Chapter 22: Unraveling the Lies

In the safehouse, tensions ran high. Sitting by his mother's side while she slept, Aidan watched her face. Her weak and crippled appearance, brought up painful memories of what Victor had lost, even if her breathing remained constant. Victor built his empire on lies, and no amount of power or wealth could ever compensate for the years he lost worrying that she had died.

Emily reviewed the paperwork they had taken from the office while seated across from him. Her expression was one of determination, and Aidan could sense her seriousness and concentration. She had evolved into more than just a supporter in his fight against Victor; she now shared his resolve to expose the truth.

When nobody spoke, Emily finally spoke up, adding, "It's all here." Documentation of all the funds that Victor utilized to run this business. He has been supporting the institution for almost a decade, making sure that nobody knows about your mom.

Aidan felt his jaw clench and his fury boil over as he listened. For what reason would he risk everything to save her? He paused, the thought too bitter to finish. Why not merely...

Emily said with composure but conviction, "Because killing her outright would have drawn attention." Your mother had a substantial portion of the family's wealth when she was declared dead. For Victor, her mere presence was enough; he only wanted her moved aside. By keeping her hidden, he could dominate her without bringing attention to himself. It gave him the breathing room he needed to solidify his position as leader.

His body was gripped by Aidan's tight fists. All these years, I just assumed it was a coincidence. I was grieving for her as he used her as a pawn.

Reaching out, Emily placed a hand on his arm. "We will make the necessary corrections. Nevertheless, we need to be careful. Once Victor discovers the truth, he will spare no effort in protecting his realm. We need to stay one step ahead of him.

With each nod, Aidan's fervor intensified. "What should we do next?"

Emily's gaze wandered to the stacks of papers in front of her. "We need to dig more. Going to such lengths to keep your mother secret shows that Victor is hiding more. Also, I have this hunch that the past holds the key to finding the solutions.

Planning and inquiry occupied the days that followed. Emily and Aidan searched through long-lost family records, company files, and anything else that might reveal what happened to Evelyn Pierce before she vanished. As they dug deeper, it became clear that Victor's treachery extended much beyond what first met the eye.

After exhausting all of her cybersecurity knowledge, Emily had succeeded in accessing Victor's digital archives. After going through years of data, they began to put together a timeline that revealed how meticulously Victor's rise to power was orchestrated.

In her haste to collect additional records, Emily hurriedly continued, "He began organizing this takeover long before your mother's accident." Look over these documents. He struck deals with politicians and business tycoons while moving funds into offshore accounts and forming dummy companies. Once she departed, the goal of all this was to make him the emperor of the Pierce empire.

A dark cloud rolled over Aidan's face as he perused the paperwork. A bigger picture of treachery was revealed by each and every file and transaction. Victor had used his dominion over the family firm in every way possible to achieve his own agenda. A few high-ranking government officials had even been bribed by him to ignore Evelyn's purported "accident."

Emily claimed that he convinced the board, the press, and even you of her death by spreading a false narrative. At his own convenience, he assumed control. It was all planned, down to the smallest detail.

As Aidan stared at the TV, his mind was racing. The risk of losing her life must have been something he was cognizant of. Once he was in control, why didn't he just murder her?

Emily strained her eyes to focus. "Because he required power." In the event that someone challenges his power, he may utilize her as a bargaining chip. If things ever went out of hand, he could always rely on her as long as she was alive.

Despite the fact that Aidan's fury was building up, he forced himself to keep his cool. Next, we'll switch places. Even his own deceit will work against him.

Unexpectedly, Emily found a series of encrypted interactions between Victor and a guy named Dr. Marcus Ellison as they delved further into the digital archives. While Aidan was unfamiliar with the name, Emily's eyes widened in astonishment as she scanned the paperwork.

She pointed out, "Your mother was detained at a facility run by this man, Ellison." "He reports directly to Victor and has been in charge of her captivity for years."

Aidan's pulse quickened. "Is he still employed by Victor?"

Then Emily nodded. Yes, according to these documents. To keep your mother at arm's length, he has also been paid a substantial salary. But hold on a second. Please examine this.

She played a video clip from a file. The footage was shot two years ago, but it was fuzzy and hard to make out anything. Aidan mistook the video for Dr. Ellison since it showed a doctor speaking to Victor face-to-face.

The patient's condition is stable, according to Ellison, but her health is deteriorating due to her prolonged isolation. Problems will arise, even though I have adjusted her treatment as necessary. We may need to reevaluate the plan for the future.

