Dessy and Akiya were moving towards their respective opponents.

They started exchanging blows with them. Dessy and his tundumon using their bare hands and legs whilst Akiya and his tundumon were using swords. Dessy and the tundumon were throwing punches repeatedly at each other. Left and right at an incredible speed.

"Since I'm not as skilled as Happiah or as good as using the sword like him..." He thought as he moved his right foot and set his left foot back.

"I'm gonna concentrate..." He readied his fists. "On using raw strength." He said and unleased a barrage of punches upon the tundumon. He looked for an opening and ducked.

"It's payback time." He stated with a hint of amusement in his tone sliding his opponent onto the ground and quickly got up kicking it in the gut and sending it rolling across the street and into a building. He got in front of it the moment it got up and with the speed of lightening, he started giving it multiple punches repeatedly as it gasped. Blood spilling out of it's mouth.

"I'm gonna make you pay for what you did to me." He stated again. This time with a mix of rage and amusement as he ferociously kept unleashing barrrages of blows upon it. He then held it by the dress and swung it back into the street and went after it again.

On Akiya's side, he was clashing swords with his tundumon. But this time, none of them were gaining the upper hand like at first when he kept receiving cuts.

"I see I've gotten a bit faster." He thought and gave a develish grin. "But I wanna be more faster than this. Much more faster." He thought as he started swinging his sword at an even faster rate. The tundumon started receiving multiple, shallow cuts that sting. It was moving back as Akiya was moving forward.

"Shit." It thought. "How is he suddenly moving so fast. I can barely see his movements. Why is he fired up." It thought again. Akiya looked for a slight chance and backflipped in the air as his sword disappeared and a bow appeared in hand and he shot several spears into the tundumons chest and it roared in pain. It tried taking the arrows out but Akiya moved towards it and gave it an uppercut. He jumped over it like he did with the other as it was falling back. Since, there was no other tundumon to interrupt, he took the chance. As he jumped over the tundumon while it was falling back, he gave it a spinning kick into the ground. He then jumped into the sky and fell like a rocket onto the tundumon before he backflipped three times and as he landed, he was standing back to back with Dessy again and turned around still with their backs towards each other other switching opponents in the process.

"We'll also work together." They both thought and dashed towards their new opponents. By then, the tundumons were back on their feets and were looking for their opponents but got confused when they saw different opponents. Dessy's new opponent quickly summoned a sword swinging it downwards at him which he simply avoided by swiftly moving to the side and started striking the tundumon with his right foot repeatedly. It was going back all the while as he also kept moving towards it whilst striking it with his foot. At one point, Dessy stopped and jumped back as he jumped towards it again with his feet up front. He then gave it three stomps to chest before kicking it hard at the side of it's face sending it rumbling across street.

Akiya was clashing swords with his new opponent as it also started receiving shallow cuts that sting. At one point, Akiya's sword disappeared as he ducked and gave it a strong punch to the stomach as it's sword also disappeared and it clutched it's stomach and went down on it's knees.

"How.....did you.....get so strong.....all of a sudden."

"It's surprising isn't it?" Akiya asked as he went down on one knee with a smirk on his face. "But do you know what's more surprising?" He asked as his smirk turned into a develish grin.

"Huh? What?" The tundumon asked in pain.

"I don't know why myself." He stated and laughed menacingly before he held it by the shirt and threw it across the street.

The tundumon Dessy kicked was also coming it's way and with their backs facing each other, they collided and fell hard to the ground.

"Hey....... You okay?" One asked the other as they were getting up.

"To be honest, I'm not in a good shape." The other answered coughing up blood as it was getting up.

"Same here." The other one also said as it tasted blood. "Little brats." It said as it spat the blood out and they were fully up. "I'M GONNA K..." It stopped in it's tracks when the two appeared in front of them while they still had their backs facing each other.

"DO WHAT?" Akiya said still with a develish grin as the two unleashing barrrages of punches upon the tundumons. They ended by giving them uppercuts which sent them up into the sky. The two jumped up following them while spinning forward with one leg at the side and the other in front. Upon catching up to them in the night sky whilst still spinning, they hit them with the back of their legs as they were sent falling like rockets and crashing hard into the ground. The two boys also then fell like rockets on top of the tundumons as a strong gust of wind blew across the area. After the impact, the boys jumped away from the tundumons in opposite directions as they waited for the smokes to settle.

But all of a sudden, from the smokes, lightening was sent Dessy's way and fire was sent Akiya's way.

"Shit." Dessy thought.

"I thought.....that was it." Happiah also thought.

"How did they suddenly..." Dessy thought.

"No." Akiya thought

"I can't let it end here." Dessy thought as blue aura started emanating around him.

"I'm won't let it end here." Akiya thought as red aura started emanating around him.

"I'M NOT GONNA DIE HERE/ I'M NOT GONNA DIE HERE." Both Dessy and Akiya shouted as the lightening made contact with Dessy and Happiah got engulfed in the flames. The attack which made contact with Dessy created smokes around him and the flames were still around Akiya so they couldn't be seen. The people who were watching thought both boys were dead.

"Foolish boys." One tundumon said.

"They really thought they could beat us." The other one seconded.

"They should have known from the beginning that they're not match for-" The tundumon was cut short when it noticed someone standing in the flames. "What!"

The other tundumon also looked through the smokes to see sparkles of lightening as someone starts walking out.

"What the-" It said.

The person walks out and reveals that it's Dessy as lightening keeps flashing around him.

The other tundumon also watches as the other person walks out of the flames and reveals that it's Akiya as someone parts of his body were on fire.

"Thank you..." Dessy started.

"For helping us awaken our powers." Akiya ended.

"What!" One tundumon said.

"But how?" The other one questioned.

"We'll end this-" Akiya said

"Once and for all." Dessy added as the lightening around him gets intense and huge aura of flames start whirling around Akiya.

"I don't like where this is going." Both tundumons thought to themselves.

Dessy shoots his lightening into the sky and Akiya absorbs the flames into his hands.

"Celestial-" Dessy says as he gathers the lightening over the tundumon he was facing from his side.

"Subterranean-" Akiya also said. The tundumons looked in fright.

"bolt/ eruption." They both added as Dessy releases the lightening unto the tundumon facing him and Akiya smacks his hands on the ground and the fire is released and passes through the ground all the way to the tundumon facing him and shoots upwards burning it up. Both tundumons dropped dead unto the ground after the attacks on them.

Dessy and Akiya were breathing heavily after the attacks before Dessy widens his eyes in shock of what he just did.

He looked over to the arm guards on his arms and sees it turn blue with lightening-like designs on it.

"Did I just do that?" He asks himself

Akiya also looked at his arm guards and sees it turn red with flame-like designs on it.

"Wow!" He said to himself.

Everyone hiding got out and surrounding them as applause, cheers and whistles could be heard from them. Especially the girls of their age.

"Wow, they're so cool." One of the girls said.

"I know right." Seconded another.

"They really are?" Said another holding her phone. She took a video of the whole thing and underneath she typed: 'Check out how these guys turned the tables on the tundumons'. She posted it on social media.

"This is gonna go viral by tomorrow." She said to herself.

Akiya was running towards Dessy and waving his hand.

"Hey Dessy, we did it." He shouted as he got close to him

"Yeah, we really did." Dessy said and was about to ran to Akiya as he suddenly started loosing consciousness. He had used up a lot of energy and it was taking effect on his body. The last thing he heard was Akiya calling his name before he fell completely unconscious.