"Day on Route 6"

Today, Jett and I woke up early at the pokémon Center in Vermilion City. We made sure we had everything we needed before heading out to Route 6, which turned out to be longer than most people think. According to what we learned at the pokémon Center, depending on your pace, reaching the Underground Path can take two to three days. As we were leaving Vermilion, we both felt a slight nervousness; Surge, the Gym Leader, seemed to fix his gaze on us right before we exited the city. His look was intense, as if he were assessing us, and for a moment, we wondered if he had discovered our purpose in the region. Nonetheless, we continued on our way without saying a word.

The journey along Route 6 was calm, and we walked, taking in the scenery until we saw dusk approaching. We decided to set up camp near a lake, taking advantage of the chance to rest. I used the time to observe the local nature. From our spot, I could see groups of Oddish playing together, Mankeys battling flocks of Pidgeys for the best trees to live in, Abras floating as they slept, teleporting away when disturbed, and Rattatas fighting over berries, all while avoiding trainers to evade capture. It made me think about catching a new companion; while Slugma is strong, he won't be able to handle everything on his own. Everything was peaceful, but I couldn't help but think about how this tranquility might shatter at any moment, not just because of the challenges and adventures that every trainer seeks on their journey, but also due to the aims and ambitions of my own region, Hoenn, which is desperately looking to expand after the incidents caused by Maxie and Archie and their respective groups.

I remember that day vividly legendary pokémon, once considered myths, rampaging through everything in their path, bringing either a scorching sun or a flood depending on which part of the region you were in. I don't know what went through Maxie and Archie's minds to think it was a good idea, but the number of deaths, injuries, destroyed homes, and devastated landscapes that had to be restored was substantial, even with the help of hundreds of high-level pokémon and people working together.

Anyway, back to our journey—For dinner, we prepared a simple stew with Oran berries we'd gathered in the forest, along with some sausages. It was a modest meal but satisfying. Just after we finished eating, a couple of campers arrived in the area and started setting up their own camp. They introduced themselves as Jeff and Isabelle, and it seemed they were a couple. They kept chatting with us until they finally challenged us to a double battle before bed.

We accepted, and Jett and I sent out Voltorb and Slugma to face off against their Pidgey and Raticate. It was a quick, straightforward battle; we defeated them easily, and at last, they let us get some rest.

That's how we ended the day, tired but satisfied. Tomorrow, we'll continue our journey toward Mt. Moon.