Dessy slowly opened his eyes and found himself on a bed. He looked to the side and saw a doctor writing something in a book. He blinked for a few seconds to clear the blurriness in eyes and looked again. He remembered him from earlier.

"Oh, you're awake."


"How are you feeling?"

"I think I'm okay." He said and tried sitting up but felt a sharp pain in his head. He flinched and lied back down.

"Don't.... You have to get enough rest. You took quite a beating." Dessy realised he had bandages wrapped around both arms. "I'm quite surprised you were able to defeat a tundumon. It might have been a low grade but you did quite well. In fact, you were amazing."

"Wait how did you-"

"I saw the video." The doctor said and took out his phone."

"Video?" The doctor showed him the video of the fight.

"Oh." Was all he could say while watching the video. "Umm, how long have I been asleep?"

He asked still watching. He couldn't take his eyes off the phone.

"Uuh, fourteen to fifteen hours. I think."

"Really?" His eyes moved down the screen and fell on something. He widened his eyes in shock.


"Hey calm down. Don't get too excited okay?"

"I'm not excited I'm just shocked."

"Is that so? I take it you're excited 'cause you're famous now."

"Uh.... W- well, w- wait.... where's Akiya?"

"He left a while ago."


"Yeah. He seemed more okay than you are. Frankly speaking, he's well built. I'm sure he's been doing intensive training ever since he awakened his rubidstone.But it seemed like he was unable to unlock his ability until the fight last night."


"Yeah. But yours was different. You were able to awaken your rubidstone and unlock your ability in one night. You're really lucky."


"I think you should also start working out as well. School begins a few months from now."

"Huh?" Dessy looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I've already started working on your doctor's approval papers so all you have to do is train your body and with your powers as well."

"Yeah, you're right. What I did back there was probably just a fluke." He looked into his palm. "So I'm gonna work very hard till I can fight like that again someday." He made his hand into a fist.

"No. I'm gonna get even stronger." He thought. "So that I can stand at the top. I want to become the most strongest warrior that ever lived. And then I'll bring this war to an end this war once and for all."

"Thank you so much doc."

"No need to thank me. I'm just doing my job." The doctor said and started walking away. " Oh, and before I go, you have visitors." He said and opened the door. "You can come in now." He walked out and two people walked in. A man and a woman.

"Mom, Dad!"

"Son!" They both ran to his side and his mother held his hand. She was a bit taller than he was and had gold hair.

"Are you okay?" She asked. "Are you hurt? Do you feel pains in any part of your body-"

"Mom!" He caught her attention. "I'm okay." He said with a smile. "There's no need for you to worry. I'm fine, really." His mother started tearing up.

"Thank goodness." She hugged him.

"You got us worried sick." His father said and placed one hand on his shoulder. "I'm glad you're okay." He smiled. He was tall with broad shoulders and had white hair.

"But.... how'd you get into that fight in the first place." Dessy flinched at that question.

"Umm... There was a... little girl in caught up in front of a tundumon and... There were no warriors around. I wanted to run in the beginning but... I just couldn't. She was crying... trembling... afraid. I just couldn't leave her there. It was about to kill her and the next thing I knew... I had hit the tundumon. And I only realised it after I'd done it. I'm sorry if I made you worry." He explained looking down.

"It's okay just... Be a little more careful next time." His father said with a reassuring smile. "I'm proud of you for being able to save that girl."

He smiled at his father's words

"Thanks Dad."

"You should rest now. We'll come pick you up later okay."

"Okay Dad." And with that they left.

On a building close to the hospital, a dark cloaked figure grins widely in excitement.

"I finally found you." He said in a deep but calm voice. He was holding a pair of binoculars and looking at Dessy. "But the killing is gonna have to wait for another time." Enjoy the rest of your filthy lives while you still can." He said and faded into the shadows disappearing.

Dessy laid on the hospital bed for a while and tried to sleep when someone else entered. It was a little girl. He was about to say something when he realised her as the girl he saved.

"You... You are...." He trailed off as the girl ran to him with tears in her eyes. She jumped on him the moment she got there and hugged him.

"Aargh. It hurts."

"You're okay. I'm so glad that you're okay." She said in tears. Dessy looked down at her before he smiled and hugged her back.

"I'm glad I got to save you."

"Really? Wasn't I just a burden unto you?" She looked up at Dessy.

"Not at all. I actually wanted to run in the beginning but... I just couldn't. I just couldn't leave while you were in danger. That was when my rubidstone awakened." He gave her a big smile. "So I'm really glad." The girl wiped her tears away and hugged him once more.

"Umm... Could you get off me please. My chest hurts."

"Oh, sorry." She said with a slight blush and was about to get up when someone else also entered. It was Akiya. His neck and arms were wrapped with bandages. The smile he came in with suddenly disappeared as he froze in place.

He looked at the girl and over to Dessy.

"Umm, H- hey Akiya. Is something... wrong?"

Akiya walked in and closed the door behind him. A dark aura surrounding him.

"What do you think you're doing to my sister. He asked in a deep, threatening voice. Dessy was shivering in fright.

"Sh- she's your s- s- sister?" He gulped. "I- I'm not d- d- doing anything to her I s- s- swear."

"First you touch my sister." Akiya started and looked straight into his eyes. "And now you're denying it to my face." Shivers ran down Dessy's spine.

"Die." He said in a deep but calm voice.