Chapter 21: A Shocking Revelation

Aidan stood by himself in the dark safehouse, searching through the piles of papers. After spending several hours on the inquiry, Emily's investigative abilities produced the kind of information Aidan could only hope to discover. They painstakingly located the offshore accounts, front companies, and financial records that linked Victor to illicit activities, such as arms trafficking, over the course of several weeks. Victor's shady empire was revealed piece by piece.

However, Aidan could not have been prepared for the file that was shown to him tonight.

Emily said, her eyes glimmering with resolve, "This is it." "I believe I have discovered the reason behind Victor's extreme desperation to silence you and his willingness to take great risks in order to destroy anyone who stands in his way."

Aidan glanced quickly at the first page and frowned. He took it all in like a laser beam, including ownership certificates, transaction data, and a number of medical files related to a hospital he had never heard of. "What am I observing?"

"A paper trail," explained Emily. This facility is one of Victor's unspoken advantages. It is linked to his offshore accounts and is registered under a fictitious firm. Due to its remote location and apparent lack of accounting, it appears to have been kept out of the public eye for a considerable amount of time.

Helpan's eyes narrowed. "What sort of establishment?"

Emily whispered, "A private medical center." Victor has led it for more than ten years, according to these data. But that's not all, regrettably.

He was given a confidential-marked file by someone else. With a racing heart and a quick intellect, Aidan shook it open and looked over its contents. They were all connected to the same account that had been receiving substantial sums of money from Victor's other accounts.

Then he noticed the name.

Evelyn Pierce, thank you.

For a time, he felt as if the room were closing in on him. His heart was pounding, and he could see his mother's name staring back at him from the page. Not at all. He had learned that she had died years before in a horrific and unanticipated vehicle accident. Since then, every choice he made had been influenced by the anguish of losing her. However, he was holding a document that demonstrated Evelyn Pierce's survival.

He clinched his jaw and muttered, "Emily... this can't be right."My mother, regrettably, moved on. When I was a teenager, she died.

Emily's face softened, but her eyes remained still. I know that everyone told you that, Aidan. However, there is unquestionable proof. Victor said it felt as though she had passed away. Over the years, he has kept her hidden in that business and has been contributing to its operation financially.

The room began to swirl as Aidan shook his head, trying to make sense of what was happening. Why did he behave in such manner? There's no need to go to such lengths.

Emily's voice was urgent as she leaned closer. "Consider it. The only person who could have prevented Victor from succeeding was Evelyn Pierce. She was in charge of the family's fortune and had the formal power to select the next monarch of the empire. Victor needed her gone before he could take charge. The only way he could have kept his position as head of the Pierce empire would have been to pretend she was dead and confine her to this institution.

The seriousness of Emily's comments struck Aidan, causing his knuckles to become white as he squeezed the file. "He stole everything from me, including my legacy and family, and I now learn that he has had my mother imprisoned for years."

The rage that grew within him was a seething, ferocious inferno. This was different, even though he had battled for years to recover his fortune. Victor's betrayal was more than just money or power. Aidan never saw his mother because of him, and he had to learn how to live without her.

Aidan closed his eyes and inhaled deeply to gather his thoughts. "Where is this facility located?"

Emily set a map on the table while she reached for another document. You may find it in a peaceful area outside the city. Records show that it is highly secure and that only those with permission can access it. Entry is challenging because Victor has been utilizing it as a private area.

Aidan's eyes hardened as he looked over the map. "It doesn't matter how hard it is. We're headed there. It must be me who makes things happen.

The experience of getting to the institution was nerve-racking. Claire and a handful of trustworthy pals had been carefully selected and brought along by Aidan and Emily. Anticipation was high, and the weight of what they may discover hung heavy in the air. Aidan became more focused as they approached the city. A fierce, icy fury swept over him, a determination greater than any anger he had ever experienced.

As they got closer to the facility's coordinates, the trail grew narrower and took them through a thick forest that seemed to engulf the night. They negotiated the twisting roads by the light of their vehicles' headlights, drawing nearer to the truth with every bend.

