After breakfast, Tim and Willy went for a walk on the beach. It was a bit cold, since it was almost the end of October. The beach was quiet. No wonder Willy wanted to stay here for a few days.
Tim: "I'll clean the house while the others come."
Willy: "I'll help you."
Tim: "No need, I'll do everything."
Tim always does this. He does everything himself. At first Willy was happy about it, but now he wants to help him because he feels like he does almost nothing for Tim.
Willy: "No, I'll help you. You do everything. I want me to do something and help you."
Tim: "Okay, whatever you want."
He didn't want to argue about something like that. After the walk, they went back home. They didn't know if their friends would stay or not, so they decided to clean the whole house.
Willy: "Can I put on some songs?"
Tim: "You can. I like listening to songs too when I do something."
Willy: "I never asked you. Who is your favorite singer? Or what genre do you listen to?"
Tim thought about it, because he doesn't have a favorite genre
Tim: "I don't listen to one particular genre, as long as I like a song it doesn't matter what genre it is or what language it's in. I don't have a favorite singer, but I have a group that I've been listening to for over five years."
Willy: "Five years? Are you serious? I don't listen to a particular genre either. I get bored pretty quickly because if I like a song I listen to it all day and then I don't want to listen to it anymore.... What's your favorite song? I'll put it on."
Favorite song? He has a lot of songs that he likes. Before he met Willy, he used to listen to this one song and thought he would never get tired of listening to it, but when he met Willy, his mind changed.
Tim: "I have a few favorite songs. There's one that I've been listening to for years and I still don't get tired of it. It was my favorite song, but since I met you and fell in love with you, I like a different song now. Which one did I tell you?"
Willy: "Both. I wonder which song was your favorite and which one you like now."
Tim took out his phone and searched for a song. Willy wasn't expecting such a song, it had very sad lyrics.
"... I can see it, your ghost that's smiling at me.
The calendar that's taking a step backwards it's driving me crazy.
So many memories, fade and dissolve
Somebody please stop this..."
This song reminded him of his brother and cousin and everything he had been through alone. That was probably why it was his favorite song.
The second song was completely different.
"... You're always by my side
You've filled up all my youth with your warmth
The warm waves of your breath made my cold world finally bloom like spring..."
With the lyrics of this song, Willy realized once again how much Tim loves him. With Willy's appearance, his cold and lonely world warmed up, and now it's spring in his life instead of winter.
He immediately hugged Tim.
Tim: "I can't breathe...."
Willy: "I love you. From now on, there will always be spring in your life."
Tim: "Only spring? I want summer in my life too... Heat... Steam..."
Willy: "You've changed a lot. When I met you, you didn't even know how to kiss."
Tim: "Who told you I didn't know? "Never" and "I don't know how" are two different things."
Willy punched him in the shoulder. They continued cleaning the house. Then they prepared food, as their friends were expected to arrive soon.
Logan and Ethan arrived together, seemingly still not speaking to the others. Tim knew it would be like that, and that's why he invited everyone here. He doesn't want anyone to break up because of him.
Tim: "Thank you, I know you did everything to protect me. The others will come soon and we'll talk later."
Ethan: "Did you tell them you were here too? They want you to break up."
Tim: "That's why I want to talk to them and explain everything."
Logan: "It won't be easy."
Tim: "Believe me, I've been through more difficult things than this."
Tim and Willy were sitting next to each other, holding hands.
Miles, Seb, and Al soon arrived at their house. They didn't like seeing Tim because they still had doubts about him.
Tim: "Since we're all here, then I'll tell you everything. I will answer all your questions, but there are some things I can't say yet. Before I start telling my story, if you have any questions, you can ask me."
They were waiting to hear Tim's story.
Tim: "Okay, then I'll start telling the story. I found my brother dead. There was no one else in the house except me. A few days later, my uncle and cousin died, and I was found at the scene of the murder. Who else should be blamed for their murder if not me? It was easier for them that way. They were even more convinced of this when my father paid them money to close the case. Back then, my father was supposed to become an ambassador, and it would be bad for him if his son turned out to be a murderer. That's why Connor and everyone else thinks I'm the killer, but I can't tell the truth. I know who killed my brother and the others. My brother's killer is dead, but I didn't kill him. I can't say anything else now, because one killer is still at large. I came back here to finish this case. I'm the main target, so I can't say anything to you. You are not in danger because my people are protecting you."
Miles was restless.
Miles: "Why now? Why didn't you tell us everything before? You tried to hide everything as long as you could, didn't you? Why do you think we will believe you?"
Tim: "I'm used to no one believing me. It's up to you whether you believe me or not. I can't force you to do anything."
Seb: "Are you going to kill him?"
Tim: "Why should I kill someone? I didn't kill anyone and I don't intend to. Why should I get my hands in blood?"
Miles: "What about your money and all these security guards?"
Tim: "What should I say? Can't I have that much money?"
Tim doesn't understand why people react this way when they find out he has a lot of money.
Miles: "I wonder how you made so much money."
Tim: "I worked very hard for this. Do you know why I have so many skills and why I know how to do things? Because unlike you, I have experience working almost everywhere. Maybe that's why I was able to accomplish so much because I was awake for 20-21 hours a day. There was no one by my side to take care of me. While you were playing, I was studying, working, and taking care of myself. My childhood ended the day my brother died. I couldn't even say I was sick. I had to stay hidden my whole life because so many people wanted to kill me, and if I wasn't careful, I could be next. After all this, no one should be surprised if I became a murderer or a criminal, because I have the right to do so, but despite this, I have spent my entire life protecting and caring for others.Now it's up to you to decide whether you believe it or not. I'm not going to justify myself any further."
Ethan: "I also want to say something.... I have known Tim since childhood, we grew up together and he was my best friend until one day he disappeared with his family. He has continued to take care of me for years without me knowing anything about it. It is thanks to him that I am studying at the university. No matter what happens, I will always be by his side. He's my best friend and I trust him."
Logan: "I also believe and trust him. He always takes care of us. He notices and understands things that you guys don't know. Sometimes I feel left out by you. He noticed that right away. I know that he will always listen to me and help me whenever I need it. That's why I'm telling you that you should get to know him better."
Tim was happy because he had never had such good friends.
Willy: "I won't say much because you know that I love him very much and no matter what happens I will always be by his side. I will never leave him because he is my only love."
All three were silent, not knowing what to say. They still didn't trust Tim completely, but that would always be the case unless they got to know him better.
Miles: "I don't trust you yet, but I'll give you a chance to get to know you better."
Seb: "I understand them, because you're their friend, that's why they protect you, but we're worried about our friend, and that's why we act like this."
Al: "I agree with them, we need time to get to know you better."
After the conversation, the ice between them melted a little. This is certainly not enough, but everything is ahead. They have time for this ice to completely disappear.