The tone of Victor's voice was cold and indifferent. She doesn't move from her spot. It is unnecessary for anyone to know that she exists. Carefully manage her health concerns as they arise. Maintain her life for the duration that you are able.

Aidan clenched his fists as he observed. He was furious with Victor for being so casually cruel. Until recently, his uncle had considered his mother's life to be nothing more than a manageable nuisance. As Victor plotted his next move, Aidan's fury flared up at the thought of her going through her illness in solitude.

Emily whispered with contempt, "He's a monster." "This demonstrates the lengths he will go to in order to keep control."

Ideas were flying through Aidan's head. Ellison could be a potential witness if we can track him down. The key to proving that Victor orchestrated my mother's death to prolong her incarceration lies with him.

A look of caution crossed Emily's face. There is a serious risk involved with that. Since Ellison has worked for Victor for so long, he is unlikely to betray him until forced to.

Aidan's expression hardened. We will then force him to do it. We will persuade Ellison that he must help us if he is to survive this torture, if he is as important as these papers suggest.

The search for Ellison was a difficult one. Emily was the best, even if the guy had done an excellent job of covering his tracks. Several hours of poring over encrypted conversations and following digital trails led her to a potential address—a secluded estate outside of the city.

Claire, Emily, and Aidan prepared for the process by gathering their little staff. Standing before Ellison, getting the information they needed, and then fleeing before Victor's men could respond—that was the simple plan.

As they crept toward the mansion in the pitch black, Aidan felt that famous rush of adrenaline. It is possible that everything has changed now. If they could convince Ellison to collaborate, they would have the evidence needed to expose Victor's misconduct.

They crept into the estate grounds in silence, their moves choreographed to perfection. As the leader, Claire deftly disabled the security system. There was only one window on the upper floor that let light into Ellison's office, which was otherwise completely dark.

Aidan signaled for his men to rush forward and kill the guards stationed around the perimeter. Within minutes, they were able to get the building under control. With gentle steps on the shining wood, Aidan and Emily made their way up the stairs.

Aidan paused, took a deep breath, and then opened the door to Ellison's office as they reached it. Dr. Ellison, who was inside, sat at a desk and, with wide eyes, glanced up from his computer.

Just as he was about to say, "Who—" Aidan pounced, yanking him back to the wall across the room.

"Where is she?" As a command, Aidan let out a low growl. "How have you been treating my mom?"

As Ellison's gaze rushed to the door, his fear was plain to see. "I-I have no idea what you're discussing."

Once again, Aidan slammed him against the wall as his wrath reached a boiling point. Please don't mislead me. You contrived her death, and Victor bribed you to keep her in prison; I know all of that. Until you tell me everything, I will not let you leave this room, I swear.

Propping up a tablet displaying the recovered footage, Emily advanced toward the camera. We have evidence, Dr. Ellison. When the truth comes out, you can either help us or fall with Victor.

With a pale face, Ellison cast a quick glance at the TV. "You don't understand," he said. "Victor—if he discovers I spoke, he will kill me."

With a cold stare, Aidan tightened his grip. I will ensure that you never have the opportunity if you refuse to comply. With the information you provide, we can ensure your safety.

The doctor hesitated, obviously terrified. However, he eventually conceded defeat by nodding. "Very well. I will divulge every detail to you.

Ellison spent the next hour revealing Victor's entire manipulation scheme. He detailed Victor's meticulous planning of Evelyn's "accident," including her covert introduction to the facility and his efforts to ensure that the evidence would implicate her. He had bribed high-ranking politicians, doctors, and security guards to maintain the illusion. Ellison was responsible for monitoring Evelyn's health and ensuring her survival over the years, which she barely managed.

Anger intensified in Aidan's heart with every word. The depth of the treachery was more than he had expected. In his sick struggle for dominance, Victor had imprisoned his mother and used her as a pawn.

"Now what?" Ellison inquired, his expression betraying his ongoing fear. "If Victor discovers—"

As Aidan proclaimed with a firm voice, "He won't get the chance." "We plan to expose him. You must also make sure that all parties are informed of the facts because you will be testifying.

Ellison gave a resigned nod, although he seemed confused in his expression. "I will cooperate. Please lead me to a safe place. Victor has everyone's attention."

As they left the mansion, Aidan felt a stirring of renewed determination. Thanks to Ellison's testimony, the truth had finally come out, giving them the leverage to depose Victor. Nevertheless, he felt convinced that Victor would not be pleased.