The moment Aidan's posse arrived at the perimeter of the complex, they parked the vehicles at a secure distance, far from the dense vegetation. As events unfolded, Aidan kneeled down and carefully observed. The seemingly insignificant building was enclosed by a ring of tall walls and surveillance cameras. Every patrol by the entrance guards was dead on.

With a silent signal toward the troops, Claire said, "This place is locked down tight." "We'll have to get in another way."

Aidan nodded, his mind whirling as he assessed the scenario. "I suggest that we divide into two groups. Emily and Claire will accompany us as we approach from the north, where the wall appears to be less fortified. The others go about creating noise to distract while one remains there.

Aidan saw that the idea was dangerous, but he also understood that they had no other option. He had to get to his mother, no matter what.

They went quickly through the vegetation, staying low and out of sight as they approached the building's north side. Aidan's heart pounded as he moved closer to the truth he had been seeking. Claire motioned them to stop when they approached the wall. She took a little gadget from her baggage and carefully inspected the building.

She whispered, "I am sensing motion," I can, however, turn them off for a while. Just long enough to get over it.

Emily gave Aidan a rope, which they tied together and threw over the wall. Claire turned off the sensors in record speed with a resolute look on her face. Our word is with you. Now is the moment to take action.

Aidan was the first to climb, pulling himself up and over the wall with his strained muscles. Silently, he landed on the other side and bent to look about him. Claire and Emily followed closely after, making precise movements.

They moved toward the main building, avoiding the enclosure's edge. There seemed to be danger in every shadow and around every turn. Aidan's will prevailed in spite of his dread. He was going to find his living mother.

Claire quickly picked the lock as soon as she arrived at the door. The door swung open, and they stepped carefully inside in the stale, sterilized air. Ahead of them was a dimly lighted hallway with fluorescent lights and doors on either side.

According to the records, her room is on the lowest floor," Emily stated. "It's secured, but we should be able to bypass the locks if we have access to the control room."

Although the building's passageways resembled a maze, they were swiftly navigated. Aidan arrived at the control room, and his heartbeat accelerated. Claire's fingers sped across the keyboard as she tried to get into the system as soon as she got to work.

After some tense seconds, she finally said, "Got it."You can get to the bottom floor with ease. Well, let's get started.

They descend a set of stairs, each sound accentuated by the uncanny silence. Aidan's heart began to race as soon as they arrived at the basement. The code on the door directly in front of them matched Emily's records exactly. Anxiety made his heart race.

The door opened as soon as Claire punched in the code. Beyond there was a frigid room filled with monitors and other medical equipment. Evelyn Pierce was lying on a bed with wires and tubes attached to her.

Aidan's throat tightened with breath. little by little, he approached as the seriousness of the situation set in. He stood in front of his mother after years of weeping for her. The lines of time and anguish were etched across her face, and her once-bright hair had turned gray. She had not, however, died.

His voice trembled as he bent down to take her hand and muttered, "Mom..."

When Evelyn initially opened her eyes, she blinked absently. Then she struggled to get closer, seeing the familiar glow.

"Aidan..." He was brought to tears by her barely audible words.

He firmly grasped her hand and muttered, "I'm here." "I'll take you home now that I'm here."

Emily and Claire stepped aside to give him space as he knelt over his mother, everything he had fought for and lost weighing down on him. This fact crushed him, but it also gave his life meaning. It was both a win and a reopened wound.

With a look of deep sorrow on his face, he muttered, "I thought I'd lost you."

As she stroked his cheek, Evelyn's hand trembled. "Victor did this because he wanted to be in charge."

Aidan tightened his jaw. "I understand. He will be affected by this as well.

As they got ready to depart the facility, Aidan's mind was already racing with the next action. There was nothing Victor could do now that Aidan knew the truth; he had gone too far. However, Aidan's mind was still disturbed when they left. What else would Victor have been concealing if he had gone to such efforts to make it seem as though his mother had passed away?

The two were taken back to the safehouse with Evelyn after escaping the institution unnoticed. As she slept, Aidan watched over her, his inner conflict intensifying every hour. Victor had a lot of secrets, but Aidan now understood how to find them.