Most boring guy in existence

No matter how much he looked around, this didn't seem like someone's home. The environment wasn't unfamiliar; he was just used to seeing it in institutions and government properties, not in a private residence.

After what seemed like an hour of driving, the car stopped at the designated parking spot. As soon as the door opened, David found himself standing before a giant door that looked more like the main gate to his family house.

"Welcome home, sir," the driver said as he opened the door.

Still stunned, David walked into the house, and it truly felt like he had entered a whole new world. The building was so incredibly big that even the lobby alone felt like he was standing in a hotel.

"Welcome, sir!" came a loud greeting.

Turning toward the source, David's mind finally registered the number of maids and manservants in the lobby.

"Thank you, all," David replied, composing himself a bit.

"I hoped it would be to your liking," a familiar voice said, and David recognized the familiar figure walking out of the small group.

"Mr. Obi? Wow, you guys really work fast," David said, impressed.

He knew he had gone shopping before heading here, but it had only been an hour or two since he asked the man to find him a house.

Not only did he find a house, but he also found a full set of domestic staff. If this wasn't considered quick, then he didn't know what was.

"Well, when the One-Man Nation speaks, we have no choice but to obey, and as quickly as we can."

"One-Man Nation?"

"It's your official title; you're just one man, but you're as rich as a nation—or probably even more. Do you like it?" Mr. Obi asked.

"… Who came up with such nonsense? Are you guys lacking in creativity up there or what?" David asked almost immediately.

There were so many better nicknames or official titles they could have used that would still work perfectly for his situation.

"The higher-ups."

"Of course, it's a bunch of old men… Thank you for your effort; I'll make sure to pay you for this."

"Don't worry about it, sir, just doing my job," Mr. Obi replied, giving a small bow.

"Sir, about the information you wanted," one of the guards said as he approached David.

The guard handed over an envelope, which David took. Looking at the brown file, a certain amount of fear began to rise in his heart. They had managed to gather so much information on someone in such a short amount of time.

At this point, David didn't even know how to feel but still did his best to keep his dilemma to himself.

"Thank you… Oh, and how much for the house? Let me pay you back," David asked, turning back to Mr. Obi.

"Don't worry, sir. The house is a gift from the higher-ups; your presence alone in the bank brings way more reassurance than you might think," Mr. Obi replied.

"I see. Then I won't stand on ceremony. Tell them I said thank you, and I'll eventually meet with them once I get my head in the right place," David said, before turning to follow the butler.

The butler was a young man, slightly darker in complexion than David, though David wouldn't say he was dark by any means.

"Would you like a tour of the house, sir?" the butler asked.

"No, not now. I'll do that later," David replied.

Truthfully, everything that had happened so far was still too overwhelming, even if he had kept quiet about it all this time. It felt great to have people, clearly of a higher standing, bending over backward for him.

However, it was as scary as anyone would think. Looking at the file in his hand, it finally sank in just how dangerous the world he was entering was.

In just a few words and thirty minutes, he had all the information on the estate owner. He didn't want to admit it, but such efficiency was terrifying.

"This is your room, sir," the butler said as they arrived at the master bedroom.

Opening the door, David nearly lost his mind. Even from outside, he found it difficult to believe that this was a room. The theme seemed to be minimalism, with no overly fancy decorations.

However, that didn't change the fact that he was standing in a room almost as big as a football field.

"Wow," David said, impressed.

The life of the rich really was something else. If a Lagos landlord ever got hold of this room, they would be happy for life. They could easily split it into four different rooms and rent each one out—that was just how big it was.

"If you need anything, don't hesitate to ring the bell by the desk, and someone will attend to you," the butler said, pointing to the side table by his massive bed.

"Okay. Thank you," David replied as the man left.

Dropping the bags in his hands, David immediately jumped onto the bed. The firm yet surprisingly soft padding made him relax even more.

"So, this is a king-sized bed?" David asked himself.

'Is this really the life I'll be living from now on?' he thought.

He didn't fear his situation as much as he thought he would, but he couldn't say he was used to the level of luxury and comfort he was now experiencing. First, it was the Rolls Royce, then the bodyguards; now, he had a mansion and a butler.

"Mama, your pikin don make am," David said aloud. (meaning: Mom, your child has made it)

Thinking of his family, he immediately sat up and reached for the new phone he had bought. If he was rich now, then his family also had to join him and enjoy this wealth.


A loud sound caught his attention, and he pulled out his other phone from his pocket. It was a notification from an unfamiliar number.

[Good day, sir. This is Mr. Obi. You mentioned earlier that you didn't have a bank app. This link will take you to a website to download it.]

"Is app development really that easy?" David thought to himself.

Looking at the link and the unfamiliar number, David felt suspicious. He barely trusted these people, and though he believed they wouldn't harm him, he knew they would try their best to control him.

Threats aren't the only way to keep someone in check. The saying 'kill them with kindness' existed for a reason.

To him, this link was nothing more than a means to access his phone so they could copy his files or find any dirt on him.

"Unfortunately, you guys met the most boring guy in existence," David muttered with a laugh.