chapter 5 game plan and opening night

So I learned a couple interesting things.

My seismic sense allows me to see caverns, I don't really need much oxygen to breathe anymore since I've been able to hold my breath for about 3/4 of an hour now and I don't need to breathe yet, the military is f****** crazy cuz they've been bombarding everywhere within 1 km and ending things off with red Hulk essentially going supernova and glassing everything within five kilometers.

There I was in an underground cavern with glowing crystals and what sounds like mole people everywhere, must have hit an underground civilization. Any cracks I've had in any of my scales have already healed and my ribs just feel like they're bruised no cracks anymore so add decent regeneration factor to powers A-bomb has.

Now with some actual time to myself I'm able to properly think up of a game plan but let's just say there aren't many good options. I can try going to the Avengers and see if there's an application form I can fill out, Shield will most likely try to dissect me since I'm a new gamma enhanced, and just about any other group doesn't really deal with others such as only the X-Men really deal with mutants and all the Inhumans deal with inhuman things. Is that really only leaves me two options, team a superheroes with the Hulk or go to a sketchy government agency which has a 40% chance of being infiltrated by Nazis.....

"All right time to head to New York"

I get up and when I just about to get curled up into a ball I feel massive footsteps out of something made out of metal.

"Let me guess I doomsday robot"

I go to investigate further and I indeed find a doomsday robot that is being built by these mole people which is honestly an insult to both moles and humans since somehow they are uglier than anything I could have imagined. They're short for human standards the tallest thing I see is around 4 ft 10 inches and that seems to be some sort of commander of some kind as it's up on a pedestal giving a speech of some kind.

"The surface world has seen its last sunrise, as we the molemen will conquer and enjoy the sun's rays!"

"Could you get any more stereotypical bad guy leader?" I said to myself.

"The males shall be our slaves, the women shall live only to pleasure us and give birth to more slaves, the children shall be experimented on, and the old shall be food for us and our queen!" The moleman leader said as everyone rallied behind that speech.

So that sucked away just about all sympathy I have for them, this isn't going to be a genocide or a slaughter this is going to be a pest extermination since if they see humans as nothing more than creatures to be eaten tortured slaughtered and so on, then shouldn't they be treated the same way? As my mother always says treat others the way you want to be treated so I better get ready for a bloodbath.

My first plan of action should be to get the cavern to collapse, since I don't think that they can survive a cave in. Luckily for me they had expanded the the cave artificially and put support beams in the middle of the cave for me to bulldozer through them with enough force. I may be weak by Hulk standards but smashing some pillars shouldn't be too hard. I line myself up with 3 pillars, take a few steps back, and start rolling full speed. Completely smash through the first two and get stuck on the 3rd with massive cracks all around it, by the time everyone notices I jump off the third one causing it to finally shatter allowed me to get to the fourth one and then I just smashed straight through it feet first with a flying drop kick area around the four destroyed pillars are starting to collapse. When I start running towards the 5th one a robot comes flying at me barely shorter than me at around 9 and 1/2 ft tall and goes in for haymaker managed to duck underneath and I did an upper cut straight with my spiked knuckles smashing straight through its jaw and piercing any semblanca circuit boards in its head but with my hand stuck inside it. Robot gets turned offline and I'm just running straight at the fifth pillar with a robot for a shield as a bunch of laser blasts come at me. Laser blasts destroy half of the bloody robot leaving just its head and torso still connected to my hand, shoulder tackle straight through the fifth pillar and now everything's just starting to come crashing down. The robots is just a head at this point as I rip it off and start drilling underneath to try and get away from the collapsing rocks digging my own tunnel.

Screams from everyone, everything's crashing down, I hear half of the entire Army get turned into a paste, and the robots are trying to shelter whoever is left.