AT A CERTAIN DISTANCE, BENEDETTI was also fighting the crowd to reach his partners since the commotion began. He bit the cigarette in his mouth while fiercely pushing away anyone who got in his way. The smoke fell from his lips when he saw Rodman approaching and the danger Anthony Capretti was in.

It's not possible!

He threw himself forward as far as he could and pulled out his gun to try to shoot, after seeing Tommy abandon him and Tony come face to face with Rodman.

But it was too late...

He could hear the two shots and watch his boss fall to his knees on that asphalt ground. However, before he could make the shine of his silver Colt ring over the crowd, a sniper on top of a building, seeing what was happening, fired a precise shot, right at Rodman's head. The killer fell, dead, on top of the body of his own victim.

The old guard dog saw the others from the Russian group disappearing from there quickly, after witnessing the death of their brief leader. He put the gun under his jacket, before he became the next target of the vigilantes.

Tommy tried to decide what to do, a mix of thoughts and feelings jumbled his head, but only one name echoed repeatedly:

Katherine Leone...

AFTER THE FIRST STEPS, wandering in the sea of ​​people pushing him, he already saw himself running skillfully through each gap that opened, towards the place where he would find his beloved. He received some stomps, slaps and bumps from the others who were also trying to escape, the headache grew and his heart beat fast, in a flood of adrenaline inside him.

How would she see herself in all of this?

Where would she be?

Under Benedetti's gaze, the young traitor abandoned his boss on the brink of death.