The arrest


We arrived home without any hassle, Rowan had called ahead and demanded for a doctor to check me out.

The guards were waiting for me at the entrance, their eyes were wide when they saw how disheveled we were but I wasn't in the mood to explain to them.

Rowan stuck to me like glue, he had freaked out when he saw the blood on my forehead and he refused to leave my side. I didn't fight him on it because I knew how much I loved having his attention.

 As soon as we stepped out of the car, I was surprised to see the cops cars in the house. Detective Hansen stood at the forefront with a scowl, holding out a pair of handcuffs.

"I didn't expect to see you so soon, detective."

"Well, me neither but I told you, I would be seeing you real soon. You have had quite a day."

"You don't know half of it," I informed him.