Chapter 50: A conventional weapon

Looking at the figures before his eyes, Light felt a mixture of surprise and disappointment. The Fate points he had accumulated, which had once seemed so substantial, now seemed like a drop in a vast and frightening ocean.

'Is a hundred thousand points the price of greatness?' he reflected internally, pondering the information before him. He had perhaps naively imagined that his ten thousand points could catapult him straight to the pinnacle of power, elevating him to the level of a Super Demon. However, the figures were clear and uncompromising in their verdict: he still had a long journey ahead of him.

After a quick analysis, he realized that his current power placed him among the Supreme Class Demon Princes. The ascending ladder of power seemed to extend indefinitely: Duke, Archduke, King, Great King, Satan and, finally, the elusive Super Devil. The points required for each progression were exorbitant, and the final tally, the coveted hundred thousand points, seemed like a distant mirage.

While these turbulent thoughts occupied his mind, an intermittent notification on his cell phone caught his attention. 'Ah, a message from mom,' he remembered. Sliding his fingers across the screen, he quickly typed a reply, explaining the unexpected event that had prevented him from attending his previous appointment. He knew his mother would be sympathetic; she would probably understand.

'Should I go ahead now or wait?' Light contemplated. As tempting as an immediate jump to Duke level would have been, Light decided to take his time. After all, he had no idea when Irina and Xenovia would wake up, and he wasn't in such a hurry to progress.

For now, he concluded that without a worthy opponent, caution would be his best ally.


The ranking for advancement using Destiny points is as follows:

Duke: 2,500 Destiny points.

Archduke: Points required to advance to the rank of Duke: 5,000 Destiny points. Total points accumulated up to this rank: 7,500 Destiny points.

King: Points required to advance to the rank of Archduke: 10,000 Destiny points. Total points accumulated up to this rank: 17,500 Destiny points.

Great King: Points required to advance to the rank of King: 15,000 Destiny points. Total accumulated score up to this rank: 32,500 Destiny points.

Satan: Points required to advance to the rank of Great King: 20,000 Destiny points. Total accumulated score up to this rank: 52,500 Destiny points.

Super Devil: Points needed to advance from Satan rank: 47,500 Destiny points. Total points accumulated to reach this supreme rank: 100,000 Destiny points.


Faced with a monumental decision, Light carefully weighed up his options. He knew that if he could increase his strength through his own merits, he wouldn't need to spend all his Destiny points. The idea of achieving progress through genuine effort was appealing. That way, he could fully internalize and master the new power he had gained, making it a natural extension of himself.

With this in mind, he considered investing in a training room rather than opting for immediate advancement through points. 'If I dedicate myself to training and perhaps improving my skills, I can not only save points, but also familiarize myself with my enhanced power,' he thought.

'I'll give it a try,' he whispered to himself, 'I'll invest a year in the training room and, in the end, evaluate the difference in cost. If the savings are significant, I'll know I've made the right choice. I'll treat the whole thing as an experiment.

[Irina was actually a girl... And what did she mention about Ddraig being one of the Two Heavenly Dragons and being called the Red Dragon, or the Welsh Dragon, who now resides in my body? Was I destined for such greatness? How ironic... If I hadn't turned into a woman, perhaps in the future I would be a majestic dragon among men, surrounded by beautiful women and... breasts? By the way, where did my beautiful girlfriend, Yuuma, disappear to?"]

Light turned the information over in his mind, connecting the loose pieces.

"So it was true," he muttered to himself. "She really did talk to him about it. I knew the two of them were watching Issei to recruit or kill him. As for Yuuma... it's strange that she's disappeared, but at least I know where her base is.'

Raising his head, Light decided to take a closer look at the current events surrounding Issei Hyoudou. What he discovered took him by surprise. Issei's transformation into a woman had not only granted him a physically stronger body, but had also infused him with the essence of a dragon.

'Tonight,' Light thought, 'Issei will finally communicate with Ddraig.

And although Issei was predestined for a great future, this recent gender change could alter pre-established relationships, especially with female protagonists.

The gears in Light's mind began turning rapidly, trying to find a solution.

With tactical foresight and a keen awareness of the dangers around them, Light pondered Issei. Although he recognized the young man's aptitude, he knew that there were risks inherent in Issei's growing power, all the more so because he carried the blood of a dragon. This factor made everything even more uncertain and potentially dangerous. Light wondered how long he would have to wait before he could really deal with Issei.

So, driven by implacable determination, he made a grim decision. From his [Inner World], he summoned the dreaded Death Note.

'Let's see how it goes,' he muttered to himself, wondering if the Death Note would be powerful enough to take down someone with Issei's fortune, especially after his encounter with Ddraig. However, an idea occurred to him: what if he enhanced the Death Note with the Star Multiplier?

Under this logic, any power the Death Note had could be amplified to unknown magnitudes. He began to enchant the Death Note, then applied the Star Multiplier. The book reacted instantly, emitting a supernatural glow, while its pages pulsed with an enigmatic energy.

Without hesitation, Light's hand moved, writing "Issei Hyoudou" in the book, clearly visualizing the young man's face in his mind. As the cause of death, he specified something as bizarre as it was unexpected: "Died after being crushed by a crashed spaceship".

This peculiar choice of death was in line with his plans for Ghi Bree's imminent appearance at the school. Determined to link the two events and ensure an accurate outcome, Light wrote "Ghi Bree" on the Death Note, thinking of his image from the anime, but portraying him in reality, determining that he would die by "The spaceship explodes with him inside".

As soon as Light placed his pen in the Death Note, an extraordinary phenomenon occurred. An intense beam of dark light emanated from the book, ripping through the shadows of the room.

This was the first time he had witnessed such an event, and his eyes were fixed, fascinated, on the dark, faded beam of light.

With his wits about him, Light had a vision. 'Could the Death Note really be a Curse Grimoire?' he pondered. The theory made sense in his mind.

Regardless of his assumptions, the fate of Light's actions would be revealed the next day. Certainty about the effectiveness of this approach remained a mystery for the time being.

However, he couldn't help but notice a curious detail: the 'curse', materialized in the form of this black light, seemed to bifurcate, with one part deliberately heading towards Issei Hyoudou and the other, on an upward trajectory, towards the vast cosmos.

From one of the rooms, the sound of raised voices echoed down the corridor, reminding Light of that mother in the supermarket who couldn't control her fickleness. Without seeing, he could already imagine what was happening.

Leaving his room, his eyes met a scene full of tension. Himari was face to face with Xenovia and Irina. Their flushed faces and heated expressions indicated that it was the latter two who had raised their voices, apparently looking for Light, wanting to confront him.

Trying to diffuse the tense atmosphere, Light intervened, gently placing his little finger on her ear and showing an expression of slight discomfort: "I'm here. You don't have to shout."