New House

"Sir, you are equal to the president of some country. People may not know about it now, but that is what you are," the man replied with a knowing smile.

"I see… Anyway, you should be familiar with the real estate side of things, right? Help me find a good house that's ready to move into. I'll pay for it all. If I'm a pseudo-president, then I might as well start living like one, right?" David laughed.

He couldn't lie and say that all of this wasn't bothering him. The status was prestigious, and he didn't doubt that any random person he picked up from the road wouldn't want it.

Hell, even he himself wanted the title, but the amount of trouble and processes that came with it was annoying.

At the moment, he was officially countryless; he was now technically a diplomat visiting the nation of Nigeria, even though this was the country where he was born and raised.

It meant that he couldn't just put his hand into any business he wanted, anyhow he wanted. Essentially, he had gained money, but now had limited ways to spend it. That was the most annoying part to him.

Nomus said if he didn't spend it within the given time period, everything would end. Now he had excess money but limited ways to spend it.

"At least I now have way more money than even some of the richest nations," David said to cheer himself up as they left the restaurant.

As soon as they left, the bodyguards resumed their positions around him, and he was escorted to the car.

"Okay, sir, where to now?" the driver asked.

"Mr. Obi will send you an address later; that will be home from now on. For now, though, just take me to any supermarket. I need to get a new set of clothes," David said.

"Of course, sir," the man answered before he zoomed off.

Several minutes later, David could be seen with a handful of new clothes. He didn't need to buy much for now. The goal was to buy a primary set of clothes to wear for now, and later he could get someone to do the shopping for him.

He bought a couple of suits that fit him, some native attire, and some new staying-at-home clothes. While he was at it, he got himself a new phone, a laptop, and several other devices he might need.

"Wait, come to think of it, shouldn't the World Bank, of all people, have a bank app for their customers?" David asked as he turned to one of the guards around him.

"Well, inform Mr. Obi to relay your message to the higher-ups," the guard replied.

"You can do that?"

"No, sir, but I can inform our manager to do so."

"Oh, that's good then," David replied before he continued his walk to the car.

"Oh, and how stupid can I be? Do you guys want anything? You should know money isn't an issue for me at all," David said as he turned back to them.

He felt it was a bit inconsiderate to let them follow him around as he bought all he did without getting them something in return.

"Don't worry, sir; we are only doing our job."

"If you say so," David answered. After a while, David finally returned to the cars. If they said they didn't want anything, then who was he to complain about it?

"Did he find a place for me?" David asked.

"Yes, sir. He will meet with you at the venue," the driver said before turning on the car to leave.

"I see," David replied before he began setting up his new phone.

He wasn't someone who bought things without thinking of his money's worth, but thinking about it now, that may be an issue for him. He had to somehow spend a trillion Kuwaiti Dinars in a limited time; that was a thousand billion.

A billion was already a thousand million. The money was massive, and he knew that no matter the type of lavish lifestyle he tried to live, there was no way that he would finish that amount of money.

"Oh, should I start a business?" David asked himself as he looked out the window.

He knew the neighborhood they were passing through, and though the people couldn't see him through the tinted glass of the Rolls Royce, he could see them clearly.

He noticed the number of children running to the roadside just to see the convoy as it passed.

"Stop!" David shouted at a certain point.

"Sir!" the driver asked after stopping.

"Do you guys know who owns this estate?" David asked.

The car was parked in front of a large expanse of land; it was fenced, and one could see that construction had already taken place inside it.

With just a glance, he could count around twelve high-rise buildings, all about twelve floors high, but none of them were complete.

This was an estate he had seen often, and each time, his mind had always raced with ideas of what to do with it when he had money.

Now he had the money, and he planned to follow through with all those ideas. Then it was to make more money, but now he just wanted to see how things would turn out.

"Well, try to find out, sir," the driver replied.

Almost immediately, David saw one of the guards in the cars in front step out as they approached some of the estate gatekeepers.

After a few minutes of talking, the two seemed to have reached an agreement before the guard walked away and re-entered his car.

"Sir, we were unable to gather any useful information, but we will look into it later."

"Oh, let's go then," David said before relaxing back in his seat.

He trusted that they would get back to him with information soon. He might not trust them as much as he would want, but he trusted the money that kept them from killing him and dumping him somewhere.

The convoy continued on its way through many places that David was used to, and similarly, the things he said he would do when he had money kept rushing into his mind.

"I had a really active imagination back then, huh?" David noted with a smile.

After about ten minutes of driving, they were in front of a gate. David couldn't see the gate for himself since he was in the car in the very middle of the entire convoy.

However, he could see the fences around the compound, and they went on for a while. David eagerly looked through his windows to see the main house itself.

But all he saw was the road, the fence, and a lone tree that towered over the fence. David had no idea that such big properties even existed at all.

Seconds later, the car slowly went into the compound, and David felt as though he had entered a whole new world.



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