Chapter 5

V. Caught.

. . . . .

"Motherfucking hell—"


I clamped my mouth shut as he pushed the cold object harder against me. His presence was the last thing I anticipated. 'Could I have been more discreet?' I pondered, biting my lower lip. "What do you want?" I asked in a low voice.

Illuminated by the moonlight, his features became clear to me. At this moment, Dakari has me cornered, menacingly brandishing a pistol in his right hand while pinning my neck against the wall with his left.

He was fucking smirking as if this was all amusing to him. "You. You're the one I want." And that was his fucking response.

I threw him a look of distaste and disgust. 'What the fuck?' Honestly, what the hell is wrong with him? I struggled to break free from his grip, pushing against his hand, hoping it would give way. It didn't. A hateful glare was all I could muster. "Let me fucking go!" I demanded with a snarl, struggling.

"You're staying put until you spill everything you know." he stated, his voice a menacing whisper.

Fear gripped me as he stood before me, but I couldn't let it show.

From a distance, his good looks hadn't fully registered. Up close, he was striking.

His eyes, a deep ocean blue, fixed on me with intensity. His hair, darker than the night sky, contrasted with mine, which was a shade lighter. His thin lips, square face, and strong jawline gave him the appearance of an innocent angel or a model. He was utterly captivating. If only he's not scary. He'll be the perfect partner. No one can top his appearance. However, his personality is very shitty.

Not cute. Not desirable.

"I don't owe you anything." I retorted.

"Right, you don't, but your master does."

I blink in confusion. 'Master?' I feel somehow dumb? At lost maybe? Who is my master anyway? I have a master? Since when? What the fuck? "The fuck you mean master?" I scrunched my nose in disgust. All I want now is to get away from him. I just can't stand being near him even for a minute.

He is annoying and he makes me feel dumb somehow or am I just stressed given the situation I'm stuck in?

"Don't act like you don't know." He angrily growled as his brows furrowed even further.

I can only raise a brow and growl back, "I fucking don't know Sherlock!" I rolled my eyes, matching the frustration in his.

His grip on my throat slowly tightened, not enough to cut my airway however. "You're a spy for Silvestre, aren't you? Who is your true master?" He asked again.

To say that I'm confused as hell is an understatement. I'm fucking bewildered! This guy thinks I'm a fucking spy.

'True master? True master my ass! I am my own master.'

. . . Well.

I, of course, a human with basic decency, did not say that to this psychotic man in front of me. I just value my life you know.

"I'm not a spy so let me the fuck go!" I yelled as I trashed around, squirming and trying to wriggle against his hold.

His expression turned grim which made me shiver in place. His hold tightened, making it hard for me to breath and move. I squeaked and struggled to loosen his hold.

"My patience is running out, speak." He ordered me.

"I'm telling y-you I-I don't know! I-I'm not a s-spy! Ack!—"

Patience is probably something foreign for him as he tightened his hold even more at my words.

"I-i c-can't fucking breath!" My hands fisted on his chest. Pounding on it hoping that it'll hurt him and hoping he'll let go.

He simply watched me with those oceanic eyes of his. A tear rolled down my right cheek. I wasn't crying, it just happened, I am in pain and I'm sure his hands will leave a mark on my neck once he'll let go, a hard one to hide at that.

Three minutes passed before he finally released me. I collapsed onto the grass, gasping for air. I did not dare look up. I'm aware he's looking down on my struggling form.

"If you're not, then who are you?"

Should I be honest? Or should I lie? I held my neck, caressing it gently to soothe the area where it aches.

I stopped the motion when something was placed on my head. Undoubtedly the gun of his. "And don't even think about lying, or else your head will be no more."

'Fucking damn bastard.' I gritted my teeth and looked up at him. Eyeing the gun before shifting my gaze to his eyes. "Fine, fine! My name is Lucrezia." I admitted. "Happy?"

As if it wasn't enough, he asked which made me pause, "Last name?"

I considered it for a second.


He was staring coldly at me.

I sighed, "Viviana." Oh, if only I can just hit this guy in the head. 'Sorry father, it's either secrets are spilled, or my blood are spilled before you.' I thought.

I had no choice but to reveal it because of this guy.

Again, I do value my life.

He seems surprised for a second, then his expression was replaced to his previous poker face once again. "You're not lying, are you?"

Skeptical, aren't we?

"I'm not, I'm Lucrezia Viviana. The eldest daughter of the family."

Silence enveloped us both. Neither of us spoke or made a move. 'Should I make a run for it? Engaging him in combat would only result in another defeat for me, or worse, he might kill me.' All I desire is to flee from this place, to get away from him.

"Stand up." He ordered me.

I obliged without any complain. The gun that was previously on my head was now lowered back to his side.

"You know who I am, do you?"

Oh, the urge to be sarcastic and reply "I don't know? Do I?" is taking over but I know better than that. "Dakari." I answered.

"I don't recall Silvestre having a daughter, much more, an eldest." His eyes never left me as I dusted off the dirt from my red night gown. "Lorenzo is the only heir, isn't he?"

