Chapter 51: A Friendly Intruder

Suddenly, a heavy silence dominated the room. The atmosphere was thick with tension. Irina, in her defiant posture, tried to hide the turbulence bubbling up inside her. Light's eyes twinkled with amusement, seeming to enjoy revealing hard truths and stirring up hidden emotions.

"You can't joke about such serious matters," Irina challenged, her voice fluctuating between anger and fear.

Light, in his relaxed demeanor, flashed a mischievous and provocative smile. "I've already told you," he began, settling comfortably on the sofa, "the truth has its own weight. And sometimes it's hard to bear that truth." He paused, looking intently at Irina. "Do you really want to know? Or do you prefer to live in illusion?"

Himari, previously silent, felt a chill when she heard these words. The mention of God's death echoed in her mind, bringing up a host of questions and fears. However, she recovered quickly; the impact was not so significant for her.

Lala Belia, on the other hand, was listening to everything through the window. Her face was full of surprise at finding Light next to two fallen angels... and on good terms after the disappearance she ended up having with Momo.

"You're crazy to have made me come here, sister..." Lala whispered, listening to all the talk going on in the room.

Xenovia seemed to have been hit harder than anyone else; the spark that once shone in her eyes seemed to have been replaced by a fog of uncertainty. She repeated to herself, almost like a mantra, in an attempt to process the information: "God is dead..."

Irina, on the other hand, seemed more determined and indignant. Her defensive posture displayed a mixture of anger and despair. "I don't accept your words as truth," she said defiantly to Light, "I'll find the answers for myself!" Her determined steps took her to the door, but before she left completely, she cast a glance at Xenovia, a glance containing a silent plea. "Will you come with me, Xenovia?"

Xenovia hesitated for a brief moment. Her eyes alternated between Light, with his enigmatic expression, and Irina, who was impatiently waiting for her. Finally, taking a deep breath to gather her courage, she replied: "I'm with you".

With that, the two women left the place, leaving a trail of tension and uncertainty in their wake.

Lala ended up running to another corner of the house unnoticed, Xenovia and Irina in the backyard felt that there might be someone watching them... but after continuing to try to find out, they gave up and left the place.

The atmosphere, once saturated with tension and worry, seemed to have returned to relative normality, thanks to Light's serenity. He calmly watched the door through which Irina and Xenovia had left, but his calm expression betrayed no discomfort. To him, it was as if a pawn on a chessboard had been moved exactly as he had predicted. And strategically, in his mind, he was already anticipating Asia Argento's arrival. If everything went according to plan... his deep relationship with Asia wouldn't be detailed with just anyone.

Distracting Light from his deep thoughts, a common person came through the window of the room where both girls were resting to leave the next day.

Light, surprised by the girl who had arrived... recognized with the naked eye who she was, and this left his expression cold and without any way to react to it.

"Light? Is everything all right?" Lala asks politely, her tone of voice eventually entering Light's mind... making him think.

The two stared at each other. Light remained in an indeterminate silence and tried to find a way to respond to the girl in front of him.

Light, despite having temporarily abandoned Momo, was worried after all that. Lala's concern only increased because of what had happened.

Just then Konjiki no Yami came through the door to greet Light and Lala as they stood face to face.

"What's going on?" Yami asked as he tidied his hair and approached the two, who remained silent.

Wrapped up in his thoughts, a thought about Momo and Irina deliberately popped into Light's mind.

{Will Irina soon become an angelic reincarnation? On reflection, it's interesting to note that the Brave Saint system was instituted after the peace treaty between the Three Great Factions was concluded. This system was a kind of response to the innovation of the Devil's Evil Pieces and the advanced technology of the Fallen Angels' Artificial Sacred Gears. The main aim was to provide the Angels with a means of increasing their numbers, since the creation of new celestial beings was no longer a task they could entrust exclusively to God. However, it is important to mention that the members of the Brave Saints are exclusive to the Seraphim}.

{The complexity of the Brave Saints system, developed by Heaven in inspiration of the Evil Pieces mechanism, manifests itself in a set of 13 unique cards. They are held by Seraphim and high-ranking angels. The purpose of these cards is to enable the reincarnation of other entities as Angels. And it's intriguing to note that these high-ranking angels can choose the "costume" they want. For example, Michael chooses the Swords ♠, Gabriel prefers the Cups ♥, Raphael likes the Clubs ♣ and Uriel identifies with the Diamonds ♦. The vast majority of reincarnated Angels come from ex-humans}.

{There is a marked difference between the approach of Heaven and that of the Demons with regard to reincarnations. While the Demons look for beings with immense power, not putting much emphasis on origin or species, the Heavens are more selective. They choose to reincarnate humans who are not only talented, but also possess an unshakeable faith and a "pure heart". In this context, I still see a chance for Irina and perhaps even Xenovia and Asia to reincarnate. However, this transition would only materialize after the consolidation of peace between the Three Great Factions...}

[As for Momo, after all that has happened, her discovery about the lack of appreciation she felt for herself and that Yuki was never able to reciprocate this to her in an equal way... her certainty about her mental state is unknown, and leaving that letter on top of Yuki's corpse, may have left her with a huge shock].