch her.

I will do anything to have her within my grasps for the answers I seek.

The halls are silent and only my footsteps can be heard.

The first floor was deserted as I descended the stairs, which was to be expected, the servants had likely retired for the night.

Exiting the manor, I walked towards the spot where she had leapt from. I paused, my gaze fixed on the terrace, marveling at how she could have jumped from such a height without concern for injury.

Her destination must have been of great urgency. Her judgment seemed clouded with worry that she did not care if she somehow was hurt from the fall or not. She was reckless.

I followed the path I was certain she had taken. The thought, 'Could she really be a spy?' crossed my mind as I spotted their butler heading towards me. I concealed myself. 'He appears to be returning to the main building. Could she be in the annex?'

Once the butler was out of sight, I proceeded towards the annex.

As I neared, I made sure to stay out of her view, lest she decide to kick me as she had done to Gabriel. Regardless of her reasons, I had no intention of suffering a damaged lung or a broken bone from her strikes.

Though, I don't think it will have much impact on me compared to the ones I sent here for a mission.

Stopping on my tracks for a moment, I remained motionless, gazing at the sky. The moonlight made the path clear, allowing me to see well.

Upon reaching my destination, I glimpsed her dark hair through the window.

She was looking forward, her back and hair all that I could see from where I stood. She seemed lost in thought for a moment before she returned her focus to her phone.

This feels akin to stalking. Yet, I find no reason to stop. The woman I am searching for is right in front of me. My next step is to surprise her.

If that's possible.

It's already nighttime and it's suspicious enough that there's a man waiting for her outside. What will the passerby think if they saw me out here?

Not that I'll let myself to get caught. Regardless, this is still an improper act.

I morally shouldn't stalk her. But if I leave now and confront Silvestre about this tomorrow, he might make up excuses again.

And I'm not fond of their pathetic excuses. It's better to catch this woman. Then hand her over to Silvestre. 'I do wonder what he'll say about her.' Pfft— he might gape like an idiot.

If she's a spy, Silvestre can simply just deny that she belongs here, I'll bring her with me right after. Punish her for setting foot here and dare injure my men. I also have the footage from the surveillance cameras to support my claim of her trespassing. That way, she will have no escape.

It won't be a big deal for him, right?

Given how he declared in our meeting that there's no woman with the said appearance in this manor. I scoffed and can only sadistically smirk. Thoughts are raging in my mind, seeing Silvestre losing his sanity brings twisted satisfaction.

I must hold her captive.

Catch her.

Do not let her escape.

For, I, must have her.

. . . . .

"Ugh. . . It's already 2:32 AM. . ." I whispered to myself. Hours had passed with me scrolling through my phone, yet sleep eluded me.

Rising from the couch where I lay, I stretched, releasing a weary groan.

After a satisfying stretch, I exhaled deeply. "Phew." With my right hand on my hip, I surveyed the clutter on the table. "Cleaning again. . . So annoying. . . Tsk. . ."

Bending over, I gathered the wrappers into a small basket, wiped the table with a tissue, and tossed it in after the rest. Clutching the mini-basket, I headed to the kitchen to dispose of it in the trash.

The night was serene and quiet.

A yawn escaped me, signaling weariness. "Finally. . ." I whispered to myself. 'Perhaps a short walk would be nice before I sleep. . .' I considered, a small smile forming inwardly.

I yearned for a stroll to clear my mind. There were many thoughts to unravel and numerous tasks to accomplish correctly to aid my family. For the moment, all I sought was peace.

And with that, I stepped outside.

However, being cornered with a gun pressing on my side was not the type of peace I need.