"He is. Well, he was. I'm the rightful heir." I clarified. Deciding that this way, allegations of Viviana's traitorous acts will never be questioned ever again. I need to be truthful to earn his trust, I'll be able to help father this way.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'm the first born, it's only right for me to be the actual heir."

". . ."

". . ."

His eyes narrowed as we stared at each other in silence. I couldn't decipher his thoughts. Whatever they were, I knew I had to be ready to run when he was distracted.

He stopped asking questions and simply gazed down at me. The difference in our height only made the situation more intense. 'Damn, what's wrong with me?' I thought, chastising myself internally.

The night was cold, and my choice of a nightgown offered little warmth. I regretted not wearing something more substantial before stepping out. The nightgown provided by Franklin was red and mid-thigh in length, similar to the one I wore the previous night, but without lace. The slippers I had on just an hour ago were now gone, their whereabouts unknown.

His gaze remained transfixed on my face. Seemingly deep in thought. Or is he just admiring my beauty? I get it. I understand him well. I know I'm beautiful. "Aren't you going to say something Dakari Dimitri?" My lips widened into a lopsided grin.

Now that my identity is revealed, there's no risk of me getting shot here. If I claim to be someone important, he can't be reckless and shoot me without any evidence that I'm a fraud.

Should I mess around him?

"You sure do have resemblance of your father." He finally said after long moments of silence.

I blinked.

Well, obviously. Maybe that's because I'm his daughter? Just maybe, no? I rolled my eyes. "Well thanks for the input. Can I go now?"

He lowly growled, "No."

My right eye twitched in annoyance. Remain patient they say, oh I don't think I'll be able to stay calm right now. This guy is just infuriating as hell, and I want nothing but to scratch the pretty face of his.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I was suddenly pushed against the wall, it didn't hurt but it wasn't gentle either. He flipped me on my back, and I felt a cold metal bounding my wrists. 'Oh, for fuck sakes. Handcuffs?!' I wanted to slap myself. I should've run. "What the fuck?! Don't you have any manners!?" I yelled angrily.

When a click was heard, he had let go immediately.

"Calm down."

"Calm down? In this situation? Yeah, fuck no!" Where the hell did he even get those, since when did he reached for it. That speed of his is what made me lose.

I can only bitterly grumble. I had let myself off-guard again.

"I will remove those once Silvestre confirms your identity."

Right, for all he knows I'm just an intruder that claims to be the daughter of a wealthy powerful man.

"Yeah yeah whatever." I diverted my gaze from him. I can't stand staring back at his eyes, I feel so weak under his presence. I dislike feeling like this.

"And. . ." My gaze fixed on him as his words trailed off. "You must pay for what you've done to my men." He stated ominously, his right hand coercing my chin to face him, allowing no opportunity for my eyes to wander as he drew nearer, effectively trapping me against the wall.

'Ah. . . Yeah, should I hit his crotch?' A wicked thought came to mind. 'It'll be such a waste of genes if I were to hinder his capability to produce now, won't I?' I can only give him an empty smile and blankly look at him. "Men? Your men? Are you gay?"

He visibly scrunched his nose in disgust and moved back. Looking at me incredulously.

Yes, success!

"Woman. What the hell is wrong with you?" He bitterly asked. The idea probably did not sit right in his mind.

Well, I'd like to know that as well honestly. I shrugged. "Nothing. There's nothing wrong with me. How about you, what the hell is wrong with you?" I retorted back.

"I asked you first."

"And I answered, was it not enough?"


The urge to face palm is surging. If only I was not bounded, I would've done so.

"Whatever. What now?" I asked him.

Being bounded like this is not a problem for me as long as he keeps to himself. He seems like a decent man, he surely won't do something to me. Besides, even if I were to escape from this, he'll surely go after me and capture me once again.

Both of us are going to be stuck on a loop if the same thing kept happening all over again.

And imagining that already makes me feel exhausted. So exasperating.

"We're going to the main building." He answered. "Go ahead, get moving. Don't even think of running away."

He urged me to move as he stepped out of my way, my feet walked barefoot through the grass as he followed close behind.

Running away now is possible, but he has a gun. He can shoot me, I can dodge of course, but I'm bounded. I can't move properly with such restriction at hand. I already revealed to him my identity and now all I need is a confirmation from my father that I am his daughter.

He won't be able to do anything to me as long as I have the Viviana's name.

That's the only thing that refrains him from hurting me. As long as I have the name. As long as I claim to be the rightful heir, which I am actually.

Lorenzo was just a puppet.

We both walked in silence. I looked down at the path I'm taking for the rest of it until we reached our destination.

I'm too sleepy, too tired now. So exhausted, I just want to sleep all night long, all day long, forever.

Both of us reached the main building and Dakari opened the door, letting me in first. "Oh, what a gentleman!" A hint of sarcasm can be heard in my tone.

He did not react to that.


He guided me upstairs, striding toward the master bedroom where my father was. His men simply nodded as we walked past them.

I watched his back as he knocked on the door, pounding it with force.

