**Chapter 58: Puppet Design and Creation **

How precious is chakra-conducting metal? Just look at Konoha's Asuma Sarutobi. His father is Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage of Konoha Village, and he himself is a Jonin of the Konoha Ninja Village, as well as a young clan leader of the Sarutobi family. 

Despite his prestigious background, the chakra-conducting metal he possesses is only enough for two knuckle blades. For most people, even a tiny amount of this metal is incredibly difficult to acquire, let alone forging a weapon entirely from it. At best, some rare alloyed weapons might contain a trace, crafted to enhance a beloved weapon's power.

Hattori understood this rarity, so when he learned that Lady Chiyo planned to reward him with some, he felt like he could fly from joy. "That's amazing! I just hope it's enough. If there isn't much, I'll have to make the control levers and buttons a bit smaller."

Caught in a mix of excitement and worry, Hattori didn't notice Chiyo's sly smile as she turned and walked off with an empty lunch box. Once Chiyo left, Hattori came to his senses and smacked his thigh. "What am I thinking? The puppet isn't even finished yet! No time to waste daydreaming!" 

Only one of his Sword Master puppets was completed, and he still had eleven Puppet left to create! Plus, maintaining the Yin Seal took a lot of energy, meaning he had to sleep to recharge his chakra reserves. With time so limited, he really couldn't afford to dawdle.

With renewed focus, he returned to his puppet work. Deep in concentration, he didn't realize that the schematic he had just finished drawing had vanished. Meanwhile, Chiyo, already outside the warehouse, pulled drawing from her sleeve with admiration. 

"What a genius! This design is simply out of this world—revolutionary, even. With such talent, he's sure to become a master puppeteer, maybe even reach Monzaemon's level."

Monzaemon was the founder of puppet techniques, so her compliment meant a great deal. But Hattori was unaware of this high praise as he worked on the second Sword Master puppet. 

As the saying goes, "Once you've done it once, it gets easier." With his first puppet's experience under his belt, the second one was coming together much faster. Since the storeroom had plenty of semi-finished materials, he only needed to modify them slightly for the Sword Master puppet. And without complicated mechanisms, it was essentially a well-crafted doll once armed.

After another half hour, the second Sword Master puppet was assembled. Then, he spent an additional hour and a half giving it a customized finish—essentially adding a new skin. With such a simple structure, it had to look stylish to deserve its Level 20 puppet rank.

Time flew by as he worked. Just as he finished the third Sword Master puppet, he heard Mizusuna calling at the door.

"Master Hattori, I've brought your meal!" 

"Oh, come in!" Hattori stretched and yawned as Mizusuna entered, handing over a hot bento box.

"It's still warm, Master Hattori, so eat up before it gets cold!" 

"Thanks!" Hattori took the bento and began eating, nodding as he tasted it. 

"Not bad! Mizusuna, your cooking's really improved—it's almost as good as Karura's!" 

With a giggle, Mizusuna replied, "Actually, Lady Karura made it herself!" 

"Ah, that explains why it tastes so familiar… The tofu's really great!"

Hattori quickly finished the bento and handed the empty box back to Mizusuna. 

"I'm full. You can head back. I'll be here for a while, so keep an eye on things at the hospital and let me know if there are any issues." 

"Understood, Master Hattori. Take care!" 

After Mizusuna left, Hattori jumped back into puppet-making, now on his fourth Sword Master. Outside, the sky had begun to darken, but he hadn't noticed; he was too absorbed in his work. It wasn't until fatigue hit him that he realized his chakra was almost depleted. Startled, he set the puppet aside and went to bed to recover.

He slept until midday, waking only when Mizusuna arrived with his next meal.

"Master Hattori, time to eat!" 

"Mmm…" Yawning, Hattori rubbed his eyes and got up, sleepily washed his face, and took the bento from Mizusuna, eating in a half-asleep daze. 

When he finished, rice grains clung to his face, making Mizusuna chuckle as she wiped it with a towel. 

"You work so hard, Master Hattori! It's okay to take it easy once in a while!" 

"That's not an option!" he replied with a shake of his head. "Once I decide to do something, I have to finish it quickly, or I'll just pile up more work and never get to rest." 

He slapped his face lightly to perk himself up, then struck a triumphant pose. 

"I'm a puppeteer! I love making puppets. Crafting puppets makes me happy. I'm completely absorbed in it!" He finished with a loud hiccup.

Mizusuna: "…" 

*(End of Chapter)*