THE GANGSTERS WERE FIGHTING in the middle of the crowd, exchanging barbs and asking questions that would never be answered, they were almost forgetting the environment they were in. Tommy swam through the current of people and managed to get close to the two, who were still arguing. As soon as he stopped, he noticed a man moving suspiciously close to Tony, paying attention to the conversation they were having. He soon noticed his tough appearance, features and skin that could only be those of a Russian...
Yes, he was one of the enemies!
As soon as he identified the man, he knew that his reserved arrival behind his boss had a purpose, something malicious, sneaky. He realized that there was a plan already hatched between the enemies.
Quickly, Tommy threw himself forward, pushing the people around him, until he was between Tony and the man, interrupting even the discussion of the two bosses, who noticed his sudden arrival.
The Russian came face to face with him and stopped, surprised by his perception of the act, but he kept his threatening gaze. Leone looked at his hands and could see the shine of a blade, reflecting the sunlight. Rodman really was planning to kill Tony, right there in the middle of the crowd!
It was the Madman, and he brought with him the followers of his madness...
Leone shook his head at the Russian and put his hand close to the handle of his pistol, which was covered by his jacket. This made the man restrain himself, but he remained there, ready to pounce. The situation was not at all favorable. The two of them, surrounded by madmen who were not afraid to kill someone in the middle of an event covered by national security, needed to get out of there quickly.
But how?