Moments later, my father opened the door, his face etched with surprise at the sight of me in such a disheveled state. My arms were tied behind my back, my hair was unkempt, and my clothes were wrinkled and stained with dirt.

I must have appeared so unsightly to him.

Father's gaze from me switched to Dakari. A fierce glare was shot on his direction. "Dakari, what is the meaning of this?!" His angry voice echoed through the halls. Waking everyone in the process.

As the last echo faded, the silence that followed felt heavy, as if everyone stilled in their places.

It was to be expected. Father is scary.

But Dakari only scoffed, amused and in awe at the display my father has on his face. "What got you so riled up, Silvestre? I just brought you the ghost that is rumored to roam around here."

A ghost? I looked at my father questionably, however, he's not looking at my direction. His eyes are focused on glaring at Dakari.

"I thought you'd be pleased if I caught the rumored ghost, which, actually turned out to be a living person." For dramatic effect, he paused. "Who would've thought we were wrong about the rumors? Silly ghost, isn't she?" Dakari's dark laugh was heard.

I ignored Dakari completely. Let him laugh hysterically, he's behaving as if he should be in a mental institution. Mentally ill jerk.

As I watched, all I could do was gaze at my father, filled with concern. His veins bulged with fury, his hands clenched into fists. Despite my worry, I was at a loss for what to do in this situation. My concern grew for my father's blood pressure. I dreaded the thought of him falling ill.

Guilt gnawed on me. 'I should've listened.' I won't be caught if I had listened to my father's warnings. He had done it for my own safety and because of my stubbornness, I did not heed his warnings. And here I am, causing more trouble than before.

"Let her go." My father coldly demanded. His eyes were turning into slits from anger. I watched how he clenched and unclenched his knuckles, attempting to calm himself.

He truly does treasure me, doesn't he?

I decided to look over Dakari, only to lock eyes with him in return. 'Great, he was already staring at me.' I clicked my tongue.

I raised a brow at his unmoving form. 'Why isn't he doing anything?' I thought. Was he waiting to get shot by father? Father is already on the verge of ordering the hidden guards of our manor to shoot Dakari.

My eyes flickered all over the place. Not sure if I want it to be known to Dakari or I just want to assure myself I won't get caught up in the brawl. They're trained and an expert, which was according to father. I'm sure neither of us will get hurt, only Dakari.

"You claimed that there's no woman that exists with this said appearance." Dakari pointed at me. His eyes were looking me up and down. "But you seem to know her well, Silvestre?"

Father was silent. He was breathing heavily. He needs to calm down.

"You know her, don't you, Silvestre?" Dakari's glared back at my father.

The tension was palpable, even to me. It was overwhelming. The outcome was uncertain if the situation remained unresolved.

I surveyed the area. Dakari's guards had positioned themselves behind us, dispersed throughout to support Dakari, while the manor's servants, stationed at a distance, observed with visible fear and concern etched on their faces. A few had departed upon detecting the impending peril. A prudent decision. It was best for them to exit while the opportunity to do so still existed. Violence could erupt at any second.

"What? Did you lose your capability to speak, Silvestre? I'm sorry for your loss." Dakari's tone was mocking. He took a few steps towards me and once again, held me at fucking gun point.


The gun was still pointed at me, however, I did not feel fear. This is all thrilling for me in the most twisted way. While to the others, this is very alarming.

Dakari placed the gun back to his pockets and raised his hands in a mocking surrender. "Alright alright," He cackled. "I did not mean to anger you, the head of Viviana's, truly." His eyes glinted as he smirked triumphantly, as if mocking my father.

He went behind me and leaned down to whisper on my ear. His lips almost brushing my ears in the process. "I'll be back for you."

His words sent a shiver down my spine, and I stood there, trembling, my eyes narrowing, yet I held back any retort.

The click of the cuffs being unlocked echoed in my ears. I immediately stepped away from him, my glare still intense. The desire to lash out was strong, but I restrained myself. The time for revenge would come. I would have my chance to make him pay for this.

My father stepped in front of me, shielding me from Dakari. A warmth spread through my heart at his protective act. He wanted to sever the persistent eye contact between Dakari and me, which remained unbroken even with distance.

Dakari's gaze continued to sweep over me, leaving a trail of discomfort and unease.


"Leave, Dakari." My father ordered. "NOW!" His voice boomed all over the manor. I flinched upon hearing that, others seemed to flinch as well, except for the man that is being banished.

If he still won't move his butt out, father will have someone to chase them all out.

That was an undeniable fact.

Dakari looks so amused. He just chuckled and replied, "Very well. . ." Turning his back on us and retreating slowly.

But it seems like the world had forsaken me.

The man turned, mischief sparkling in his eyes. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Lucrezia Viviana." he announced loudly, ensuring everyone could hear while giving me a wink.

My jaw dropped in response.

I had never expected such a revelation after all the drama. It would have been understandable if he had disclosed it earlier, but now? My father's intense glare shifted from him to me, his expression demanding an explanation.

With a gulp, I averted my eyes from my father and silently cursed Dakari Dimitri's retreating figure.

That fucking menace.